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Day 27
I think I have this in the bag. The lewd squad ignored me, I have browsed /vp/ pokegirl threads many times over the month and never broke a sweat, my will is too strong to break! Atleast until 12:00AM Oct. 1st that is.
Day 27: Still Alive
At least it will almost be over.
Day 27
3 days until the end.
I can safely say that I got this I'm the bag.
Mission Log: Day 27, 2000 hrs
Woke up groggy this morning and have been busy in and out of the house all day. Urges are being kept in check and I'm just waiting for the weekend. It feels like September just came and went.
Mission Status: Active
Alert Level: Yellow
Day 27.
I'm still in, but I'm starting to get dangerously close to not checking in on time… I should really stop that.
Homura's Homutown
He Who Has Not Been Named
Henry from Another Dimension
Shulk Heir to the Monado
Sergeant Arch Dornan
Skimpy Crusader
Mudkip Master
S1MP50N (local AFOL)
More Metals
End of day 27: Still in. Apparently, my cough might be because of Mold. Which sucks. A lot. But answers a few questions.
Also, storm hitting my country tomorrow, so if you don't see me posting then, that's why.
Day 27: Another day come and gone. Almost there. Still in.
Day 27 nearly over, only 3 days left. Hurry up October.
Day 27 is almost over, but I am still going strong.
day 27 done, still in
Day 27: Still in.
Day 27 END. Currently @ Day 28, 04:02AM
Status: On-Going
Sanity: I Don' tKnow Wh atMy feeli ngsA reDoi ng!?
Ever heard music which is obviously supposed to be happy but makes you feel bittersweet instead?
I don't really feel like saying too much. My mind is currently at overload. Besides, nothing special happened much anyway. Wake up way later than any normal person should. Starve myself browsing the net. Prepare for class with way less time than I planned. Work. Go home. Eat something. Watch/Play something until it's 4-8AM. Sleep. Rinse and Repeat. Well… I started watching No Game No Life. I enjoy it a bunch, but it's making me think things that don't make me feel good…
Well, except for Day 27. Woke at 1PM, way earlier than my usual wake up time. Still felt nice even though I had less sleep. Spent a few minutes playing a mobile clicker game that I picked up from Lost Pause. I COULD go be productive but nah. Well, have lunch at least? NOPE. I'm a lazy shit so I'll just starve myself and surf the net instead for hours on end! Felt like listening to ASMR at 3PM. So I did, but felt sleepy all of a sudden. I figured I'll take nap. Set alarm at 4:30. Get up 5:45 instead. That's actually pretty great. I could've stayed until it was 6:30. Made myself an extra special lunch because I have time and didn't feel like eating left overs. Hotdogs, an egg, and fried rice with broccoli and cauliflowers with oyster sauce and sesame oil. It's actually a simple meal, but hey! I'd much prefer that If I have to eat the same thing over and over again for 2-3 days straight… Also, I made this meal myself. Ate while watching friends of Lost Pause's Otakuthon Vlogs. Washed dishes after eating then get dressed. Wore a Fedora instead of the usual Paddy Cap. Hesitated a bit at first due to… obvious reasons… I really like the look, but not so much what it's associated with… Anyway, finished preparing earlier than usual. Me and my mother were already out the door but she still called the usual person that takes me to school. Usual person was on his way and still insisted he take me. Like… what's the point of me finishing early then? He arrives, we're short on time, so he overspeeds. I mean, we totally didn't have to. It was a bit frustrating. I was gonna be a bit snarky but meh… Opened up MH4U and did some charm farming until the instructor arrived. Worked on the current project. Drove home. Was feeling very good on the way. Suddenly felt slightly depressed once we got to the dark and sleeping neighborhood. Ate tacos for dinner while watching No Game No Life. Washed dishes while fantasizing about a person who had powers but lost them when they suddenly arrive in NGNL's world. It took a sad turn… in a stupid way…
Went back to watching after washing dishes. Finished episode 9 and went to my room. The show in general and my current state of mind made me think about myself as someone who has very big responsibilities coming as well as someone who hasn't felt the loving touch of another. I'll just say it definitely didn't feel very good.
I have spent my 19 years of life thinking I'm perfectly fine on my own. I have no problem not having someone to pour all my being into. Then I think about it. How nice would it indeed be? Then I see all these people… Not lovers specifically, but people with other people. I could let everyone in the internet know all my interests, my fetishes, all of me. I could laugh, cry, and fight with people over the net. But they are people all over the world, separated. It's almost never that I hear someone. Right beside me. Hearing their voice. Words not related with work or family.
I see all these people. Both real and fiction. And I see myself. An empty husk confining itself in it's own bubble…
Now that's one thing… here comes another.
It is my third semester in college now. I have leeched thousands of dollars for these off of my loving mother who works sweat and blood. And what do I do? I don't get a job. I don't make myself better. I ignore the future.
I'm always told that I should pursue what I love. And I did just that. I like creating. Stories, characters, etc. But apparently I don't love it enough that I choose the internet and games over it. Honestly, drawing, over the years, has only been something I've done in between things. Those 5 minutes before class starts. So that means I love Internet and Gaming more right? Well, I can't make a living off those. No job pays you to browse the net. Gaming has beta testing, but they review games at their shit state so they're not as fun. Art is something the only thing I have interest in, as small as it is, that I can sustain life with. People around me tell me I'm good at it. Yes, I'd say I'm a bit good. But I'm not GREAT. Not as great as those in the industry. The people with the jobs wont bat an eye with the things I made that people around me see as good. Multiple instructors showed theirs and others' work to inspire us. But all I got from it is that I'm not good enough. But that's only natural. I haven't spent years on this. All I have to do is be better. If I don't put in the effort to push myself, someone else would gladly take my place. I have to work so I would have the skills to provide for myself. And that's the problem.
I have always been drawing for fun, with no professional standards. I drew whatever I want with no worries. Making it into a job makes it so that my works have to be at a certain level. A level I'm nowhere near to. And working to reach that level is something that drives me away. Every rational part of me says it shouldn't. I know what I must do. But I don't strive. Because I'm a lazy shit.
I would feel so much better if I produce actual quality results. I wouldn't feel so bad if I weren't so lazy. But I'm too lazy to be not lazy.
All I do is be an unproductive leech. I bitch and moan about how horrible I am but stays horrible the next second. I lie down and get angry at myself as I wake up the next day forgetting about all of it. Turning my head from reality. Only for it to come crashing back, and the whole thing starts all over again. And. It. Never. Ends.
Well, now that that's over with. Let's move on to something actually relevant. Nothing out of the ordinary on the lewd side of things. I'm pretty sure I can make it to the end. Although my excitement vanished due to my current state of mind. Also, I'm still salty about the hard mode thing…
Is scratching down there because of an irritating itch grounds for a loss? It's technically not fapping but…
Day 28. Come on Friday, almost there. I'm already blue balling.
Day 28, Begin!
Still here.
Day 28: The end is near approaching my fellow comrades. Just 2 more days and we are finally free from the shackles. Stay strong. (Still in.)
Day 28
Still in. 2 more days, nothing to sweat. Just gathering a large porn stache for my "Oktoberfest"…
Day 28
Found another book to read.
I think I've done it.
Mission Log: Day 28, 1611 hrs
Been feeling bored and tired overall, but trying to keep busy. Had a bit of a stronger urge last night but I managed to resist. Just a few more days and I can get this squared away and move on.
Mission Status: Active
Alert Level: Yellow
Day 28: Still in. The end is near.
Here to report that the end of the contest is near. In two days, the contest will end at October 1st, 12:00 am. Stay strong, it's almost over.
2 more days left: still in
Day 28. Still in.
Still in.
End of Day 28, and I still haven't touched my dick outside of taking a piss here and there.
Day 28: Almost fucking there! Man. This challenge has been making me do some really weird stuff. I am actually reading doujinshis for the plot instead of simply fapping to the porn. As soon as October rolls around, I will fap to the first lewd I see.
Day 28: I really don't feel any different with these antidepressants though I've noticed I slip into sadness far less.
Still here.
Insert flavor text here.
Homura's Homutown
He Who Has Not Been Named
Henry from Another Dimension
Shulk Heir to the Monado
Sergeant Arch Dornan
Skimpy Crusader
Mudkip Master
S1MP50N (local AFOL)
More Metals
still in
Still in
Still in!
Day 29, Begin!
Still going. Let's hurry up and get this over with. It's been too long.
Still here.
Still here BTW
Day 29: I'm back from the storm. And I'm coughing MUCH less.
And I forgot that storms and all related stormy weather make me more susceptible to being aroused. And my power went out and stayed out through the night so that gave me less in the way of distraction in the interim. Not even reading. Needless to say, none of that was fun in any way, shape or form.
Despite all that, I didn't fap. So yay.
Day 29, 17:39 British time
Still in
Found the time to fully appreciate the lewds sent me, they were very tempting but I'm still going, only a day and a bit left now.
Day 29 noon: 36 hours remain.
Day 29, 4:38 PM
Still in.
One more day, ladies and gentlemen.
Just have to keep myself pre-occupied for the next 32 hours, can't be getting antsy now can we?
Day 29
After more than 5 days of annoying school work, I get to rest. Haven't slept properly in those 5 days.
Tomorrow's the end guys.
1 more day.
You all got this.
1 more day: still in
Day 29: Survived.
One more day of this hell and I can fap again.
Day 29: Still kicking. Another day of class and another day of my foot feeling like hell for some reason. Oh well. One more day and we will all be free again.
Day 30: Final day, final run and I tried testing myself again……I…..ejaculated without even touching myself……looks like I've lost……this is the most shameful thing I've ever experienced. How is that even possible? I guess it couldn't be helped. To all the lads still in, you will make it and don't do the same mistake as I did. I'm out now. Good luck in your final run.
Mission Log: Day 29, 2055 hrs
27 hrs left of this. It's going to go by quickly. October's going to be a fun month.
Mission Status: Active
Alert Level: Yellow
Of course my ultra unstable 1990 dial-up internet goes out at the worst possible time.
Homura's Homutown
He Who Has Not Been Named
Henry from Another Dimension
Shulk Heir to the Monado
Sergeant Arch Dornan
Skimpy Crusader
Mudkip Master
S1MP50N (local AFOL)
More Metals
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