Alright, I'm having an awful day and this popup idiocy has made it worse. Everyone, here's a solution, if you are on Chrome and have uBlock Origin. I imagine there are similar options on other browsers with ad-on options, or if you have a basic understanding of writing scripts.
I'll provide screenshots. When you go on kym you're met with this:

Right click and hit Block Element:

Click Create after highlighting the area you want blocked, in this case the popup:

Afterwards, the cell should disappear, but there's still the fade and the scrollbar issue:

Click anywhere the fade is, brilliantly for us it's the entire page. Click Create again:

Now the fade is gone, but the scrollbar is still missing because that's the wonders of popups:

Go into the ublock settings and add this line:

Click Apply Changes and it should work.
If that's too complicated, just copy and paste this into the "My Filters" block under options for uBlock Origin.
! 8/15/2017, 7:01:40 PM
! 8/15/2017, 7:02:59 PM
Remember, there are always methods to bypass website limitations. If you don't like a site "feature", you can always use an add-on to block it. That's what I did with half of the "dank memes" and worthless karma system.
Forgive me for my attitude, but I'm just sick of the continuous bullshit I see here, both from administration and certain user-base areas. Sometimes the mods clean things up and handle things properly, sometimes not or they simply don't have the power to do anything.
To the people that make these site decisions, listen to the goddamn feedback and don't be stubborn. If a new implementation is met with negativity, remove it and fix it. Don't half-ass this, or else you'll only lose support with each passing day and each awful decision.
This site really isn't what it used to be. Maybe it's because half of my friends are gone, but maybe it's also because of the ridiculous complex banner or forum drama or mismanaged ads shoved down your throat like this popup. No better way to alienate the userbase than to add more limitations and convoluted ideas to the site. God bless uBlock, I couldn't bear this site without it.
Goddamn I'm off to make a hot cup of tea in this sweltering heat to cool myself down from this stupid nonsense.
edit: looks like other users are finding solutions. But I'll keep this up because pictures are nice.
edit 2: If you have issues with what I've presented, I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood to take more time out of my tea-drinking to help. Other uses have presented solutions, check with those, or experiment with uBlock and diagnose individual lines. Like my computer science teacher reminded us every class, go through each line, disable it, and see if the rest of the code is working. Or go on r/uBlockOrigin if you still have issues. That's all I can say, I've blocked a lot of elements on this site so there may be some things I haven't noticed. Good luck.
EDIT 3: One more thing that may help fix conflicts. Temporary disable the uBlock lines that cause the issues like hiding nsfw or delete buttons. Then using the Block Element tool, highlight whatever was missing and take a good look at the code uBlock has provided. If any of those lines conflict with the lines TestingAnon or I have provided, then maybe try to whitelist the conflicted lines, if that makes any sense. No guarantee this will work, but I'm just throwing ideas out there and I don't want to experiment with issues I'm not facing, sorry.