Lets not forget people still died, lets not act like "thank god nobody died!" just because nobody FAMOUS died either (again I aint condoning what the edgelord shooter did just saying)

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Lets not forget people still died, lets not act like "thank god nobody died!" just because nobody FAMOUS died either (again I aint condoning what the edgelord shooter did just saying)
Suspect was known to be a quiet kid, although there are differing accounts about how public he was about his political leanings in class and whether or not he was bullied.
Chewybunny wrote:
Imagine if Donald Trump while saying over and over he isn't racist, during his Presidency guided the DoJ to ignore complains about racism in his administration, used political interference to stop the complaints, and failure to properly train the staff into how to deal with racist complaints. Imagine if a Trump ally during his stay in office would accuse a Black journalist of being like a KKK member? Imagine if Trump defended an artist who drew a mural of Black people looking like something out of a minstrel show: big red lips, round white eyes, small heads. Asserting then that black people don't understand American comedy. Imagine then that Trump would write a forward in book about Black IQ tests, and how they are naturally guided into crime, poverty, drug abuse and more. Imagine also that amongst Black people themselves, 87% of them find that Trump is in fact racist.
Now that you can imagine that, wouldn't you at least say that Trump saying he is not racist is a little sus?
Bro, I'm not saying that Trump ISN'T racist, lmao. He's VERY OBVIOUSLY racist. What I'm saying is that theres a contingent of crazy groyper types who hate trump because they think he's NOT RACIST ENOUGH towards jews. That's all
I do think its good for chewybunny to remind everyone how much of a racist cunt Trump is though
VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:
Bro, I'm not saying that Trump ISN'T racist, lmao. He's VERY OBVIOUSLY racist. What I'm saying is that theres a contingent of crazy groyper types who hate trump because they think he's NOT RACIST ENOUGH towards jews. That's all
He probably should've highlighted it, but I thought it was fairly clear that this was a hypothetical example against your claim that Corbyn totally wasn't anti-semitic, with those things he listed being things that Corbyn, and not Trump, did.
Perhaps the subject of the metaphor was distracting. Imagine the same thing he wrote, but with, idk, Lyndon Johnson.
Copypaste from the main article:
Some vtubers made jokes about the shooting but backed down once they learned an innocent person did in fact get killed. One outright apologized and admitted it was a fucked up thing for them to joke about, while the other simply deleted the VOD where the joke was made. I do feel unless you're an outright politics focused streamer that making jokes about political situations is extremely messy, but inversely Stinky Blue Rat and Ricky Berwick made a joke about the shooting but didn't get much visible backlash so fuck if I know if this is a situation where joking about it is considered "too soon" or not. Obviously Trump supporters are going to find making light of the situation tasteless, but I also imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and it was attempt on Biden you then gotta wonder if the people being offended would then be saying the same stuff the people who are anti-Trump are joking about now. Politics and humor in general are a minefield that's 99.9% covered.
Steve wrote:
Alleged timeline paints the trump shooter as someone who was left wing shift to the right
January 2021 – 17 years old
• donated to a progressive PACOctober 2021 – 18
• registered as RepublicanNovember 2022 – 19
• voted as RepublicanJuly 2024 – 20
• tried to kill Trump, while wearing a right-wing gun YouTuber's T-shirt
I'm seeing now that the guy who donated to the progressive PAC was a different guy with the same name.
From that and other details his former classmates are saying it feels like this was a high-profile suicide by cop. He simply chose a presidential candidate rather than a school.
I'm still trying to unpack a lot of the assassination attempt internally. I had a brief conversation with my family about it over text on the day it happened and the consensus was that Secret Service really dropped the ball and our prayers go out to the guy(s) who died. Even after tweets got out about his "pro-Putin" comments (it was really just anti-democrat) I still feel the same way that the loss of life there is truly tragic.
I am anxious at how in awe of the picture some of my family were and others were. I can see why Trump did the fist pump in the moment, if there's one thing I can say he's quick with it's marketing himself to his followers. I'm anxious that people are gonna lose focus of the tragedy of the loss of life and the increasing political violence that seems to surround this election. Sure there are a lot of Republican commentators who are speaking on Democrat critiques of Trump's fascism, but their comments are full of "fight", "we will fight", "they are causing a fight", etc. Even Trump's words in the rally and on Truth social was "fight". It feels like the message being conveyed is that "they" want to fight and we must be ready to fight them.
I wonder how much the Democrat rhetoric of Trump's threat to our Democracy affected the shooter versus the right's rhetoric has. And I worry deeply about the future of political violence to come. I can't even put "the potential violence" in there, it feels guaranteed. Yet in saying so I feel like I'm contributing to that mindset of violent inevitability. It's very taxing to dwell on.
VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:
Bro, I'm not saying that Trump ISN'T racist, lmao. He's VERY OBVIOUSLY racist. What I'm saying is that theres a contingent of crazy groyper types who hate trump because they think he's NOT RACIST ENOUGH towards jews. That's all
But Jeremy Corbyn isn't an anti-Semite….
because everything I wrote isn't about Trump…but Jeremy Corbyn.
So….any good news? Anything good happening for a change? No?
No!! wrote:
So….any good news? Anything good happening for a change? No?
Your name answers it
Trump’s shooter gave $15 to a “progressive” PAC -- but there’s more to the story
tl;dr version: Thomas may have gotten a spammy PAC email and was tricked into clicking a link to donate.
No!! wrote:
So….any good news? Anything good happening for a change? No?
High probability that Mohammed Deif is dead. This takes a massive wind out of the Sinwar faction of Hamas and probably get's the conflict one step closer to an actual cease fire.
Chewybunny wrote:
High probability that Mohammed Deif is dead. This takes a massive wind out of the Sinwar faction of Hamas and probably get's the conflict one step closer to an actual cease fire.
Well…thats good at least
God Joe Biden has been taking so many Ls recently that even horrible terrorist attacks in his name end in complete failure…which may have been for the best even if I hate the guy to avoid a civil war and cause that is not how democracy works…but STILL
Biden is telepathically spreading his Ls.
Its so fucking Joever now.
At this point I dont think transexuality existance will even be legal with how fucking massively hard the democrats are failing. …. its gonna be a full on trans genocide with how much Ws the republicans keep getting as of late damn.
Mistress Fortune wrote:
Copypaste from the main article:
Some vtubers made jokes about the shooting but backed down once they learned an innocent person did in fact get killed. One outright apologized and admitted it was a fucked up thing for them to joke about, while the other simply deleted the VOD where the joke was made. I do feel unless you're an outright politics focused streamer that making jokes about political situations is extremely messy, but inversely Stinky Blue Rat and Ricky Berwick made a joke about the shooting but didn't get much visible backlash so fuck if I know if this is a situation where joking about it is considered "too soon" or not. Obviously Trump supporters are going to find making light of the situation tasteless, but I also imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and it was attempt on Biden you then gotta wonder if the people being offended would then be saying the same stuff the people who are anti-Trump are joking about now. Politics and humor in general are a minefield that's 99.9% covered.
Adding on to this though, I will say real fast, if people were willing to overlook Pippa Pipkin and Filian making "poor taste" George Floyd jokes and not hang it over their heads for forever, then I better not see any Pippa or Filian fans doing exactly that to the vtubers who made jokes about the Trump shooting, because if they do they're showing they're just as tribalist as the people they're getting offended at (i.e. "it's only fine when MY SIDE makes edgy jokes!").
Side note, but does anyone else but me here think that the recent massive amount of upvotes for pro-Trump pictures and downvotes for pictures mocking Trump is kind of odd? Like, there always have been some amount of Trump fans among the userbase, but it's never been more proactive than after the shooting. Do you reckon we're being raided in some way? Or am I just blowing things out of proportion?
Maybe the pro-Trump porn spammer brought some friends?
Who am i kidding, that dude definitely has no friends.
Triplem wrote:
Side note, but does anyone else but me here think that the recent massive amount of upvotes for pro-Trump pictures and downvotes for pictures mocking Trump is kind of odd? Like, there always have been some amount of Trump fans among the userbase, but it's never been more proactive than after the shooting. Do you reckon we're being raided in some way? Or am I just blowing things out of proportion?
Well, they’re certainly more than the usual downvotes I get for uploading on the Jan 6th gallery. We still not getting any verification the on type of accounts making the downvotes not bots or alt accounts?
I mean phase 1 of Trumps plan to take over was already a smashing success this is very clearly phase 2 take over the entire internet by force and with how barbaric the culture war keeps getting I am assuming eventually…"removing" anyone who gets too in the way of doing so.
Really try to not get doxx or your info leaked now boys…shit is gonna be getting REAL now
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lmao no you didnt
Triplem wrote:
Side note, but does anyone else but me here think that the recent massive amount of upvotes for pro-Trump pictures and downvotes for pictures mocking Trump is kind of odd? Like, there always have been some amount of Trump fans among the userbase, but it's never been more proactive than after the shooting. Do you reckon we're being raided in some way? Or am I just blowing things out of proportion?
We've been calling out the alt right likebots for years
one of the mods is in on it too
Mistress Fortune wrote:
Adding on to this though, I will say real fast, if people were willing to overlook Pippa Pipkin and Filian making "poor taste" George Floyd jokes and not hang it over their heads for forever, then I better not see any Pippa or Filian fans doing exactly that to the vtubers who made jokes about the Trump shooting, because if they do they're showing they're just as tribalist as the people they're getting offended at (i.e. "it's only fine when MY SIDE makes edgy jokes!").
It will be the usual double standard because in the current year 10 "edgy jokes" are usually just expressing actual views
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oh no, not more wojaks
The quoted post has been deleted.
I know you are but what am I
No!! wrote:
God Joe Biden has been taking so many Ls recently that even horrible terrorist attacks in his name end in complete failure…which may have been for the best even if I hate the guy to avoid a civil war and cause that is not how democracy works…but STILL
Biden is telepathically spreading his Ls.
Its so fucking Joever now.
At this point I dont think transexuality existance will even be legal with how fucking massively hard the democrats are failing. …. its gonna be a full on trans genocide with how much Ws the republicans keep getting as of late damn.
People need to vote
remember project 2025 and vote for whoever will beat the reps
Donald Trump Does Not Get Post-Shooting Poll Boost
I have a feeling the type of person who would vote for Trump after the assassination attempt would have voted for him anyways.
I don't trust polls either way tbh
but I'm not that suprised if it is actually reflective
I don't trust polls either way tbh
To make matters worse, Newsweek only cited one poll, which was published only two days after the event in question. That's too soon to say anything with confidence, and possibly so soon that some of the data predates the assassination attempt, depending on how they manage things.
By the way, the pollster they cited, Morning Consult, has been noted to have a considerable lean towards the Democrats by FiveThirtyEight.
President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19 at pivotal moment in reelection campaign
Given how he blamed his poor debate performance on a cold, I wonder if anyone at the debate was at risk of getting Covid?
KZN02 wrote:
President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19 at pivotal moment in reelection campaign
Given how he blamed his poor debate performance on a cold, I wonder if anyone at the debate was at risk of getting Covid?
Can only hope trumo got it
Kenetic Kups wrote:
Can only hope trumo got it
The funny thing is in the 2020 debates, Trump was reported to have Covid at the time.
Kenetic Kups wrote:
Can only hope trumo got it
He better.
Oh god, Kamala Harris might actually win the election.
Fuckin hell, we're going to get a compromise candidate here, Republicans might shut up if Kamala tries implementing sweeping "soft" border control policies and also be happy if she uses her deranged drug-focused DA experience to attack the opioid and fentanyl crises (at least to devise a plan and prioritizing the resources to it). But now I'm thinking she might just feel too disconnected still, at least give the Republicans 4 more years to decide on actually sane candidates.
Leftists: I wish the bullet didn't miss Trump because I am so scared of a Trump presidency.
Me: I wish the bullet didn't miss Trump because politicians should fear the wrath of the people.
We are not the same.
KZN02 wrote:
President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19 at pivotal moment in reelection campaign
Given how he blamed his poor debate performance on a cold, I wonder if anyone at the debate was at risk of getting Covid?
Joe Biden right now:
Lone K. (Echoid) wrote:
Oh god, Kamala Harris might actually win the election.
Fuckin hell, we're going to get a compromise candidate here, Republicans might shut up if Kamala tries implementing sweeping "soft" border control policies and also be happy if she uses her deranged drug-focused DA experience to attack the opioid and fentanyl crises (at least to devise a plan and prioritizing the resources to it). But now I'm thinking she might just feel too disconnected still, at least give the Republicans 4 more years to decide on actually sane candidates.
At this point almost any dem is better than a rep
I…dont even care that much? I am already in "eventual inevitable violent revolution" and "inevitable civil war" mode eith all the crazy shit that has happened lately.
What am I supposed to assume that even if Biden wins the Trump supporters arent gonna go ballistic and try something violent and stupid like say: storm the capital but this time with actual guns and try a coup, I mean are they really not counting how pissed they are now after that assasination attempt? I am pretty certain some far right asshole will try SOMETHING if Biden wins.
Not sure if Biden getting covid really changes that much if the USA is as radicalized and violent as it is.It is still terrible news dont get me wrong but its hard for me to muster much of a fuck at this point
Like there are definetly better and worse possibilities to this shitshow and I REALLY hope Biden still wins but I cant think of an entirely good ending to this election not after THAT.
None of this awful news are having an effect on me lately, call me an obnoxious doomer (and I would definetly deserve it) but the worst already kind of happened.
Like we need to win this election but we also need to take a step back and think "wtf do we do now?", shit wont be magically if Boden wins AND that sounds diffocult to accomplish too.
Wtf is the USA gonna do when Biden dies? Or when Trump supporters go for their inevitable "revenge" as they are (understanbly) pissed of and have tons and tons of guns? We need to be prepared for a crisis here even if Biden wins.
Quotes from project 2025
Page 5:
"Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology.."
"Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women."
"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders."
And then it calls for the death penalty of sex offenders,
wonder what they mean by this
No!! wrote:
I…dont even care that much? I am already in "eventual inevitable violent revolution" and "inevitable civil war" mode eith all the crazy shit that has happened lately.
What am I supposed to assume that even if Biden wins the Trump supporters arent gonna go ballistic and try something violent and stupid like say: storm the capital but this time with actual guns and try a coup, I mean are they really not counting how pissed they are now after that assasination attempt? I am pretty certain some far right asshole will try SOMETHING if Biden wins.
Not sure if Biden getting covid really changes that much if the USA is as radicalized and violent as it is.It is still terrible news dont get me wrong but its hard for me to muster much of a fuck at this point
Like there are definetly better and worse possibilities to this shitshow and I REALLY hope Biden still wins but I cant think of an entirely good ending to this election not after THAT.
None of this awful news are having an effect on me lately, call me an obnoxious doomer (and I would definetly deserve it) but the worst already kind of happened.
If biden wins trump supporters may attempt a full on overthrow, however with trump's puppets on the SC trying to get him out of all his crimes he may not care enough to support it, and even if so the state will fight them
if trump wins then project 2025 will be enacted destroying our rights and the environment , possibly mostly through executive order as again the SC are trump's lapdogs,
Mistress Fortune wrote:
Joe Biden right now:
"Nothing to worry about. He'll be fine."
Kenetic Kups wrote:
Quotes from project 2025
Page 5:"Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology.."
"Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women."
"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders."
And then it calls for the death penalty of sex offenders,
wonder what they mean by this
I don't know what I find funnier, the sheer moralistic puritan self-righteousness dripping from those sentences or the idea that these guys would even dream of seriously taking on the multi-billion dollar porn industry.
TheHolyEmpress wrote:
I don't know what I find funnier, the sheer moralistic puritan self-righteousness dripping from those sentences or the idea that these guys would even dream of seriously taking on the multi-billion dollar porn industry.
All the more reason to NOT find out and to vote against them
Oh right, Trump also forgot that a message of unity is supposed to be a message of unity. Leave it to him to be the type that throws away one of the most perfect opportunities to convince moderates he's not out for them lol
TheHolyEmpress wrote:
I don't know what I find funnier, the sheer moralistic puritan self-righteousness dripping from those sentences or the idea that these guys would even dream of seriously taking on the multi-billion dollar porn industry.
And considering that the whole of it is an international force that now mostly spreads over the internet, the only way to go about it would involve quarantining the US off from the rest of the world's internet in a feat that puts the great Chinese firewall to utter shame. Good luck with that.
Much of Project 2025 is such half-coherent nonsense, which is why I'm less concerned that (under a hypothetical second Trump administration) anyone will do literally what it says than that this will encourage a bloated, over-reaching government that thrashes about destructively and without aim.
If the far right try to seriously go after porn I can guarantee you that'd result in some kind of uprising. You do not fuck with gooners and their source of happiness.
Another topic: So Libs of Tiktok is now engaging in the doxxing and firing of people who make jokes about the attempted Trump assassination. Regardless of your feelings regarding people saying things like "damn how'd he miss?" you have to admit there is a huge double standard at play. Trump and other conservatives joked about Paul Pelosi's attempted murder and they still hold a platform, and haven't the MAGA crowd been the same ones to constantly decry "cancel culture" and how certain terminally online leftists demand the firing of conservatives who made jokes or non-jokes wishing death on liberals?
"Rules for thee, not for me" in action here.
"ICJ rules Israel has illegally annexed large parts of Palestinian territory"
" Last February, the court held several days of hearings. Israel didn't actively cooperate with the legal proceedings but worked with its allies behind the scenes to register its own legal arguments with the court.
Driving the news: Friday's opinion finds that the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank -- and by extension the Israeli government -- are in violation of international law.
"Israel's policies including expansion of settlements and associated infrastructure and exploitation of natural resources… are designed to remain in place indefinitely. These policies amount to annexation of large parts of the Palestinian territories," the court said.
The court said Israel's presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are unlawful and must be ended as soon as possible, including by evacuating Jewish settlers from the territories.
The court added that Israel's legislation and measures in the West Bank and East Jerusalem constitute a violation of the Convention against Racial Discrimination.
It stressed that Israeli settlements policy led to violence against the Palestinian civilian population, which the Israeli government failed to address.
The court said Israel must provide reparations to Palestinians damaged by those policies and practices.
It called all countries not to recognize as legal the Israel presence in the West Bank. "
Pretty big deal that ICJ just ruled that Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, and that it must pay the Palestinian people reparations
Kid Rock should have performed this at the RNC :^)
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