I saw memes like this. I've been searching for it for a very long time and I can't find the name of the meme. Does anyone know what meme name is this? Thx :)

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May 16, 2011 at 09:39PM EDT
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I saw memes like this. I've been searching for it for a very long time and I can't find the name of the meme. Does anyone know what meme name is this? Thx :)
can someone help find a meme if u want to contact me pleased send me a msg on my Instagram @mr.billyanderson please I really need the name
can someone help find a meme if u want to contact me pleased send me a msg on my Instagram @mr.billyanderson please I really need the name
anyone know the name of the meme of the little guy with a boner giving a thumbs up to a big ass that's squatting on top of him? its a drawing and very simple but im having a hard time finding it
I'm looking for the meme. The vid was in slow mo and the girl was shaking her but and a guy was trying not to look over he had a straight face and green jacket if you find it contact me on insta @jideco_centa
What is the collective name of a meme that includes the following songs:
Evanescence – Bring Me To Life
Linkin Park – In The End, and Crawling
Ji Pyeong Kwon – Sad Romance
Simple Plan – Untitled
The "Dame Dame" song
Guuuuys, i really need a original image
Help meeee
I don't know if this counts as a meme, but I keep seeing this skulldog gif thingy where it flips back and forth (Sorta looks like it's dancing?) It looks something like this
Do you know the name of this meme?
Hi. im new in this website and maybe the answer is there, but i didnt find it, so does anyone know the name of these kind of memes like this video tweet? i thought it was dank memes but im not sure about that. Thanks btw.
I once saw a meme where it's these two ladies at the beach at they see a strong guy. They then mention that they hope he's not a football fan. They call him over and he folds his towel and it's a swas*ika
I once saw a meme where it's these two ladies at the beach at they see a strong guy. They then mention that they hope he's not a football fan. They call him over and he folds his towel and it's a swas*ika
hello, i would like to know the name of the series or movie of this meme… https://www.dopl3r.com/memes/graciosos/arrose-asi-que-fuiste-el-primero-en-entrar-al-cine-para-ver-la-pelicula-de-spiderman-que-bueno-amor-j6-at-elretos0-preguntale-si-salen-los-3-juntos/1488780
what is the name of this picture with two golfers where one of them, the older one, has a Hawaiian shirt smoking a cigar, and the other one, the younger one, is dressed very classic
Michkaa wrote:
what is the name of this picture with two golfers where one of them, the older one, has a Hawaiian shirt smoking a cigar, and the other one, the younger one, is dressed very classic
It's called John Daly Smoking Next To Tiger Woods
does anyone know if this cat has a page https://pasteboard.co/iVHfU1TrmUky.png
I keep seeing it around and wondered if it had an origin
I need to find a meme where the young boy stands and around him there are beautiful girls in bikini, there are many variations, i just need one of them….
I need to find a meme where the young boy stands and around him there are beautiful girls in bikini, there are many variations, i just need one of them….
poisonknife wrote:
Not really a meme, unless you count prevalence of Mount Rushmore in popular culture a meme. Just a bunch of friends(?) in a photo commemorating chizzy glizzy day or something
What's the name of the goofy aah guitar song in numero 4 in this video?
Vihaking277 wrote:
What's the name of the goofy aah guitar song in numero 4 in this video?
Playing the clip to Google gave me this:
I'm looking for a video I remember seeing all of the time. It's a forum weapon of a guy from a video game, in space, wearing a helmet. I'm 90% sure he has a cigar in his mouth
it's a closup on his face & he says "finally" in a dramatic way
I've been looking for it for hours & no matter what keywords I enter, nothing useful comes up
I don't know the game it's from, I just know it would serve my current purpose
Theodore Bongsmoker wrote:
I'm looking for a video I remember seeing all of the time. It's a forum weapon of a guy from a video game, in space, wearing a helmet. I'm 90% sure he has a cigar in his mouth
it's a closup on his face & he says "finally" in a dramatic way
I've been looking for it for hours & no matter what keywords I enter, nothing useful comes up
I don't know the game it's from, I just know it would serve my current purpose
Super later but I'm pretty sure you are thinking of this Starcraft clip
He doesn't say "finally" so I think that's why you couldn't find it.
What is the meme of Semi-Perfect Cell opening his mouth called? He does a mouth kamehameha or something, and the name of the meme is something he screams i think. Any help appreciated
zenvitic wrote:
What is the meme of Semi-Perfect Cell opening his mouth called? He does a mouth kamehameha or something, and the name of the meme is something he screams i think. Any help appreciated
Jill wrote:
Super later but I'm pretty sure you are thinking of this Starcraft clip
He doesn't say "finally" so I think that's why you couldn't find it.
Theodore's alt account here
you are based as fuck. That is exactly what I was searching for
it is late, but I'm still gonna use it anyway
Been trying to find a meme that I'm pretty sure I encountered on imgur of a guy in period movie armor saying something to the effect of 'It would have been better if you had', or something like that. Can't for the life of me find it anywhere now though.
Does anyone have a meme of someone cosplaying Ray William Johnsons character from YFM. My buddy saw it on an Instagram meme page and can't find it anymore. The character is named puff puff Humbert i believe and the picture is a side by side of the character and the cosplayer in his room. If anyone could find it id be thankful
bosc wrote:
Does anyone have a meme of someone cosplaying Ray William Johnsons character from YFM. My buddy saw it on an Instagram meme page and can't find it anymore. The character is named puff puff Humbert i believe and the picture is a side by side of the character and the cosplayer in his room. If anyone could find it id be thankful
nvm found it
Anybody know this meme??? (posted it onto my twitter)
malikgotbandzzz wrote:
Anybody know this meme??? (posted it onto my twitter)
Guessing you wanted the shocked black guy
Ozzzim wrote:
Guessing you wanted the shocked black guy
thats it!! thx
Guys I'm looking for a meme i found on imgflip as "black guy shh" meme. I need the origin of that dude and eventually better picture resolutions as i wanted to make some merch for job pals (when one of us makes an error and gets told, we always send back that black guy shh meme and so I need to make this move and secretly order some mugs with that meme on it ! ) Anyone got a name or a source ? I tried reverse search but of course with a meme, bad idea, i get thousands of related pics but no origin…
Many thanks for your precious help <3
There was a meme both as picture and gif/video with a black young boy with curly hair rotating to the camera and smiling. Or rather, smiling when turning from one side to another and facing the cammera middle way through
I have the impression that it was part of a commerical or a tv show.
And I think the point of the meme was to being powerful or things going your way,
I really need that screenshot of early google's statement that they were a private browser with no ads and no bullshit (they did not swear cuz they are pussies but it was something along those lines).
Is it real? Photoshopped? I don't care. I need it. It was frontpaged like last year or something. Somebody here must have it. I tried looking for the image but I guess it was not tagged. I wish we could use advanced search for News.
Pls halp. I am going insane. This is essential. I know I saw it here on the frontpage. It was not a schizophrenic hallucination. Am I insane? I am but I know what I saw. I do not even know why I did not save it or maybe I did but I did not properly name it.
I'm looking for an OLDER triggered meme.
This one, from what I can recall, had a chick possibly around a playground area. She was obviously pissed & the meme had motion in it. She expressed her anger with motion & then the meme paused her in action while multiple versions of her appeared behind her (like video editing-wise) almost seeming like they were vibrating. The girl was a bit on the overweight side. If anyone knows of this meme, please reply here or find me on insta: @irollmaddeepyo
I need help! :)
Does anyone know where this meme came from? Which video? What is name of this meme? All i have this, probally its her: https://space.bilibili.com/51588985
Any help would be appreciated.
guys i need highly resolution version of this meme, i know it is from a video, i watched almost all cat videos in youtube, lol, but no luck.
Need the name of this little guy i roughly made on PS, it is not Flork.
I remember a meme from tera ago where a masked man is standing at a door and looking at a women sitting on a table and typing in a laptop through the door's window. Can anyone plz tell me it's name
Greets or Sieg Heil
I am looking for this meme that I found in a youtube video comp. of memes, here is the clip – https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxNJLWpgtUQxeeeHA160Pesi0w4amRg420
I think this is the original original – https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cu9vY2MsuyI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
but I want to find the one from the youtube video, can anyone help?
kamui wrote:
There was a meme both as picture and gif/video with a black young boy with curly hair rotating to the camera and smiling. Or rather, smiling when turning from one side to another and facing the cammera middle way through
I have the impression that it was part of a commerical or a tv show.
And I think the point of the meme was to being powerful or things going your way,
found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZHQcENN788 (Ishan Awasthi Smiling|| Taare Zameen Pe || Meme Template)
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