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Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

Last posted Jul 27, 2024 at 05:13AM EDT. Added Oct 26, 2021 at 11:27PM EDT
849 posts from 106 users

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Post opinions that are controversial, or would get you buried in downvotes.

I'll start with a meta one:
I don't think all opinions in these kinds of threads need to be unpopular. If someone posts an unpopular opinion, and another person replies defending a popular opinion, then that can be a useful way to gauge popularity.

I think horny memes are insufferable and almost aggressively unfunny

If I hear another statement about handholding or breast milk I am busting out the nine, the ten, and the twenty-one

Also I think Nintendo isn't the worst video game company ever to exist. They do bullshit that I despise on a personal and ethical level for sure, but compared to the homogeny of Ubisoft, the avarice and sexpestery of Activision, and 2K Games existing, they're hardly even close in terms of awfulness. It helps that their in-houses produce actual distinct video games.

I don't like twitch streamers or streaming in general, I always considered it to be a digital age version of busking. Overinflated egos and insufferable audiences the more popular they are is what I dislike the most. This extends to vtubers as well. I consider a lot of them just a notch above your average ethot if I want to be mean about it, but I know that isn't true. I understand their appeal as a self-professed weeb, but vtubers don't do it for me at all.

Wilm210 wrote:

I don't like twitch streamers or streaming in general, I always considered it to be a digital age version of busking. Overinflated egos and insufferable audiences the more popular they are is what I dislike the most. This extends to vtubers as well. I consider a lot of them just a notch above your average ethot if I want to be mean about it, but I know that isn't true. I understand their appeal as a self-professed weeb, but vtubers don't do it for me at all.

Curious, does all this extend to youtubers too rather than only streamers? If not, why?

Last edited Oct 27, 2021 at 08:38AM EDT

xoxin wrote:

Curious, does all this extend to youtubers too rather than only streamers? If not, why?

In their relation to "twitch style" content then yes, but I find the term youtubers to be more nebulous as they can produce wildly varying content. I suppose you could call someone like Mark Felton Productions (he covers obscure military history) or low hanging fruit like Keemstar both youtubers and still be technically correct.

I just think most streamers don't offer anything really special, be it playing video games, reacting to stuff, or shoving their tits in front of a camera. I don't hold any genuine animosity towards them, I just personally don't find it entertaining. My loss I suppose.

I'll echo Talkie Toaster's part about Nintendo specifically. Yes the business side of the company has issues, but the devs are amazing, and I'm almost certain anyone who legit says "Nintendo is literally the worst" are likely just PlayStation, Xbox, or PC elitists who are just jealous Nintendo's not a third party company putting games on their platform of choice. Like are you seriously gonna tell me Nintendo is as bad as EA, a company that regularly buys and shuts down smaller studios? (Nintendo have worked to improve the work culture in their own studios, like eliminating crunch from Retro Studios after Retro's old CEO made them crunch during the development of Prime 1) As bad as Konami, a company who abandoned their past to get into gambling and when they do make a game in-house it's typically shit? As bad as Activision-Blizzard, who treat their employees like shit? Come the fuck on, C&Ding fan games and releasing a slightly wonky N64 emulator that is more than likely gonna be fixed over time is no where near as bad as what those aforementioned companies do to not only consumers, but their own fucking workers. Compared to those companies, Nintendo is arguably the most "employee friendly" and shit even consumer friendly AAA company today because they treat their employees well and like 90% of their game output is stuff worth playing.

Another unpopular opinion: despite my hate for Activision, I actually do like Call of Duty and want to get Vanguard to show support for Sledgehammer, the ones who actually made the game. Yes I wish all my money was going to them rather than Bobby Kotick (probably the only part of this opinion that's not unpopular), but that's the evil I'll have to deal with I guess.

-Brawl to this day is my favorite Smash Bros game / fighting game, but not in it's default state. Brawl Minus is probably my most favorite mod all time and I'd play that game any time. PM is also fun in it's own ways.
-I don't really like Melee all that much, but there's a rebalance mod of the game that I've had some fun with called SD Remix.
-I think the 3ds version of Smash bros was better than the Wii u in many ways (mainly because of smash run and multiplayer maps)
-Ultimate easily has the best character roster, but I just can't enjoy that game for a number of reasons.
-Basically my thoughts on Smash as a franchise.

Similar to my internet/meme opinion, anime is in a similar boat for me. It’s both too main stream and bloated beyond belief. There’s just so many series that feel like stuff you’d see in the discount movie bin at Walmart or Target nowadays. Yeah there’s series that are amazing and rightfully deserving of praise and recognition but a lot of them are always on the forefront of people’s perception of anime. I like how anime and manga is becoming a more mainstream style form of entertainment nowadays but it feels almost stuffy with how alot of anime is in every average Joe or average Janes top 5 is the same.

Nuclear Weapons and Mutually Assured Destruction are good things because they've effectively prevented another massive, global-scale war between industrial superpowers through fear of the conflict turning Nuclear, only allowing for much smaller proxy wars and asymmetric insurgency-related conflicts with notably smaller death tolls and the vast majority of collateral damage and carnage as a result of said conflicts localized entirely to a few historically unstable areas.

Therefore, Nuclear disarmament would unwise as not only would it allow for another war comparable or possibly even larger than WWII to occur, but due to the fact that certain regimes are considerably untrustworthy, we cannot rule out the fact they could and in all honesty, probably would consider faking their disarmament and then launching a one-sided Nuclear attack without fear of any effective retaliation, or simply threaten to, effectively holding the rest of the world at ransom.

Engaging with a community or fandom at a surface casual level should not get you labeled as part of that group with the same hardcore label as those who actively engage on it.

If someone just plays Candy Crush and nothing else, everyone agrees that that is not a gamer. If someone watches Dragon Ball Z and nothing else, everyone agrees that that is not a weeb. So I never understood why jacking it to animal-like characters gets you labed as a furry. That is literally the least compromising level of engagement you can have with furry media and the community besides watching Looney Toons. There are dozens of activities deeper on the furry iceberg that take a lot of time, effort and money that you could be doing that millions of furries indeed do every day, but you just do the one thing that even people not interested in furries have admitted to have at least entertained at some point and that is somehow enough for just this one group and nothing else out there.

If we are not calling people jacking it to 2B gamers or people jacking it to Bulma weebs, I do not see how people jacking it to Lola Bunny are furries unless they go deeper down that path and also cum on a pizza thinking of Lola or some shit.

I think labels in general are arbitrary because they only exist when we believe them to.
Of course, trying to not care which labels one has or lacks can be difficult, especially when others keep insisting they fit or don’t fit in whatever category is conceptualized. And attempting to define oneself is further frustrated when the meaning of a given label changes. It’s not always futile, but it can certainly feel like it at times.
Picking labels skillfully, willing to replace or remove them if they become useless helps.

Last edited Oct 28, 2021 at 04:03PM EDT

I don't find girls with tattoos attractive anymore.
Back in the day it was something cool because it was related to the "underground subcultures": skating, punk-rock, goths, emo, etc, a symbol of rebellion and not giving a shit about what the others might think about your appearance, but with the time it become just another sign of: "I swear I'm not like the other girls, guise!" (bonus points if she is a cosplayer/model with an onlyfans account). And I fear that is slowly happening to the goth girls, or already happened I dunno.

That being said, if I ever happen to date an attractive girl with tattoos, better be a badass Yakuza tattoo and not just some pikachu on her ankle or the triforce symbol over the shoulder. (Yes, I'm aware tattoos are quite expensive, and it can be painful to have one, but at least put some effort if you're gonna have ink permanently on your skin).

Talkie Toaster wrote:

I think horny memes are insufferable and almost aggressively unfunny

If I hear another statement about handholding or breast milk I am busting out the nine, the ten, and the twenty-one

Also I think Nintendo isn't the worst video game company ever to exist. They do bullshit that I despise on a personal and ethical level for sure, but compared to the homogeny of Ubisoft, the avarice and sexpestery of Activision, and 2K Games existing, they're hardly even close in terms of awfulness. It helps that their in-houses produce actual distinct video games.

I second this with horny memes. They don't really elicit much or any laughter for me whatsoever. Something like handholding or missionary for the sole purpose of procreations was funny back then for me the first time hearing it but now it's not even really much funny. I may as well add that I can't see much appeal in similar memes like Bowsette when they were a thing. Yeah they look nice for some people and all but I can't really get into it.

Far as worst company goes, that sort of thing is so varied that one may as well ask "okay so why is Nintendo the worst?" We seen worst examples from the companies you listed. Nintendo bad because what, Sakurai didn't give us one specific character in Smash or we didn't get Mother 3? That's no where near something scummy like EA doing lootboxes or Ubisoft having its share of sexpest, and Activision topping Ubisoft by way of things like "Cosby Suite" and all the horrid things going on in Blizzard.

Dating in 2021 fucking sucks and my generation (Zoomer) ruined it for everyone. For some reason my generation overly romanticized the idea of love and a relationship til they get in one and realize it’s not all sunshine rainbows and happiness. Doesn’t help that hookup culture is so prevalent and common.

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

Dating in 2021 fucking sucks and my generation (Zoomer) ruined it for everyone. For some reason my generation overly romanticized the idea of love and a relationship til they get in one and realize it’s not all sunshine rainbows and happiness. Doesn’t help that hookup culture is so prevalent and common.

Yeah I agree with this, nowadays you might be often better off single

I like sequels. Sometimes you want something playing while working or cooking or trying to sleep, and it's annoying spending twenty minutes deciding what to play. But when you have a movie series, even if they suck, you don't have to put much thought into it. You just play the next one. It's good for shutting off the brain and not having to make a decision.

Pokemon Sword/Shield are not bad games. I do see the issues that lie in them, but honestly I still enjoyed playing these games a lot. I like the Pokemon and the human characters, even with D-Max there's still a good amount of challenge, Max Raids are quite addicting. I just think people are too harsh in criticizing these games. Not the best, but not the worst there is out there either.

Random/procedurally generated content in videogames is sort of bad and vastly overrated.

It gets old sooner or later and it tends to be the former far more often. It doesn't beat something hand-crafted. Having procedurally generated stuff, especially for triple A companies, tells me that they were too cheap or lazy to make hand-crafted stuff.

It is seriously a dealbreaker for me. Indie devs get something of a pass since they have less budget to work with. Rogue-lite/likes get a pass because that's the entire point of the genre (though I'm still not a huge fan of them).

I kinda like the coomer meme, obviously not because it's a wojak (wojaks are far past the point of 9gag-tier rage comics unfunniness to me), but because it's one of the too few memes that mock porn culture.

Not that I'm prude or something, and I'm old enough to remember the Internet is for porn song and the likes. I just don't like how we went from considering porn as an occasional (but common) indulgence for most adults to considering it as a pillar of culture to the point that late children watching porn is almost considered as normal.

Some people think it's "liberating", but in my opinion, it just gives young teens a warped view of sex, and in particular, it gives young men an equally warped view of women. You don't have to look too far from here to find porn-related content that is borderline rapey, and I believe that #MeToo and the likes wouldn't be so big nowadays if porn wasn't so prevalent in culture (though it's, obviously, not the single reason why these movements exist). I wish more people would at least experience the real thing and its implications before diving into increasingly worrying fetishes that are ultimately harmful to everyone, but it's of course easier said than done (would require a whole cultural shift – but that's a bit too long to elaborate).

Bottom line is, I wish there would be more memes like the coomer one to remind people that early/constant exposure to porn is ultimately unhealthy (when not harmful). Obviously not more wojaks, just memes that would deride that and balance the countless horny memes we have on the other hand (which are often not funny; I agree with Talkie Toaster and SicklyVivian on that). Kind of the catchphrase "it's okay, she's a 1000-year old witch/dragon" which is used ironically from time to time when it comes to anime characters.

Last edited Oct 30, 2021 at 04:56AM EDT

The internet has bred an entire generation of pathologically apathetic, stuck-up, empathy-devoid narcissists who value looking cool and "above it all" over literally anything else. The endless cycle of trolling, baiting, and attention whoring has molded a culture centered around constantly dodging bullets while dishing out fire of our own, ceaselessly striving to be seen as the coolest kid on the playground. Everyone is in survival mode, and no one is cooperative. Knives are always out, and no one's out to make friends. Just find enemies to beat so you can be seen as Top Dog.

I feel like if there were a nuclear attack on a major city center and millions died, we'd be seeing tiktok memes in the thousands before the sun even sets on the crater. People say they laugh at atrocities because if they don't laugh, they'll cry, but at this point, I feel like that's just a cover up for the fact that they wouldn't cry at all. They laugh because they see someone burning to death or falling from a building in real time, even in real space right in front of them, and laugh because they're genuinely that emotionally dead inside. Part of it owes to the "top dog" mentality I just went over. Some of it is desensitization. Some of it may owe to politics or jingoism (he from [country I dislike] so it funny lol). A little may stem from wanting attention (OMG I look soo cute in front of my mother's open casket! XOXO), but all of it coalesces into a lifeless mass of pseudo-humans who value nothing and want for everything.

I legitimately dread the future. I don't care how much of a boomer that makes me sound like. I legitimately do not look forward to the next decade, let alone the next few. Nothing will get better.

New console generations should take advantage of the greater computing power to explore video games with grander scopes rather than the same scope but with better graphics; OR, exploit the creation of new hardware to come up with controllers that give unique spins to video gaming. Otherwise, they serve no purpose.

As it stands, the PS4 and the PS5--hell, even the PS3--have little to no difference in my eyes.

I suppose VR is a good step forward. God only knows how long it's gonna take for VR games to stagnate as the industry focuses on giving VR worlds more realistic visuals, but at least it's something a bit different for now.

As I come to write this it occurred to me: what if there's another reality where, instead of better graphics, the industry strived to improve the gameplay side of things while the graphics remained mostly stagnating? Would consumers be asking to improve graphics? Would I instead be complaining that new console generations should have better graphics? Maybe it's just human nature to fantasize of things that could've been.

Wait a second, is that just the state of Nintendo within the context of the current video game industry.

You know what, I'm not even sure if this opinion is unpopular anymore so I'll just end this with my opinion that Vanguard overDress should never have been branded as Vanguard overDress. Damn you, Bushiroad.

Netflix is by all means the biggest hypocrites when it comes to content and moderation. The latest drama surrounding them only shows where their priorities lie, they’d rather be willing to be seen as inclusive and woke than tackling issues and getting rid of actually horrible content. Why is it that Dave Chappelle’s comedy special is now wiped from their archives and all these trans members of Netflix’s staff are willing to boycott Chappelles comedy special but when shit like Cuties that’s effectively child porn is allowed to run even after everyone’s public opinion on it is vastly against it and openly hostile towards it? Oh I know, they’re more focused on getting brownie points for being seen as woke and progressive over banning actually hostile shit. Where was all that fire and brimstone when Cuties was being advertised? Why are they selective with what they’re willing to boycott and nuke from their archives?

The runaway success of reaction videos are proof that appealing to the lowest common denominator is always the easiest path to e-fame, and it honestly makes me sick seeing click-baity thumbnails of black people or basic bitches faking expressions smothered all over the search pages whenever I look for a song/movie on YouTube

I’m actually okay with all those “anime swordfighter” characters appearing in Super Smash Bros. Since it’s made by Nintendo and Sora Ltd., which are Japanese companies, it is only natural that such characters would be added eventually. Their home games provided much more moveset potential compared to those from most other genres. In particular, so-called Scrimblo Bimblos wouldn’t have much to work from lest they turn out like Sonic or Banjo.

Also, you can call me a coomer all you want, but the “animes” provide much higher quality and socially acceptable porn.

Talkie Toaster wrote:

I think horny memes are insufferable and almost aggressively unfunny

If I hear another statement about handholding or breast milk I am busting out the nine, the ten, and the twenty-one

Also I think Nintendo isn't the worst video game company ever to exist. They do bullshit that I despise on a personal and ethical level for sure, but compared to the homogeny of Ubisoft, the avarice and sexpestery of Activision, and 2K Games existing, they're hardly even close in terms of awfulness. It helps that their in-houses produce actual distinct video games.

Nintendo just really makes it hard to play older games especially when it barely gives them money anymore. Not the worse but I’ve barely seen a single game company go more apeshit over emulation than Nintendo does. But, I like to be proven wrong.

Besides that, the only unpopular opinion I have to say is: I’m tried of seeing rwby discussion everywhere I go. I just don’t like low-quality attempts at anime that end up shoehorning in western themes in matters that barely meld with the source inspiration.

I mean there’s some tropes I don’t mind western anime media dropping like sexualizing minors and the rampant ass backward views or “Nippon da best” wank. Even then, Monty’s spark can never be recreated, I’m sorry.

A few off the top of my head,

I always thought Filthyfrank was super unfunny.

Doug Walker's reviews are legit enjoyable, even if I don't agree with all of his takes. You just have to skip the crappy skits sometimes.

The Cinemassacre plagiarism scandal was very overblown and taken care of pretty quickly, though it kind of sucks that it confirms James isn't even really reviewing the movies himself for this year.

Adult Swim has made maybe two good live-action shows its whole run (Delocated and Children's Hospital) with the rest running from mediocre to awful.

Rocky Horror Picture Show has a really great soundtrack, but I feel it kind of runs out of steam around the third act.

Shenmue III was enjoyable, though the director really should've re-written it as a finale instead of sticking to his plan of making more games. I'm still looking forward to IV if it does happen.

Street Fighter IV and V screwed up the story a decent bit, and making them interquels between II and III was a mistake. I'm saying this as someone who still loves IV to death. And on that note, SF had a legitimately good story and some interesting worldbuilding for the most part up until IV.

King of the Hill should've ended at Luanne's wedding like it was supposed to originally. The episodes after that added very little, and in some cases (killing off Hank's stepfather) made things worse.

The Simpsons can have some legitimately funny moments nowadays, though it's most definitely a shadow of it's former self.

Here’s another one, yes TikTok trends being on here is annoying but can you guys stop complaining about it for once? Seriously any time I see a trend that originates from TikTok it’s always “TikTok bad give me Karma” and “TikTok trending on a Meme website that documents memes and trends? Now that’s cringe and bad!” I swear if you don’t like an entry then just ignore it. Anyone who posts any meme that says “TikTok bad” on any entry from that app is just Upvote farming. Please kindly just stop complaining, just ignore the damn entry and stop acting like you’re above anything trending on this site.

if you make an entire video explaining why you need to consume x piece of media then be shocked when people express either disinterest or personal preferences, what's the point? I know some people want their favorite shows to have bijjilions of seasons but sometimes we have to accept the fact that not everything will make it. I can sometimes tell show might not be getting more seasons either due it's premise or possible setbacks in production. This happens in any industry and I've grown use to it at this point.

Zoners in fighting games are great as they make fighting games more tactical and strategic, they force players to think. Fighting games would be too mindless without zoning and proyectiles.

Two that I know people hate me for:
1) Marriage should be completely privatized. Decoupling Marriage from the state is a hill I am willing to die on.

2) NFTs are the future, and much of the hostility towards them is based on total ignorance, fear, and lack of an imagination. The most important reason to buy a NFT is to secure the royalty rights in the event of usage by a corporate media entity.

Last edited Nov 06, 2021 at 06:40PM EDT

Kenetic Kups wrote:

I can’t take a game, or anime seriously if the charecters have giant oversized weapons
it just looks silly

TFA was far worse than TLJ because it followed ANH almost scene for scene

I have really come to despise those paddles people call "swords." Alternatively, I love it when media uses historically-accurate weapons. The Armorslayer in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (which is basically an estoc) is infinitely better than the hulking paddle-club monstrosity of Fire Emblem: Awakening.

As for the main topic:
-I believe thinkers like Ayn Rand and Judith Butler are equally full of hot air.
-Derrida is a doorknob.
-Foucault should be taken with a grain of salt.
-Words are not violence.
-Trains are the best form of long-distance transportation known to mankind.
-The generic he works better syntactically than the singular they (I know the latter is older while the former was proscribed later, but the former is less ambiguous.)
-The dropping of thou as the second-person singular was a mistake.
-I wish English still used the letters "þ", "ð", and "æ."
-Early South Park is better.
-Sonic R has a great concept and an amazing soundtrack.
-The original Kid Icarus is an exercise in frustration.
-Most games on the NES haven't aged well.

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