25 Products You Never Knew You Needed
Have you ever seen something that, though you have never thought about it before, you suddenly absolutely need? There are tons of strange products out there that you may not know exist, but definitely would like to. Every company and brand is on a mission to create the next best thing. They are all trying to create the next viral trend, fad, or the next revolutionary flavor of chips. Because there is already so much stuff out there to buy, products just keep getting weirder and weirder, and at this point, there probably isn't anything original left to make.
They still try though, and the results of these companies strange endeavors are featured across Reddit, shared in subreddits such as /r/ofcoursethatsathing. This subreddit is for all of the strange products found online and in-store that just make you shake your head and realize anyone can buy just about anything these days. Here are 25 odd products you may not have realized you needed.
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