forum king trashboat has spoken, KYM forums are the most pathethic excuse of a community ever made.

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Feb 04, 2017 at 10:52AM EST.
Feb 12, 2015 at 04:17AM EST
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forum king trashboat has spoken, KYM forums are the most pathethic excuse of a community ever made.
Well it's nice to know that I can jump ship now, like a certain someone.
We already knew that KYM was shit.
Old Man GigaChad wrote:
Well it's nice to know that I can jump ship now, like a certain someone.
stop being salty.
Oh he has spoken.How should i respect a guy who is an asshole to many people and trys to be superior.You have to earn respect from me and for your information i’m 19,Black,play several sports,have a girlfriend while you are debating and obsessing over 14 year old Anime characters.Also giving me a Warning that i critizize you is tge most laughable thing ever(i’m considering insults too)You are an Asshole and like i said many people hate you.You feed these people with more Anger towards you,but you think you are special enough to get away with it.Rosalina Artworks belong in the Smash gallery no matter what you say if you are an Admin,Moderator,Gold Member etc. People complain if it is in the wrong gallery,but did they complain in my Rosalina pic?No!Only you are trying to take the upper hand and don’t let the people decide if it belongs in there.Also you commenting on that pic and getting positive answers are just your blinded fans who agree everything you say them.
James Blunt wrote:
forum king trashboat has spoken, KYM forums are the most pathethic excuse of a community ever made.
BTW guys…
Don't go looking for that thread where that was posted. You've all be issued a stern warning
Guys I went to investigate that website and it turns out they were all bronies.
Remember these people get off to cartoon horses that are designed to appeal to 4 year old girls so anything they say about us is invalid anyway.
Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:
BTW guys…
Don't go looking for that thread where that was posted. You've all be issued a stern warning
particle mare
pick one
More sophisticated
He/She seriously sounds like a neckbeard
(btw, what forum is this?)
Why the hell do you guys go to this awful excuse of a "brony community" hiding the worst pony porn ever that is Derpibooru?
And why do you think we would care, even in the riff-raff section?
Tomberry wrote:
Why the hell do you guys go to this awful excuse of a "brony community" hiding the worst pony porn ever that is Derpibooru?
And why do you think we would care, even in the riff-raff section?
well you cared enough to comment
James Blunt wrote:
well you cared enough to comment
Tomberry wrote:
Why the hell do you guys go to this awful excuse of a "brony community" hiding the worst pony porn ever that is Derpibooru?
And why do you think we would care, even in the riff-raff section?
Because memebots.
Tomberry wrote:
Why the hell do you guys go to this awful excuse of a "brony community" hiding the worst pony porn ever that is Derpibooru?
And why do you think we would care, even in the riff-raff section?
>Questions bronies on why they're obnoxious
>Expecting actual answers over the lel randumb pony pic reaction image xD/witty and clever response only a fedora wearer could come up with
It's like you never talked to a brony before
Inb4 dumb pony reaction image that just proves the point that bronies act like a manchild when you question anything about MLP
Why the hell do you guys go to this awful excuse of a “brony community” hiding the worst pony porn ever that is Derpibooru?
Because the OP of this thread is a closet brony, like everybody else on the IRC.
And why do you think we would care, even in the riff-raff section?
I am going to quote something you said in another thread.
There are so many relatively new users on KYM saying “we” as “I’m part of the community motherfucker and I speak for it” it’s not even funny anymore.
This case is no different. OP feels he is a part of the Riff Raff community and thus, he had to prove him wrong…by making a thread on Riff Raff. Which is no different to a circlejerk.
In other words, OP is butthurt because some random person on the internet told him that his favorite website is shit.
Loli wrote:
Why the hell do you guys go to this awful excuse of a “brony community” hiding the worst pony porn ever that is Derpibooru?
Because the OP of this thread is a closet brony, like everybody else on the IRC.
And why do you think we would care, even in the riff-raff section?
I am going to quote something you said in another thread.
There are so many relatively new users on KYM saying “we” as “I’m part of the community motherfucker and I speak for it” it’s not even funny anymore.
This case is no different. OP feels he is a part of the Riff Raff community and thus, he had to prove him wrong…by making a thread on Riff Raff. Which is no different to a circlejerk.
In other words, OP is butthurt because some random person on the internet told him that his favorite website is shit.
no hate plz, dont be a ralts
trashboat is the product of abandonment issues
Spider-Byte wrote:
Guys I went to investigate that website and it turns out they were all bronies.
Remember these people get off to cartoon horses that are designed to appeal to 4 year old girls so anything they say about us is invalid anyway.
Me? A brony? Pfffft.
I only go there for that thread.
And any other threads that get my attention.
Bring on the hate, I regret nothing.
James Blunt wrote:
forum king trashboat has spoken, KYM forums are the most pathethic excuse of a community ever made.
Everyone that I knew before has left, and I refuse to accept you as replacements.
Please remember that this is the internet and that Poe's Law is still in effect.
I don't fap to ponies BTW. (I Fap to Fairies from the Precure series thank you very much.)
Trashy wrote:
I don't fap to ponies BTW. (I Fap to Fairies from the Precure series thank you very much.)
that's pretty trashy
amirite guys?
James Blunt wrote:
forum king trashboat has spoken, KYM forums are the most pathethic excuse of a community ever made.
Seriously though, Neckbeard? Real classy guys.
Trashy wrote:
I don't fap to ponies BTW. (I Fap to Fairies from the Precure series thank you very much.)
allahu akbar it's happening
Trashy wrote:
Seriously though, Neckbeard? Real classy guys.
Because dat post you made in the other forum was so much classier…..
Cecaelia Girlie wrote:
Because dat post you made in the other forum was so much classier…..
The Difference being that I put an obviously sarcasm indicator. As far as I could tell the neckbeard post was in complete earnest.
Seriously though, You Guys are kind of making me want to leave already. (And I actually wanted to make a KYM account.)
Trashy wrote:
The Difference being that I put an obviously sarcasm indicator. As far as I could tell the neckbeard post was in complete earnest.
Seriously though, You Guys are kind of making me want to leave already. (And I actually wanted to make a KYM account.)
>calls KYM shit
"B-But guys why you hrut muh feelings I wanted 2 maek a account :( "
Trashy wrote:
The Difference being that I put an obviously sarcasm indicator. As far as I could tell the neckbeard post was in complete earnest.
Seriously though, You Guys are kind of making me want to leave already. (And I actually wanted to make a KYM account.)
BTW, in case you didn't already know, in Riff Raff, people rarely ever say what they mean… This section of the forum is just one big joke. So if anyone's ever being antagonistic or rude or something, and it was in Riff Raff, 99.9% of the time they're joking.
Lutien wrote:
>calls KYM shit
"B-But guys why you hrut muh feelings I wanted 2 maek a account :( "
I kind of feel like I'm on 4chan right now.
Trashy wrote:
I kind of feel like I'm on 4chan right now.
Well, Riff-Raff is a wannabe /b/
Trashy wrote:
I kind of feel like I'm on 4chan right now.
As a wise man once said, "I think we were a puddle of shit community due to our behavior down at the IRC. All of you need to stop licking that sweaty ass of your role model 4chan and get back to being humans instead of non-sentient dumbasses who have to become the rudest cockswallowing walnut-dicked chicken shit excuse for a community filled with pride and dignity for their own website".
LNH wrote:
As a wise man once said, "I think we were a puddle of shit community due to our behavior down at the IRC. All of you need to stop licking that sweaty ass of your role model 4chan and get back to being humans instead of non-sentient dumbasses who have to become the rudest cockswallowing walnut-dicked chicken shit excuse for a community filled with pride and dignity for their own website".
Oh he has spoken.How should i respect a guy who is an asshole to many people and trys to be superior.You have to earn respect from me and for your information i’m 19,Black,play several sports,have a girlfriend while you are debating and obsessing over 14 year old Anime characters.Also giving me a Warning that i critizize you is tge most laughable thing ever(i’m considering insults too)You are an Asshole and like i said many people hate you.You feed these people with more Anger towards you,but you think you are special enough to get away with it.
Lutien wrote:
Well, Riff-Raff is a wannabe /b/
That explains so much.
Anyway, I think we got off on the wrong foot.
I'm Trashboat. I like Mecha shows that no one cares about, Tokusatsu that no one cares about, Gag anime that no one cares about, And Precure. Also JJBA. (I also shamelessly fap to anything that I find cute enough. Which Is usually mascot characters from Magical girl shows.)
This is now the introduction thread.
Hellu Trashboat. This is Riff Raff, where mass Shitposting takes place. I is Girlie. I like Nintendo, and animu, and cute things, and I may or may not be a covert Pansexual pervert… The pervert part, not the pansexual part. Trust me I'm done with the confused stage. Also, I enjoy writing, but I'm super lazy so I rarely write.
I wish I could have trashy's big 30 inch cock penetrating my anus.
and now we have fairyfuckers
Lutien wrote:
Well, Riff-Raff is a wannabe /b/
wannabe /s4s/*
Twilitlord wrote:
- fuck brones
- fuck gamergators
- fuck weebs
- fuck homosucks
- fuck robofuckers
and now we have fairyfuckers
- fuck them too
You can just suspend him, you know.
Trashy wrote:
That explains so much.
Anyway, I think we got off on the wrong foot.
I'm Trashboat. I like Mecha shows that no one cares about, Tokusatsu that no one cares about, Gag anime that no one cares about, And Precure. Also JJBA. (I also shamelessly fap to anything that I find cute enough. Which Is usually mascot characters from Magical girl shows.)
Goddammit I thought we finally had the robofucker issue under control.
RandomMan wrote:
Goddammit I thought we finally had the robofucker issue under control.
Now that Riff Raff has a direct link to Derpibooru it'll be the 2012 brone uprising all over again
Particle Mare wrote:
Now that Riff Raff has a direct link to Derpibooru it'll be the 2012 brone uprising all over again
>I see "wit"
>I see dick talk
>I see greentext (lel meguh funeh steff dere)
>I see riff raff shitforum being explained
>I see copypasta
>I see elitism
>I see injokes
This thread is absolute maximum cringe self-depreciation shit-tier.
Enough "keks" to make a sack of hammers cry
i like to imagine the riff-raff forum as an internet shit trawler that drags awful nonsense from all over the web and brings it here.
Like Carcass, I'm not even a brony anymore. (I'm only at the time wasting thread.)
And Honestly, I kind of doubt that KYM will get any more Derpi members.
Like I said on Derpi, I really can't into Riff Raff. (I just can't be intentionally mean and stuff.)
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