(But Kommando_Kaijin isn't in the Deltarune dimension, only his OCs Ludibrium and Sourire are?)

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Dec 29, 2020 at 09:58AM EST
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(But Kommando_Kaijin isn't in the Deltarune dimension, only his OCs Ludibrium and Sourire are?)
(Hm, guess this means that they're going to the Undertale thread.
It's difficult enough trying to keep track of this rp, so…
I guess I just brought Ludibrium, Sourire, Yoki, and Zera over there. I should have included that in the post.)
(I don't plan on making more updates to this thread because I'm already in multiple RPs at the moment. If I do come back, it will likely be a new game, though the main character could "load" this file/thread.)
(Does that mean that Mago is also being forcibly returned to the Undertale thread? Ludibrium's primary purpose here is to harass and hassle Mago to prevent him from bothering and impeding Kommando_Kaijin. He's kind of mission-bound to Mago and capable of bending reality to keep up with him. Also, there's the fabric of reality's integrity being at 5% in the Undertale thread, if a huge amount of characters were sent to it at once it would most likely collapse if I keep up the fabric of reality thing.)
(Magos could go in, or Ludibrium could pull Magos in with him. Also, because Ralsei is bound to this world, he would not go in.)
(Let's just leave my guys here, I mean, they're not going to do anything unless Timothy Owen/Mago starts posting again. Plus it would make it easier for me to roll with the Reality Integrity thing by just not having to deal with it.)
(Ok they can stay here.)
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