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Jul 29, 2024 at 04:18PM EDT.
Aug 20, 2010 at 11:28AM EDT
1515 posts
1266 users
I'm new and well idk what else to say so ya
nobody cares about new members, especially people who post in this thread ( especially me )
so I will now say HI and leave you with my face:
Lol I forgot to introduce myself and I've been on here for a month, now. :T
Hey guys.
(walks off)
Hi guys, I joined this site about a week ago so, yeah, hi!
Hey there :D
Welcome to KYM little missy.
[linkspam removed]
Hi I've been here for a little while so yeah
Sup. I'm new.
I joined because I got banned from newgrounds for a few days and I'm bored. Oh, and I wanted to comment on something.
Good morning.
Just so you know, my username has nothing to do with me. Just wanted to get that said.
Hey I'm pips. I regret putting numbers at the end of my username.
You can change your name in your profile, should be edit profile or something like it.
Main reason why I dont remember half the people anyways.
Hi everyone :3
I be an AyameTomoya
Hey new users! glaD to see you!
Heil. \o>
I'm Garry, a french member. Interesting isn't it uh ? :3
One of our Mods, Tomberry, is also french.
And welcome!
Good evening, my name is Gnarly, and I'm very sweet.
i have been here for almost a half a year now
@Gnarly: You're very sweet?
How lovely. :3
somehow I managed to miss the big button at the top that said "forums"
so hai people.
I'm not new, but I don't believe that I have posted in here. I am Trick Lobo and I like webcomics.
O hai im carnavis. You can call me carny too. lol wut
Hello everyone, i'm Unoriginal, but you can all me Eric. I am the most stone cold person you will ever meet.
Hello everyone. Now that this deed is done, IT'S ADVENTURE TIME! :D
HAII im Chase. Or Knowledge
Hai everyone…
Hello there, im Hobo, and im going to try and post an image, but will probably fail.
Hello, everyone…I'm Hitman….dunno wat else to say….
A hobo clown wrote:
Hello there, im Hobo, and im going to try and post an image, but will probably fail.
Put ! marks on either side of the url, without the <>.
And to everyone here, welcome!
Hello new users! n_n
I hope you enjoy it here at KYM! :O
I love you
hey guise lolo
Hey guise!
I would really appreciate some follows!
Hai boys! Form an orderly queue…
Hi everybody, my name is FissureFilms (F2) and I'm a memeoholic. I'm also cowering beneath Amy Winehouse's frightening smile and armpit.
Hi my name is Aaron, I'm a software architect for a molecular biology software suite and I love this site. I would like to create a math simulation system based on memetic math but I can't find any good references. If anyone knows of any please send a message. Thanks guys this is a great site.
Ohai pplz, my names Ray and im a furry and a gamer.
Also, I have pancake mix.
Furries ಠ_à²
I love you too
I am Heavy Lobster Guy, und DIS () is my lobster.
I just joined yesterday but I've been lurking for about a year. >>
Ooh, didn't checked forums section before _" hi everyone!
Ok hi, so, my name is NOT Boxxy, but i love her [as you can see]
I watched KYM episodes since the first one i guess. and i really like KYM.
I´m waiting the day Molly becomes a meme.
and…that´s about it. bye
Man theres a lot of new members. You were just trying to replace my awsomness wernt you
iloveboxxy4ever wrote:
Ok hi, so, my name is NOT Boxxy, but i love her [as you can see]
I watched KYM episodes since the first one i guess. and i really like KYM.
I´m waiting the day Molly becomes a meme.
and…that´s about it. bye
OMG! i typed Molly in the search bar and she appears. º0º
Molly is a meme, Boxxy has return, KYM is full of win.
lulzdog wrote:
Hai boys! Form an orderly queue…
Welcome to KYM EVERY BODY!
KYM the place where wierd is accepted and the everyday is frownd upon.
p.s For all you new members . NO I CANT SPELL WORTH A CRAP.
I'm nigglet. an average /b/tard and meme fan.
LCPL Crazy J wrote:
KYM the place where wierd is accepted and the everyday is frownd upon.
p.s For all you new members . NO I CANT SPELL WORTH A CRAP.
Welcome to KYM, I hope you enjoy it Crazy.
Hey everybody i'm new…and i have one thought to say….
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You aint f***** wit my dougie!
Well hello my future victims
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