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[Riff-Raff] Epyc's Dead

Last posted
Oct 26, 2016 at 03:16PM EDT.
Oct 25, 2016 at 06:44PM EDT
71 posts
47 users

Precious Roy
I can't believe I missed this momentous occasion but I'm glad it finally happened
What is a king to a GOD?
Nightfury Treann wrote:
PatrickBateman is crying/cumming right now
You fucking cunt
I'm happy. Hope you're happy too…
So dude got banned? As soon as he was removed from the forums, he was off my radar except for that stray post or two he left on my wall.
My only question is why he got banned for good.

Not all of us can see that tho… so can you just tell us.
edit: now my response to you is above your post RM thx for being difficult
Verbose wrote:
So dude got banned? As soon as he was removed from the forums, he was off my radar except for that stray post or two he left on my wall.
My only question is why he got banned for good.
My only question is whether you're aware of the mod forum and ban list.
Edit: Ye I deleted it but then decided to post it anyways. Whoops.
@Verbose, Lisa (and others)
The reason is like 5 paragraphs so I'm not going to copy the whole thing, but what it came down to was simple: He was initially kept as his misbehavior was only present in the forum prior to his forum ban while he did contribute to the rest of the site. His misbehavior however shifted to the rest of the site and his contributions no longer held any weight to save his ass. So both reasons that allowed him to dodge a ban were no longer there; meanwhile his warnings and suspensions had stacked up to a point that he got away with even more than some mods did prior to getting demodded.
puts the song Celebration from Kool & The Gang
Now everyone, celebrate and dance.
So, after Epyc got banned from the forums, he took it out on the rest of the site. Sounds pretty accurate.
Great so now his icon is gonna permanently be on my followers list.
I like how the admins invented a special partial ban just to save his ass and he still ended up getting full banned anyway.
oh a party what's the occasion?….oh he got banned…well better late than never.
The "9/11 of knowyourmeme" turned out to be nothing more than a few sparks lit and yelling by a basement dweller who was quickly arrested for causing a public disturbance.
Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:
I like how the admins invented a special partial ban just to save his ass and he still ended up getting full banned anyway.
Hopefully the admins have learned to just let nature take it's course.
So with Epyc gone, does that mean things will hopefully go back to normal?
3kole5 wrote:
So with Epyc gone, does that mean things will hopefully go back to normal?
No. Soon, a new Shitposter will rise, greater and more powerful than Epyc ever hoped to be.
3kole5 wrote:
So with Epyc gone, does that mean things will hopefully go back to normal?
Implying things were ever normal to begin with.
TripleA9000 wrote:
Great so now his icon is gonna permanently be on my followers list.
That's honestly depressing
*me lights up cigar and starts a 5 hour playlist of smooth jazz*
I'd like to thank everyone for joining us in this moment and will hereby lock the thread. This is where the book ends, it has been written.