So it's gone back to the old layout for me at least.
Hopefully this isn't just a glitch and the admins got the message that the new layout is terrible but I can't be sure.

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So it's gone back to the old layout for me at least.
Hopefully this isn't just a glitch and the admins got the message that the new layout is terrible but I can't be sure.
I got the new layout curse. KYM pls fix.
Wow it’s terrible, utterly useless layout
ok is this a late April Fool's or a way too early one? ppl need to learn that "new" isn't the same as "better."
OK clearing the cookies got things back to how they should be
its better then it started as but the new format still needs a LOT of work.
This is one of the few things this website has unanimously agreed upon and honestly I fully understand why.
Jill has already explained in great detail the numerous problems this redesign has but my biggest personal irk is that I can no longer upvote or favourite images straight from the image preview.
I shouldn't have to click on another link just to get to another page that contains the exact same image with so much negative space around it it feels like a web designer's first college project just to upvote or favourite it, it makes no sense.
Please Don, I don't care how you do it, just tell the suits that this redesign is completely unacceptable in every regard, it will do nothing but drive more people further away from the website and push away the few regular users who already have a shaky opinion at the best of times with certain staff decisions.
And it's gone back around and given me the shitty layout.
Now the fuckin' gallery doesn't work properly: it counts the images irregularly, the arrows don't even fuckin' work and I can't simply click anywhere else when zoomed on an image, I have to click the X
But it's "different" so it's "better," and clearing cookies doesn't reset it
And it's back. How amazing.
I'm getting the same issues as RoyalBlue above. The image preview is back (finally, something actually good) but now it's half broken.
If you want to go to the actual image page, you HAVE to click on the "Image Detail" button. Previously, you only needed to click on the image itself which was far more convenient.
The arrows on the side nav tab either don't work or don't follow the gallery order.
And in order to exit the image preview, you either MUST click the little X on the top right of the nav, or literally press Escape on you keyboard. You can no longer simply click outside the image to exit, something that is standard function for every other website that has galleries like this.
At this point I legitimately have to ask, is anyone at KYM even testing anything? Or is whoever is handling this just clicking the "Go Live" button whenever he feels like it. Because right now it looks like the second option.
Also, I just noticed that the "Comments" button on the side nav of the image preview doesn't show the comments number anymore. Not that it would be all that useful right now since the comment number bug is currently still there on the new layout.
Oh and the thing with the pages not loading has gotten even worse now. It's now about 2/3 of every page opening that doesn't load. Worse still is that now, it sometimes even takes 2-3 reloads to get the page to load.
These performance issues don't even exist on the old layout.
Got the new layout finally
My god its such dog shit. Im so tired of the increasing pace at which websites are designed to be entirely around mobile users, which, i got to say; I absolutely never want to visit a website on my phone unless its absolutely necessary to begin with.
I'm on the desktop, so the website can fit more on screen, but the amount of titles and rows that are allowed to load is honestly ridiculous and just floods my vision with a ton of garbage and text. It doesnt even load content in chronological order, its just a mash of click bait garbage
and thats another thing; it very clear that KYM is trying to pivot to becoming a clickbait multimedia website, where content is regurgitated with engagement spins. Its honestly just too late for that to be successful. I know the website is not completely irrelevant to internet culture these days because I've seen people bring up the website or look up an article outside of this website, but its best years are behind it, not ahead; especially in terms of profitability. People have the sense to stay away from the website in its current state; outside of its entries and articles, there is nothing really worth engaging with in its current state. Its an indication of the direction the website is heading, and its a path that has long since lost its viability; I can only see people getting turned off and losing those clicks for advertisement money in the long run.
site bug, it came back but why did they do that?
who did this it's so stupid it's ugly and buggy
the site was buggy and fix the problems which are How to vote does not work, the pages sometimes take a minute to load for no apparent reason, I like/dislike" does not work under comments, and the pages do not load at all and the profile page comments on them does not work
Steve wrote:
Got the new layout finally
My god its such dog shit. Im so tired of the increasing pace at which websites are designed to be entirely around mobile users, which, i got to say; I absolutely never want to visit a website on my phone unless its absolutely necessary to begin with.
I'm on the desktop, so the website can fit more on screen, but the amount of titles and rows that are allowed to load is honestly ridiculous and just floods my vision with a ton of garbage and text. It doesnt even load content in chronological order, its just a mash of click bait garbage
and thats another thing; it very clear that KYM is trying to pivot to becoming a clickbait multimedia website, where content is regurgitated with engagement spins. Its honestly just too late for that to be successful. I know the website is not completely irrelevant to internet culture these days because I've seen people bring up the website or look up an article outside of this website, but its best years are behind it, not ahead; especially in terms of profitability. People have the sense to stay away from the website in its current state; outside of its entries and articles, there is nothing really worth engaging with in its current state. Its an indication of the direction the website is heading, and its a path that has long since lost its viability; I can only see people getting turned off and losing those clicks for advertisement money in the long run.
Not only could I find the old website by browsing these comments, but also had my sanity restored with the above quote. Have my upvote, good sir.
>Site suddenly looks ugly today
>"Oh well, I'll give it a shot, maybe I can get used to it"
>Go to images and start viewing
>Can't view image's current score from the preview
>Can't upvote or downvote image from the preview
>Can't see how many comments there are from the preview
>Clicking on the black empty space doesn't close the preview, I have to go all the way up and click the X
>It just looks worse than the old layout
Imagine updating your site and not just removing features, but removing so many basic ones that trying to use the site for 30 seconds already creates a list of issues this long.
And did I mention it's ugly?
Saber THE Totodile wrote:
Click the hamburger sign (The three bars at the top right), scroll down until you see OLD SITE. Hit that and it'll bring you back to the old design.
Trust me, the moment I saw it again, I didn't care if they made any improvements, I just went:
I love you so fucking much right now.
i did not like the new site look a month ago and i do not like it now. Leave it as it was. it wasnt broken and it does not at all needs fixing. period
Yuck. I got infected with this new layout and it looked godawful.
It looks even worse on my phone, too.
A word for staff members: maybe instead of pushing shitty layouts onto users, you should consider user feedback instead of having your own biases override everyone pointing out that your layout is objectively less usable than what came before?
I can't fucking find anything with the new layout and it takes forever to load.
months ago site works perfectly someone screwed up and the site works badly who does that I want to know, the web designer or someone who has the site as stupid as the moon now. who! does that!!!!!!! the responsibility no one who screwed up
I've had time to think and can make my previous comment a bit more helpful.
What I like about the current layout is the fact the newest, most recent front page post clearly gets the most space and none of the other content is competing for that. The newest front page post 100% should get the most space and attention in any future layouts. We read that first and everything else is secondary.
The redesign had way to much recent, but not new enough content fighting the new posts.
Welp. I've been hit with the new site design. (again afaik)
Tell that to this site's management and investors.
I fear the day they get rid of the old site feature
Took a long while for the new layout to hit me, but it finally did. Five to ten seconds of it and I came here.
Takes longer to load (spaghetti code)
MORE clicks to do things (LOOK AT OUR ENGAGEMENT NUMBERS!!!1!)
Layout makes it look like a generic click-bait """""""""news"""""""""" site (We're modern! We're trendy! please give us money!)
Anybody look at their internet history? SCROLLING THE PAGE GENERATES A NEW HISTORY ENTRY. They're trying to compete with Chrome for how much ram it eats.
So this is what people have been complaining about. Good old sunken cost fallacy strikes again, eh?
it happened again and it shows itself. I do NOT WANT THAT NEW LAYOUT.
I got the old one back, I was happy, now I got the new one again.
Fuck off with this absolute trashy new looks, NOBODY LIKES IT, STOP FORCING IT UPON RANDOM USERS!
Was back to normal for a while, now it's back to this mess. I have so many grievances, mostly with the images:
- Hyperlinks in comments are indistinguishable from regular text so how can you tell it's a link?
- Can't vote on images or see the votes already there without going onto their page, and even then the upvotes don't seem to register.
- Images appear to have a phantom comment that doesn't exist. Possibly meme entries too.
- Sorting photos by High Score doesn't work yet all the other options do.
- New arrow buttons meant to go between images:
– useless since I want to see a thumbnail to tell what image I'm going to.
– counter intuitive as they assign Left to older images and Right to newer ones, which every neuron of my read left-to-right brain disagrees with.
– do not discriminate between regular images and NSFW/Spoilers, they don't even give a warning.
Just to name a few.
… I do like how the image notes and source sections are below the image rather than at the side though.
I got this stupid GUI change today, can y'all just scrap it already? Nobody likes it.
I do NOT LIKE that new layout
Alright, got stuck with the new layout for a few days.
- Condensed visual layout of the main page means if there's A Good Article I'll find it.
- Basically everything else doesn't work.
Seems like we could pretty easily get the best of both worlds here…
KYM. When will you learn nobody wants this layout? This is what, the fourth time? Please just stop trying to fix what was never broken!
Been stuck with this abomination for a week straight now. For the love of god, KYM.
If this doesn't get reverted soon I'm leaving this site.
it's only a matter of time before the forums were also converted to the new layout. as for now the new layout has affected the main pages and image gallery to most users, but i'm still writing this thread reply on the old layout.
Well it had left me for a while, but now it's back.
All my grievances I noted in a comment above still apply, but now there's a new one:
- Upvoting comments doesn't work any more. When trying to upvote a comment on a picture of Cream the Rabbit holding a sniper rifle, not only does it not upvote the comment, it acts as a hyperlink taking me to a 404 page (
Turning a simple upvote into a hyperlink to a page that doesn't exist? What?!
Having a terrible layout is bad enough, but switching from a functioning one to non-functioning one is just asinine.
This went from being roasted like a well-done beef to turning into charcoal. God, I hope I never fuck up this badly.
Finally got the new layout on my phone this morning. I tested it to see if it fared better than on desktop, and as expected: barely.
So here are my grievances and remarks:
- Aesthetically speaking, it's several magnitudes uglier than the old layout, not to mention identityless. Was it really not an option to take the existing structures, buttons and fonts and work from there? This is the kind of style that is outdated as soon as it's created, and it lacks the nostalgia factor that the old layout has, so it's bad for old and new users.
- I can undersand the choice to have the user only be able to upvote from the gallery, and only be able to see the details of upvotes and downvotes from the picture's page, along with the other details. It's just that you're just taking away features for seemingly no crucial reason, which will obviously be counterintuitive and frustrating for old users.
Also, if someone directly gets to the picture's page via a browser search (yes, I know, unlikely for someone already registered), or via a hyperlink, or by clicking on the picture when it's been posted in a comment… then what, do we have to search this specific picture in a gallery, just so we can upvote it? Again, the old layout makes it so we don't even have to worry about something like that.
- Speaking of upvotes, still no way of clicking on a Spoilers or NSFW picture in a gallery in order to see a preview. No, you have to load its page, then go back to the gallery so you can upvote or downvote it. This is annoying as hell, since the aforementioned method is mandatory if you want to have any good idea of what you're upvoting.
- The display of the pictures in one column looks kind of ugly, especially in the absence of any margin on the sides, and it looks ripe for the Mother Of All Doomscrollings. That being said, it's a good thing that they are displayed with a big enough size that you can see them in enough details, so in that way, it works.
I still believe it'd be more manageable for the user to load a bunch of pictures from a gallery – exactly like how the old layout works – and then be able to click on the pictures to see a preview along with the upvote/downvote buttons. Maybe display by default the picture's entry and title, so that the user is warned in more detail of NSFW and Spoiler contents before clicking. Previews have worked on desktop for more than a decade, so I see no good reason why it would be impossible to implement them on a mobile version in Current Year™.
- Displaying the tags at the bottom of the picture within a gallery is an interesting idea, and could help with the Spoilers and NSFW pictures, by giving the users a first information on the content behind them.
- But then why doesn't this feature work when I search for Most Commented pictures with a tag search?
- Well, that's probably for the best, since many old pictures have so many tags that they cover all of the smartphone's screen, if not more.
- Big-ass ads for the KYM Store on each and every entry. Alright, guess we're whoring ourselves out now. Do you have any spare lipstick?
- Back on the topic of doomscrolling, the constant loading of pictures is taking a toll on my smartphone. Some other websites, like Twitter, Mastodon or whatnot, manage to make it work fluidly, but it isn't the case of KYM. It never was the case in the first place, but since way less pictures are shown at a time in the new layout, which means more time scrolling to search for a specific picture for example, this problem in particular has been worsened.
- In entries, the text is noticeably too big. It could be reduced by a size or two, and still be readable while displaying more information per screen space. You could really take a page from Wikipedia's book here.
- Still about entries, I fail to see why the newest images should be displayed at the top of the page rather than at the bottom (where, somehow, they… also already are?!?). Typically, you consult an entry to read about its content, and the more time you need to scroll to access it, the worse. If one wants to access the gallery via the entry, the button is enough, no need to shove 6 pictures on top of it all. They rather belong at the bottom of the entry.
- It's now impossible to upvote a comment are you fucking kidding me
Actually, wait, that part about implementing a preview system in the galleries? I had already forgotten about it, because I wanted to focus on studying the new layout, but this is exactly how the old layout works on mobile. There is literally no good reason why there shouldn't be the same system in the new layout. I must insist: just displaying the title of the picture so that we have enough information before clicking on a NSFW and/or Spoiler picture would be plenty enough of a change to the old layout, which, might I insist, remains vastly superior to the new one in most if not all ways.
And another thing I forgot to mention yesterday: the doomscrolling is made even more tedious by the fact that the Looong pictures are no longer hidden by default. Try taking a trip in the Would You Fuck A Clone Of Yourself gallery, tell me how many pictures you're able to see in just a minute.
It happened again….. I DO NOT WANT THE NEW LAYOUT
Here looking for answers.
Is there an official article on what was changed? What this update is called?
Why change, and why now?
The new UI suddenly got forced on me until I deleted KYM's history from my Browser.
Overdesigned, Overcomplicated, nothing was working
I couldn't even thumb up an image
Saber THE Totodile wrote:
Click the hamburger sign (The three bars at the top right), scroll down until you see OLD SITE. Hit that and it'll bring you back to the old design.
Trust me, the moment I saw it again, I didn't care if they made any improvements, I just went:
May your pillow be cold and your bitches many for thy deserves great things
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