Know Your Meme Editorials
News, research, and dispatches from our editorial staff.
Filed under "In the Media"
Foxdye: Monsters of Meme
Foxdye is an electronic artist from Portland, Oregon that just released a new album filled with samples from her favorite Internet memes.
European Scientists Embark on Project RoboEarth
A group of European scientists are working on the RoboEarth Project, an EU-funded initiative to create a world wide network and database where "robots can share information and learn from each other." …Will this be the beginning of The Third Replicator as suggested by Dr. Susan Blackmore?
Wired Mag: Patton Oswalt Talks about Etewaf
Stand-up comic slash writer Patton Oswalt gives his two cents on the rise of mainstream nerd-dom and how our ways of consuming pop culture is drastically changing in the era of Etewaf--"Everything That Ever Was, Available Forever."
When the DDoS Dust Settles
Now that the DDoS attacks have cleared, find out what the attacked have done to respond, the impending threats towards digital free speech, and what you can do to help.
Basics of DDoS
Before we go into details about Operation: Avenge Assange and Wikileaks as a whole, let's take a moment to recap. What is a DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack?
There's Something About Puddi
KYM's Cafeteria Board takes an in-depth look at the ingredients & recipe behind the mysterious Japanese confection kit that is PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI--
Jimmy Wales Sees All
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has been following me lately. Everywhere I go, watching me, haunting me….
Browse eBay, See Boxxy. What do?
The legitimacy of the new Boxxy pictures are up for debate. Let's analyze them and take a look. ZOOM AND ENHANCE!
Rageguy Goes to Hot Topic
Hot Topic picks up on the popular Rageguy meme and turns it into a t-shirt. 4chan followers get upset, someone proposes that every Rageguy comics should be very racist and a lulzy smear campaign ensues.