elon's X™® is basically only usable if you block more people than you follow

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Jul 25, 2024 at 04:26AM EDT.
Apr 18, 2024 at 08:47PM EDT
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elon's X™® is basically only usable if you block more people than you follow
L Boy wrote:
That everyone here hates Twitter except for me.
I only stop by Twitter for the cool fan-art and the occasional edgy meme. I frequent here because the userbase is one of the few communities worth holding conversations with.
shatter wrote:
elon's X™® is basically only usable if you block more people than you follow
Maximize your ratio of accounts blocked to accounts followed by deleting your account.
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
i will admit that i am one of those hyper-cynical people, i feel like twitter is just beyond salvation
I don't think you feel that way about it because you're hyper-cynical. I think you feel that way about it because, well, you're right. Between people being "cancelled" left and right for the littlest things, artists having to constantly walk of eggshells with what they draw, and nuanced conversations being near-impossible to have, there's nothing anyone can do to save Twitter.
Elon Musk is one of the richest people on Earth, and not even he can do anything to change the way people on Twitter operate.
The only real thing I can think of would be to totally change its user interface, but then it'd practically be a whole different website.
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
i will admit that i am one of those hyper-cynical people, i feel like twitter is just beyond salvation
You’re not hyper cynical. Twitter was beyond salvation even before Elon took over.
Steve wrote:
Wow, you stalked my profile all the way back 7 months to show a comment i made that point out the twitter bio of that user, where they were admitting they were pedophile ? What do did you think you did there by linking that? Show that kym would rather support a pedophile than stop being transphobic ?
as for straw allegations, nothing i said was wrong.
Now you're just making my point by resorting to disingenious wording rather than actually look at what I mean cuz I wasn't bringing up that comments because the userbase supports pedophiles or some qanon nutwitter BS but rather you resorting to attacking the person's character rather than the argument they've made.
"as for straw allegations, nothing i said was wrong" compelling argument, I honestly can't of a better retort than this, really convincing me there.
qx1511 wrote:
You’re not hyper cynical. Twitter was beyond salvation even before Elon took over.
Exactly. All people can really do now is either curtail their experience on there in the way that it's bearable, or they just leave the place entirely.
Luzno Lindo wrote:
I don't think you feel that way about it because you're hyper-cynical. I think you feel that way about it because, well, you're right. Between people being "cancelled" left and right for the littlest things, artists having to constantly walk of eggshells with what they draw, and nuanced conversations being near-impossible to have, there's nothing anyone can do to save Twitter.
Elon Musk is one of the richest people on Earth, and not even he can do anything to change the way people on Twitter operate.
The only real thing I can think of would be to totally change its user interface, but then it'd practically be a whole different website.
"The only real thing I can think of would be to totally change its user interface, but then it'd practically be a whole different website."
Good. TWITter's UI is a sewage clogged pipe all the way down. I legitimately hate IT far more than either Husk OR a majority of the userbase, and I hate both of those…things…a LOT.
Nitter remedied a fairly decent portion of the issues I have with it, but unfortunately Lord Muskus HAD to run it over in his solid gold chariot like always. pls dont tell anyone i said this but it isnt actually unusable just super hard to properly access now
Anyway, I seriously don't get why nobody ever talks about how awful the site itself is. It's always the same few points that have already been beaten into the ground for years.
Can somebody explain to me why OP commented on my wall and then deactivated their account?
wared wrote:
Now you're just making my point by resorting to disingenious wording rather than actually look at what I mean cuz I wasn't bringing up that comments because the userbase supports pedophiles or some qanon nutwitter BS but rather you resorting to attacking the person's character rather than the argument they've made.
"as for straw allegations, nothing i said was wrong" compelling argument, I honestly can't of a better retort than this, really convincing me there.
>rather you resorting to attacking the person's character rather than the argument they've made.
Heres the pot calling the kettle black then lmao
>really convincing me there
You didnt make an argument, so why would I argue with you? You just said that what I said was a straw man and dug through my profile until you found that comment. Thats just saying im wrong, so why are you acting bent of shape that i gave a "yeah-huh" to your "nuh-uh"
UngaDooda wrote:
Can somebody explain to me why OP commented on my wall and then deactivated their account?
Oh, L Boy left? I guess people hating on Twitter was too much for him to bear.
UngaDooda wrote:
Can somebody explain to me why OP commented on my wall and then deactivated their account?
He was terminally goofy, and alas, that was his final goof. Now he goofs no more.
martinprince12345 wrote:
Oh, L Boy left? I guess people hating on Twitter was too much for him to bear.
Makes a thread pulling a pic related for twitter
Deactivate account
Refuses to Elaborate Further
It's been a few years since I really used Twitter, I mostly used it pre-Musk so anything I say might be dated by now.
Honestly, the reason why I strongly dislike twitter isn't for it's userbase but what I consider it's fundamental gimmick and main flaw: it's character count. With some exceptions like, maybe CJK users… you can't get across ANY idea through it. So all posts become long threads with a million tweets under it, or having to use a third party site to share the whole tweet, or just plain screenshotting from notes. The tiny character count is horrible for any type of politics and activism (tumblr never had this same problem, mind you, despite having the same politics), and any tweets I can remember being of worth were shitposts. Anything useful, like resources or guides were better saved through tumblr or some other blog type site.
I also think that the toxicity of twitter has more to do with its character format than anything else. I can't think of any social media where someone can make a post and someone else quote retweets it with some snarky quip. It kinda comes off as weirdly antisocial?
In my experience, twitter was never even good for art because anything uploaded onto the site would become heavily compressed. Tumblr and actual art platforms never really had this problem.
I know OP deleted but I guess I wanted to get my thoughts out on it, especially since a lot of my previous friends ended up getting sucked into pointless twitter spats, like a moth to a flame. The site always seemed to me only really good for maybe business, but never actual social interaction.
Zigzagoon wrote:
It's been a few years since I really used Twitter, I mostly used it pre-Musk so anything I say might be dated by now.
Honestly, the reason why I strongly dislike twitter isn't for it's userbase but what I consider it's fundamental gimmick and main flaw: it's character count. With some exceptions like, maybe CJK users… you can't get across ANY idea through it. So all posts become long threads with a million tweets under it, or having to use a third party site to share the whole tweet, or just plain screenshotting from notes. The tiny character count is horrible for any type of politics and activism (tumblr never had this same problem, mind you, despite having the same politics), and any tweets I can remember being of worth were shitposts. Anything useful, like resources or guides were better saved through tumblr or some other blog type site.
I also think that the toxicity of twitter has more to do with its character format than anything else. I can't think of any social media where someone can make a post and someone else quote retweets it with some snarky quip. It kinda comes off as weirdly antisocial?
In my experience, twitter was never even good for art because anything uploaded onto the site would become heavily compressed. Tumblr and actual art platforms never really had this problem.
I know OP deleted but I guess I wanted to get my thoughts out on it, especially since a lot of my previous friends ended up getting sucked into pointless twitter spats, like a moth to a flame. The site always seemed to me only really good for maybe business, but never actual social interaction.
Aside from my previous regards about Twitter in my Unpopular Opinion post some time ago. although, most of it is outdated due to the most used instance for that site is in a vegetated state.
but your explanation is the most solidify reason out of the majority of this thread. you really can't have a clear and thoughtful conversation on Twitter due to the huge restriction on the 160 character limit (I think is 160, I've never posted anything there). so to get the point across to many people, you have to be as abrasive and exaggerated with your limitations. it's an environment that breeds irrational behavior.
But then again, Twitter is only meant to be a microblog site that you only supposed to post small personal updates. But everyone uses it for everything besides the actual purpose. jamming a square block to an obvious round hole until it caters to them. it wouldn't much of a bigger problem if most user's are mostly if not only active on Twitter. which is why I'm more and more promoting others to make and host their own websites just like the WEB 2.0 era. at least you don't have to deal with the site owner's and general userbase's BS and have a stable place to promote your creations.
TBH, my only reason to use twitter at all is to follow artists and content creators I want to check out like others have said before in this topic other than that I see no reason to engage with it any other way,
most political discourse is just people making snide potshots at eachother over nuanced discussion thanks to the site's minuscule character limit even discussions where it wouldn't normally end up like this suffer from it,
people on there suffer a tribalist mindset where they treat their own opinions as "The Truth" instead of actually identifying objective and subjective ideas making it impossible to talk about anything on it and even finding content you like is difficult because the site has a layout where you simply scroll down to find anything as opposed to an archive, tags or even a personal search bar on an artist's page making me feel dumb for not just using an art site or website with art intended features.
And this was before the new updates rolled out where they limit how much you're supposed see for a day as well as forcing you to make an account if you want to interact with it making me have less reason to go on there
i'm not sure if this has happened to anybody else, but l boy replied to a reddit comment i made telling me that i should deactivate my basically dead reddit account because kym is "anti-social media". so i guess we know who that "kym killer" was now lmao
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
i'm not sure if this has happened to anybody else, but l boy replied to a reddit comment i made telling me that i should deactivate my basically dead reddit account because kym is "anti-social media". so i guess we know who that "kym killer" was now lmao
oh my god he's STILL mad about the twitter slander, holy shit that's hilariously petty
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
i'm not sure if this has happened to anybody else, but l boy replied to a reddit comment i made telling me that i should deactivate my basically dead reddit account because kym is "anti-social media". so i guess we know who that "kym killer" was now lmao
And holy shit those other two non-sequitur comments. Yes, there is no doubt in my mind now that it has been an actual mental health episode. Lad needs a therapist ASAP.
martinprince12345 wrote:
oh my god he's STILL mad about the twitter slander, holy shit that's hilariously petty
yep, and considering the comment's over a year old, there's no way he came across it naturally, so that means he basically went to my profile to find any possible social media account to post a reply telling me to deactivate my account because i made fun of him for thinking twitter is overhated lol
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
yep, and considering the comment's over a year old, there's no way he came across it naturally, so that means he basically went to my profile to find any possible social media account to post a reply telling me to deactivate my account because i made fun of him for thinking twitter is overhated lol
Heck a little digging shows he made a comment 3 days ago on an 8-year old post with, and I quote, "I'm not answering anything to an anti social media monster like you." He's being very petty and a little bit unhinged.
Common L boy L
this dude subconsciously wanna catch a whiff of Elon's musk lmao
wared wrote:
I'm making this reply because I actually want to come here to have a discussion relevant to the topic in this thread not because of steve's dumb rambling.TBH, my only reason to use twitter at all is to follow artists and content creators I want to check out like others have said before in this topic other than that I see no reason to engage with it any other way,
most political discourse is just people making snide potshots at eachother over nuanced discussion thanks to the site's minuscule character limit even discussions where it wouldn't normally end up like this suffer from it,
people on there suffer a tribalist mindset where they treat their own opinions as "The Truth" instead of actually identifying objective and subjective ideas making it impossible to talk about anything on it and even finding content you like is difficult because the site has a layout where you simply scroll down to find anything as opposed to an archive, tags or even a personal search bar on an artist's page making me feel dumb for not just using an art site or website with art intended features.
And this was before the new updates rolled out where they limit how much you're supposed see for a day as well as forcing you to make an account if you want to interact with it making me have less reason to go on there
Guess what I'm saying is I'm basically part of the majority here who "hates twitter" though I wouldn't say I hate it just had a bad experience with it.
What I want to ask is why has anyone gave so much emphasis on it especially compared to other social media platforms? Whether is because of being "the public square of the internet" or "the very horrible monolithic website that wants to destroy everything you love" and vice versa, at the end pretty much the only reason I can think of that gave it so much importance is that you can gain a lot of traction and followers at a consistent rate no matter what is is which I think really isn't a benefit given how you'll basically end up thinking you're above disagreeing with and everyone who does is a moron who knows nothing.
ok this guy is actually utterly unhinged, he really made an account on this site for the sole purpose of harassing me
That's a real feat in no-life detective work. How many social media sites & forums are they even on? How many users on how many sites are they able to track down?
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
ok this guy is actually utterly unhinged, he really made an account on this site for the sole purpose of harassing me
"Oh boy time to harass someone because they were mildly critical, this is a good idea and won't make me look insane at all." – L Boy maybe
Gilan wrote:
That's a real feat in no-life detective work. How many social media sites & forums are they even on? How many users on how many sites are they able to track down?
don't give l boy too much credit, i did directly link to my profile there in my about me (it's obviously not there now because i don't want the moderators over there to deal with the shit that starts over here)
"Oh boy time to harass someone because they were mildly critical, this is a good idea and won't make me look insane at all." – L Boy maybe
the funny thing is that when you think about it, i was the least critical of twitter in this thread (not on the whole site though) so it was really bizarre that he decided to harass me
although someone did mention that l boy also responded to one of them on another site, so i guess it's not just me
Perhaps he sees it as some manner of hypocrisy to be critical of Twitter while also having accounts on other social media? That just might make sense in his twisted view.
Nox Lucis wrote:
Perhaps he sees it as some manner of hypocrisy to be critical of Twitter while also having accounts on other social media? That just might make sense in his twisted view.
In the same way that it's hypocrisy to have a membership for one gym that's clean lovely and staffed by friendly coaches but not for another gym that stinks of sweat and staffed by rude jacked-up gymbros who make fun of you if your body fat is above 1%
don't give l boy too much credit, i did directly link to my profile there in my about me (it's obviously not there now because i don't want the moderators over there to deal with the shit that starts over here)
Now that's a lot less impressive, it just goes from impressively creepy to just plain creepy. Don't worry about me giving them too much credit, either way stalking behaviour like that is psychotic.
Anyway, there's an irony that in their defence of twitter, they've become an unintentional negative example.
GameBoyXEpic wrote:
Aside from my previous regards about Twitter in my Unpopular Opinion post some time ago. although, most of it is outdated due to the most used instance for that site is in a vegetated state.
but your explanation is the most solidify reason out of the majority of this thread. you really can't have a clear and thoughtful conversation on Twitter due to the huge restriction on the 160 character limit (I think is 160, I've never posted anything there). so to get the point across to many people, you have to be as abrasive and exaggerated with your limitations. it's an environment that breeds irrational behavior.
But then again, Twitter is only meant to be a microblog site that you only supposed to post small personal updates. But everyone uses it for everything besides the actual purpose. jamming a square block to an obvious round hole until it caters to them. it wouldn't much of a bigger problem if most user's are mostly if not only active on Twitter. which is why I'm more and more promoting others to make and host their own websites just like the WEB 2.0 era. at least you don't have to deal with the site owner's and general userbase's BS and have a stable place to promote your creations.
That pretty much sums up my general distaste for the website and why I think it's such a shithole, if most people I follow didn't just make twitter their go to platform to be active on I wouldn't have such an issue with it but JESUS try to use newgrounds or pixiv or even deviantart over that shart cause I will not bear going through several idiotic arguments and screeching just to find an illustration I like even if the website sort of mitigate that with the updated media tab.
Why do people not realize that twitter doesn't function anything like a social interaction website or anything for that matter, the 160 character limit makes it hard to talk about anything without making a thread and the site compresses your images and videos to the point You're better off just using a different site that gives better results which I think might be second point you're bringing.
Mistress Fortune wrote:
Only thing Twitter is good for IMO is checking out certain artists. As a social media site? Fucking awful. I made the mistake of actually logging on to my Twitter account today to check the posts of a trans YouTuber I like and good lord the responses she got to making a joke reply to one of those cringe “End Wokeness” account “memes” was just full of so many blue check marks saying nasty shit and using cringe AI images (seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?).
Even outside of the tumor that is blue check marks, the fucking site also put a cap on how much I’m allowed to see in one day.
"(seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?)."
Simple: Because the right can't draw.
Arcadenblog wrote:
"(seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?)."
Simple: Because the right can't draw.
Arcadenblog wrote:
"(seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?)."
Simple: Because the right can't draw.
"The left can't meme" phrase: finally, a worthy opponent
Now we just need to combine the drawing talent of a liberal with the meme capacity of a conservative and create the ultimate being
martinprince12345 wrote:
"The left can't meme" phrase: finally, a worthy opponent
Now we just need to combine the drawing talent of a liberal with the meme capacity of a conservative and create the ultimate being
But what would happen if we instead combine the AI art generating of a conservative with the meme capacity of a liberal? Does it create something so incomprehensible that it is beyond this plane of reality?
wared wrote:
But what would happen if we instead combine the AI art generating of a conservative with the meme capacity of a liberal? Does it create something so incomprehensible that it is beyond this plane of reality?
Oh boy, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension!
martinprince12345 wrote:
Reddit isn't so bad, but it has one glaring flaw: it's full of redditors.
I think it's that plus all the reddit fluff getting dumped on here by the bot/mods that seems to drown out the all images section.
Which is kind of a shame cuz reddit isn't a bad website if you know where to find what you like.
martinprince12345 wrote:
"The left can't meme" phrase: finally, a worthy opponent
Now we just need to combine the drawing talent of a liberal with the meme capacity of a conservative and create the ultimate being
Would HappyRoadKill count? He can be rather wordy, but his comics are slightly punchy.
Checkpoint Flag wrote:
Would HappyRoadKill count? He can be rather wordy, but his comics are slightly punchy.
I'm afraid the dude is not a liberal, but rather an anarchist/communist. I'm not sure that fits the hypothetical.
Twitter is fantastic. I love seeing random fake bot accounts follow me every week. It makes me feel like I'm growing an audience while actually not.
Dunno if this happened to anyone else here but I seemed to have come across some dubious ads before including some featuring Hero Wars of all things
Musk is truly showing how much his platform is amazing compared to other social media websites by not having any shady stuff on it like they do!
my schizo theory is that cryptobros and polititards want twitter to be filled with crypto scam/politics ads so they can drive people who aren't interested in it off twitter and thus completely turning this site into a crypto/politics hellsite
Of all social media platforms I've used Twitter has the dubious honor of being the only site where I got half a dozen follows from bot accounts and saw people posting uncensored gore/war crimes footage as a "gotcha" comment, all within a couple hours of me creating an account. Really lovely site.
Since this thread is floating again, I suppose it's a good time to mention that OP has started messaging me as if the last couple days. It's all rambles that present as paranoid and psychotic. Boy needs help from someone with a medical license.
Nox Lucis wrote:
Since this thread is floating again, I suppose it's a good time to mention that OP has started messaging me as if the last couple days. It's all rambles that present as paranoid and psychotic. Boy needs help from someone with a medical license.
Oh no, L Boy is at it again stalking people for the crime of disliking Twitter?
martinprince12345 wrote:
Oh no, L Boy is at it again stalking people for the crime of disliking Twitter?
Walls and walls of babbling word salad and paranoid ramblings about doctors and therapists plotting against him and people trying to rape him.
TheHolyEmpress wrote:
Of all social media platforms I've used Twitter has the dubious honor of being the only site where I got half a dozen follows from bot accounts and saw people posting uncensored gore/war crimes footage as a "gotcha" comment, all within a couple hours of me creating an account. Really lovely site.
Dang, even my Tumblr account's bot following was at least a trickle over the course of however long I've had it. And even then the distressing imagery on Tumblr is more of an (sl)acktivist thing instead of whatever it is you saw. The worst part is that if I want to grow a following, Twitter's probably the best place to start due to how it works.
Luckily I don't feel like growing a following yet.
Nox Lucis wrote:
Walls and walls of babbling word salad and paranoid ramblings about doctors and therapists plotting against him and people trying to rape him.
Ah. Sadly, if they're so paranoid about doctors than it's unlikely that they'll be able to get better on their own.
Anyway, I'm still on vacation, but I just wanted to cross-post something that I thought was relevant, as Blue Yoshi brought this up on the politics thread here
I don't know if this belongs here, but there was apparently a Twitter API leak that shows that Elon is protecting large far right accounts and whitelisting slurs for them to use. The account that posted it just got banned.
Seemed relevant, because Elon Musk is apparently doing more than just stepping back to letting people run rampant. It seems to confirm the theory that Elon Musk was actively cultivating the insanity on his platform.
So, twitter is worse than 4chan.
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