9/10 – I don't care what people say, this song still slaps and brings me back some good nostalgia.

Last posted
Jul 24, 2024 at 04:35AM EDT.
Aug 02, 2014 at 01:37AM EDT
1766 posts
206 users
9/10 – I don't care what people say, this song still slaps and brings me back some good nostalgia.
@ Mr. Nobody: The point of this thread is to rate the song that's in the previous post and then post another one for the next poster.
@ song: 6/10 While I do think Nickleback gets too much flack, Photograph has never really done it for me; it just doesn't have that memorable of a hook.
Adam DeLand wrote:
@ Mr. Nobody: The point of this thread is to rate the song that's in the previous post and then post another one for the next poster.
@ song: 6/10 While I do think Nickleback gets too much flack, Photograph has never really done it for me; it just doesn't have that memorable of a hook.
Honestly, we might have to put a permanent reminder that we're rating the previous poster's song. Some folks that come along seem to be oblivious to this -though, to be fair, that might be an issue stemming from the name of the thread itself.
Now back to rating your song: 7/10 Enjoyable, though the real stand-out for me is the heavy, dirty bass line. I'm tempteted to believe it's a rickenbacker playing into a large ampeg svt, though I could be wrong about that.
A different vibe altogether.
America has some of the best soft rock ballads out there
Based on current events(?)
There's berta berta by thomas vent.
This rating is for elmashojaldra 's song given Sheeps44 didn't bother to follow the rate the previous poster's song rule.
7.5/10 Good ol' classic punk
sayonara (I'm pretty sure you know what this is from)
I'm not sure what's the deal with people posting here without really participating in the intended point of the thread, but once again I'm going to have to skip the previous poster and default to rating @elmashojaldra's song.
8/10 Classic techno goodness. Hell yeah!
Synth-pop is one of my least favorite music genres, I was going to rate this song as a 7/10, but since its Christmas I gonna give a 9/10
Merry Christmas y'all and have a happy new year also!
6/10. not really my thing, although the vocals remind me a lot of stereophonics.
6/10, not really my kind of music. Sounds like something you'd hear in a workout compilation from the 80s. It's funky though, I'll give it that.
6/10 It flies high at some points, but it's mostly mundane to me.
5/10 when the vocals kick in at the 38 second mark it's really jarring
if you are able to mentally tune out of the lyrics and just focus on the instrumentals its 8/10 because this sounds like it would make a good soundtrack for films
Disturbed – The Sound Of Silence (CYRIL Remix)
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