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Last posted Jul 24, 2024 at 04:35AM EDT. Added Aug 02, 2014 at 01:37AM EDT
1766 posts from 206 users

Sunhammer wrote:

6/10 good but I've heard more "classic" songs from Skid Row

10/10 Fukken luv. Just a wild ride until it crashes at the end

Don't know how to embed on mobile so the song is Anchors by Audiobakery

8.8/10 this song brings to mind imagery, of humanism, and other similar ideals.
it made me tear when i first listened to it, I don't know if anybody else thinks the same.

Last edited Aug 28, 2014 at 10:48PM EDT

8/10, I can't comment on the lyrics but the pace is and instrumental pretty good


totally worth the downvotes I'll be getting

edit: What an upvote? WTF!!!!?

my shit posting has failed, I bring dishonor to my family. I will now go commit seppuku

Last edited Sep 06, 2014 at 01:49AM EDT

Initially read the title as "Live and Let Die" so I was expecting a Paul McCartney cover. But now I saw my mistake. D'oh.
Anyways, is catchy but country's not my thing.

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