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NSFW Guidelines (Updated 2/17/17)

Last posted Jul 07, 2024 at 07:49PM EDT. Added Nov 27, 2012 at 12:52PM EST
235 posts from 83 users

ballstothewall wrote:

it only shows a tiny bit of the Areola

Then don't upload it. ;)

I'd personally say that's definitely NC. Always ask yourself "would my boss chew me out for looking at this in the office?"

KYM should generally be viewable on my lunch break. (Who even is that and what relevance do they have to memes, by the way?)

I was going to put it on my user page for photos, not related to any memes especially (That's the point of the user photos that's not tagged to any entry is it not). To be fair minor NSFW that we allow is still NSFW and might get you kicked out of the job. It's not a case of "Along as it's not porn it's okay"
But yeah I guess this is "Better safe than sorry" it's incredibly borderline.
Also I think this is just as bad as (below) which is allowed apparently.

Mod edit: Actually, it's not :|

Last edited Dec 14, 2016 at 08:19PM EST

The aforementioned image isn't allowed. No visible areola is allowed. I mean, this and this are examples of things not allowed. Visible areola is going notably farther than either of those, so it naturally follows that it's not allowed.

I actually had a much more thorough list of things allowed and not allowed when developing this, but it was simplified since people were worried users wouldn't read it. Visible areola was one of those things not allowed.

Also, the image you posted isn't allowed either. It may have been allowed 2 years ago, but not anymore, so I removed it and put it under a spoiler. Keep in mind that was a time when the rules were notably looser.

Last edited Dec 14, 2016 at 08:21PM EST

Alright, well, the Moderation team has decided to change both rules pages, we removed the overly descriptive stuff because it's too embarrassing and from now on we will be way more strict with NSFW content; This means we will start removing extremely porny media from now on to our discretion, and to avoid another "Is this nipple bulge too big?" "Is this cameltoe hidden enough?" esque situation there's a single, simple rule you should abide by:

-Do not upload porny content unless it's vital for documentation

Exceptions will be made for the sake of comedy, but again, this is left to the moderator's discretion, better safe than sorry, so feel free to PM a moderator for clarification

Last edited Dec 19, 2016 at 05:35PM EST

While I understand and agree with the decision for the reasons stated all over this thread… we all know this can only end in trouble at some point. Rules are only written in forums and rarely shared outside them, and most image uploaders do not visit the forums even once, so, this can only end with several people's images being removed for reasons they ignore and then proceed to complain about it. Process that will repeat itself Ad Nauseam, much to the moderators' dismay.

I hope you guys are prepared with some extra patience to deal with all this. We do not clearly know how far it will escalate… but we cannot rule out a shitstorm as a possibility.

Anyway… since you are committed, might as well help: I recently found this image which, if I understand the extremely loosely defined NSFW rules here, seems to be NC, "porny" content, so you might want to remove it.

Guys you should of all told everyone and get the message on the front page (Get Don to put it on there) about the NSFW rules change. Now people will get in trouble and not know why because most image uploaders don't look at the forums. Bad idea guys.

So the debate has finally ended. No nsfw unless required by the entry. This is going to have some interesting consequences.

Also, does this mean nsfw uploaded from this point in time, or all nsfw images uploaded ever? Cause if its the latter, thats gonna take a lot of man hours to clear out the site of all of it.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 10:19AM EST

TripleA9000 wrote:

So the debate has finally ended. No nsfw unless required by the entry. This is going to have some interesting consequences.

Also, does this mean nsfw uploaded from this point in time, or all nsfw images uploaded ever? Cause if its the latter, thats gonna take a lot of man hours to clear out the site of all of it.

Yeah I don't think this was a good choice. I've seen porn websites with better ads than ours. It's bad on TVTropes as well and that has very little NSFW content. It's because we aren't secure so the advertisers can put on whatever they want. NSFW should still be allowed. Funny how many people complained about Youtube going PG on this site and then we're doing the same. It's so hypocritical it hurts.
EDIT: Also Kill la Kill isn't NSFW when the whole show is about nudity. Does that we're not allowed to post NSFW images on a show about nudity and why it's good? This is a very stupid decision and lots of site traffic will likely decrease. People love the NSFW images.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 10:31AM EST

The rules editorial was also changed but the edits are really quite minimal when you compare them. A few words here, one line there. The emphasis was placed on making it more difficult to find loopholes (something certain uploaders like to turn into a sport) and make it easier to act. This doesn't mean we suddenly allow a lot less and start banning everyone, it means we won't have to double question ourselves each time someone tries to push the border.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 11:35AM EST

RandomMan wrote:

The rules editorial was also changed but the edits are really quite minimal when you compare them. A few words here, one line there. The emphasis was placed on making it more difficult to find loopholes (something certain uploaders like to turn into a sport) and make it easier to act. This doesn't mean we suddenly allow a lot less and start banning everyone, it means we won't have to double question ourselves each time someone tries to push the border.

Now I'm confused. One of the things it says is no NSFW allowed on non-NSFW entries? Am I wrong on that or is it just that there is no borderline stuff allowed anymore?

The quoted post has been deleted.

Alright I have no idea what the mods were thinking when they thought of this idea so I want to see why Rivers decided on it. I feel like this is an awful decision on their part and it seems a lot of people agree with me on here in the forums and the comment section.

While I would love to comment on why I decided on it, there's a crucial issue: I was entirely left out of this decision.

From what I know though, nsfw content isn't blocked altogether. It's porny content. I can see where the confusion comes in, as that's a term we mods use to each other but not much elsewhere.

Porny refers to images that end up under the sort of "grey" area in the rules, and especially on the borderline NC with sensual context rule.

Mameme wrote:

Alright I have no idea what the mods were thinking when they thought of this idea so I want to see why Rivers decided on it. I feel like this is an awful decision on their part and it seems a lot of people agree with me on here in the forums and the comment section.

Why are you so obsessed with Rivers, she's not the entire mod team, or are you implying some mods have more worth than others

>A lot of people agree with me

Oh, I see, so you do think some people's opinion are worth more than others, good to know

But seriously, some users have abused the loopholes in the rules, is the same thing that happened with the Reaction Images galleries, and from what I've seen most commenters worry about "isn't this too much for the site" I think these "lewdposters" sometimes forget this is a site for comedy, not a softcore porn vault


Yes,, we are not going to start warning from the get-go, we'll wait enough time until we are sure the word has spread, if possible, get the thread frontpaged, but don't worry, if anything, is just a minority of users that like to challenge the rules to see how much they can get away with

>I was entirely left out of this decision.
Dude you made that council thread about this issue in the first place, everybody voiced their opinions already, what are you on about? Applying the rules without you being around now means you didn't get a say on this even though you already expressed your opinion? How does that work?

Edit: This was mentioned earlier in this thread already but, according to Admins the bulks of NSFW fanart are contributing towards the awful ads
Better ads>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Softcore porn

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 12:56PM EST

ShiJo wrote:

Why are you so obsessed with Rivers, she's not the entire mod team, or are you implying some mods have more worth than others

>A lot of people agree with me

Oh, I see, so you do think some people's opinion are worth more than others, good to know

But seriously, some users have abused the loopholes in the rules, is the same thing that happened with the Reaction Images galleries, and from what I've seen most commenters worry about "isn't this too much for the site" I think these "lewdposters" sometimes forget this is a site for comedy, not a softcore porn vault


Yes,, we are not going to start warning from the get-go, we'll wait enough time until we are sure the word has spread, if possible, get the thread frontpaged, but don't worry, if anything, is just a minority of users that like to challenge the rules to see how much they can get away with

>I was entirely left out of this decision.
Dude you made that council thread about this issue in the first place, everybody voiced their opinions already, what are you on about? Applying the rules without you being around now means you didn't get a say on this even though you already expressed your opinion? How does that work?

Edit: This was mentioned earlier in this thread already but, according to Admins the bulks of NSFW fanart are contributing towards the awful ads
Better ads>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Softcore porn

The reason why I mention Rivers is because she is a large part of the NSFW rules. She is also the person who responds to me about NSFW content. Maybe what I said about that "A lot of people agree with me" was stupid though. Also some NSFW content has already been deleted before it got re-uploaded because of the new rules so I can't see the waiting thing happening.
EDIT: If it's just porny stuff (Which as far as I know is very rare) is just getting banned then I'm fine then because I don't put it on before telling a mod if it's allowed or not.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 01:28PM EST

So, in practical terms, what I'm getting here is that most of what changes is that where previously you'd argue with the poster on whether that particular piece of art is passable or not, you just don't allow it and that's that.

A situation that was already kind of rare aside from certain galleries.

I'm sort of okay with this, unless I misunderstood.

Farm Zombie wrote:

Just out of curiosity, how will this affect galleries like Hentai Quotes, which flat out come from porn but are text-based?

Galleries that are NSFW by nature (such as Hentai Quotes and Body Inflation) are exempt from the new rules.

If the entry requires NSFW content for meme/subculture research, it's fine.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 02:33PM EST

Yeah, and my opinion on the issue was "wait until we get more info from the admins", ShiJo, and that's what we were doing. The decision I'm referencing is deciding to go ahead without more admin input.

If we're doing something, and then change what we're doing, then there was some decision in the middle. That decision is what I'm talking about.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 03:51PM EST

Farm Zombie wrote:

Just out of curiosity, how will this affect galleries like Hentai Quotes, which flat out come from porn but are text-based?

There is an exception when it's related to research. For example the one-finger selfie challenge wouldn't be allowed anywhere on the site but can pass in that entry (and even then, straight up NC is disallowed), but tactical minimal censor in the Pokemon gallery (NSFW) just isn't allowed in general.

The reason why I mention Rivers is because she is a large part of the NSFW rules.

So, Rivers dances in skimpy clothes behind red lights for a large part of her free time?

Most of you are correct that it's mainly to make it easier to deal with that grey area that really only covers a minimal of the uploads and users. No pushing the border, just blam and it's removed.

Right now it's fresh, so we'll get it introduced first and won't warn right away, but likewise it can happen we remove a bit too much at first since now a new line has to be drawn.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 04:05PM EST

Wait what about topless girls that have barbie doll anatomy that is commonly seen in anime that isn't on an NSFW entry but does have a decently adult (Though not adult enough) to get the NSFW rating like Kill la Kill. It's main theme is nudity and there's lots of it but it has barbie doll anatomy.

That stuff is what is worrying me mostly because that is allowed on Safebooru.

No more porn/borderline porn? This is going to be… interesting.

I don't really mind, to be honest. If anything this new rule could avoid possible awkward moments with users getting caught looking at the Pokemon gallery.

Mameme wrote:

Wait what about topless girls that have barbie doll anatomy that is commonly seen in anime that isn't on an NSFW entry but does have a decently adult (Though not adult enough) to get the NSFW rating like Kill la Kill. It's main theme is nudity and there's lots of it but it has barbie doll anatomy.

That stuff is what is worrying me mostly because that is allowed on Safebooru.

I think this oddly specific case really depends on the topic or themes of the show (and therefore the entry) . If the major themes of the show / entry are about NSFW stuff, go for it I guess. Entries like Kill la Kill (IMO) and Keijo are included. If the entry is not NSFW focused, anything like NSFW fanart are probably not allowed since they are not required for documentation.

Forgive me if I have a wrong interpretation.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 05:10PM EST

Mr. Candles wrote:

Okay, with that particular Pokemon example given yes, that had to go and urgently.

"the characters are not fully nude, the image is not seductive or sexual, they are merely playing innocently, and all the naughty bits mentioned in the [former] OP post are properly covered. this image should be allowed, you mods are such fucking prudes."

Sounds unlikely but some users would try to loophole through it, not making it easier for us to remove. Coincidentally, the Pokemon gallery was kinda the final drop.

That stuff is what is worrying me mostly because that is allowed on Safebooru.

Can you link some examples which are allowed on Safebooru which you would question if are acceptable for KYM? Lurk is also correct that it can be up to the show.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 05:18PM EST

RandomMan wrote:

"the characters are not fully nude, the image is not seductive or sexual, they are merely playing innocently, and all the naughty bits mentioned in the [former] OP post are properly covered. this image should be allowed, you mods are such fucking prudes."

Sounds unlikely but some users would try to loophole through it, not making it easier for us to remove. Coincidentally, the Pokemon gallery was kinda the final drop.

That stuff is what is worrying me mostly because that is allowed on Safebooru.

Can you link some examples which are allowed on Safebooru which you would question if are acceptable for KYM? Lurk is also correct that it can be up to the show.

> "you mods are such fucking prudes"

Please tell me that was paraphrased.

RandomMan wrote:

"the characters are not fully nude, the image is not seductive or sexual, they are merely playing innocently, and all the naughty bits mentioned in the [former] OP post are properly covered. this image should be allowed, you mods are such fucking prudes."

Sounds unlikely but some users would try to loophole through it, not making it easier for us to remove. Coincidentally, the Pokemon gallery was kinda the final drop.

That stuff is what is worrying me mostly because that is allowed on Safebooru.

Can you link some examples which are allowed on Safebooru which you would question if are acceptable for KYM? Lurk is also correct that it can be up to the show.

EDIT: There's also this from Neon Genesis Evangelion which is pretty much a PG-13 in terms of sexual content (Except End)

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 05:47PM EST

>Safebooru's no nipple's tag
That's 50% traps and 50% conveniently censored nudity. I won't always bet on the latter but I'll need a second opinion on the first; it really differs per image which is why I asked for image examples. Aegis, Midna, Ruto, etc. have that as their character design so those are fine. Furry is allowed as long as the fur isn't applied like body-paint (a detail also present in the OP post).

If the original PG-13 shows allows it so will we most likely, but don't push your luck; you can read about daytime tv stuff in the OP post. Neon Genesis Evangelion isn't exactly the mildest show so that helps. On the side of not fine, I wouldn't upload Terra Formars' more gore-y parts to our gallery.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 06:39PM EST

RandomMan wrote:

>Safebooru's no nipple's tag
That's 50% traps and 50% conveniently censored nudity. I won't always bet on the latter but I'll need a second opinion on the first; it really differs per image which is why I asked for image examples. Aegis, Midna, Ruto, etc. have that as their character design so those are fine. Furry is allowed as long as the fur isn't applied like body-paint (a detail also present in the OP post).

If the original PG-13 shows allows it so will we most likely, but don't push your luck; you can read about daytime tv stuff in the OP post. Neon Genesis Evangelion isn't exactly the mildest show so that helps. On the side of not fine, I wouldn't upload Terra Formars' more gore-y parts to our gallery.

I'm assuming that means you're not allowing the gorier parts of JoJo then like in the recent Ratt arc uncensored? Also as for the first example here
This also fits as there's only censoring on one part of the hair and not both, there wouldn't be one nipple
Those are the best ones I can find. Also as for conveniently censored nudity what about

Mameme wrote:

I'm assuming that means you're not allowing the gorier parts of JoJo then like in the recent Ratt arc uncensored? Also as for the first example here
This also fits as there's only censoring on one part of the hair and not both, there wouldn't be one nipple
Those are the best ones I can find. Also as for conveniently censored nudity what about

>Don't bet on it
>The most NSFW about that is that it's the worst fight in the anime (srs, the focus is porny not Simpsons movie naked skateboard scene).

But don't quote me on anything I call fine if you find one of your uploads removed. We're trying to remove the grey area, you're only creating a grey area by creating the excuse of "but that image was fine so mine should be too" (you just hear that way too often).

Contact us if you question something you wish to upload, but other than that our best advice is to play it save. It's a case by case situation, what's allowed in situation A can get removed in situation B. If you then don't like situation B, well that's too bad because updated rules and fuck grey areas.

Last edited Dec 21, 2016 at 05:11AM EST

Nedhitis wrote:

So… we could say that KYM… went from having gallery problems related to pony images…

…to having problems with porny images.

Oh well at least we get too see a lot of……buns

Last edited Dec 21, 2016 at 01:53PM EST

Would it be a good idea to implement a feature whenever a Hentai Quote Post is uploaded, it will automatically be marked NSFW?

Not really necessary. That gallery will likely be exempt from the new rules, since everything uploaded there already counts as "documentation", and these new rules only work with that pet peeve.

Anything that worked there before will work fine after the new rules go in play.

So, images like this×960/img-master/img/2016/12/19/23/07/43/60451804_p0_master1200.jpg

Are not allowed anymore?

Last edited Dec 23, 2016 at 10:26AM EST

Chaoticus wrote:

So, images like this×960/img-master/img/2016/12/19/23/07/43/60451804_p0_master1200.jpg

Are not allowed anymore?

It says forbidden.

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

I highly doubt they would allow that.

Anyway, about the rule regarding cropped or censored nudity, would an image like this be allowed?

People would not even know this is a cropped image of a more explicit one unless they knew the source, so I believe it is fine. Cropped/censored porn images are not OK only if the context itself still remains too explicit and obvious (except for some relevant entries like Hentai Quotes and SFW Porn), which does not seem to be the case here.

I think a couple of people have found a problem. While all the strong NSFW has gone it's been about a month and we still seem to be getting large trojan ads as if nothing has happened. It shouldn't take that long for those ads to be gone at all. I am still getting the Muslims want to fuck in your area shit on mobile.

Considering nothing has happened in a month shall we wait a bit longer or change the rules back to where they were as nothing seems to have developed.

It's not that I want the stronger shit to come back (It is a meme site after all not a fap gallery, take it to Danbooru or Gelbooru if you want to do that) it's that the whole plan on taking that down didn't do shit making it essentially pointless.

You may think "all the Strong NSFW has gone", but that's not true – we're regularly finding older images that need to be removed. (twoish weeks ago Gnairly posted a list of 100 NC images for us to clean.) It's really hard to clean over 1 million images spanning 8 years.

Anyways, the wording Don had used during that discussion (which we haven't had a follow up to, by the way) was that the heavy NSFW makes it hard to get good ads – meaning, after it was satisfactorily cleaned, it'd be up to the admins to find more. It won't self-fix once we remove the lewd.

Lastly, you have to remember the change to the rules was not 100% because of the ads. It was also because the exact details were getting in the way of us enforcing them, because we kept referring back to the NSFW guidelines in instances where the image should not be okay. According to RM, there was one ridiculous example they were discussing if it was NC, and he went "Why the heck are we even discussing this?" If we re-loosened the rules, we'd also have to find a way to avoid this happening again.

Duke Bruh wrote:

I know that gore is not allowed here but is this too much?

I'm pretty sure that should be fine, I've seen mods allowing gorier stuff in some galleries.
Anyway, the NC rules are the same for the forums than for the galleries so I would recommend you to ask mods directly through PM, Discord or IRC next time (and PMs are subject to the NC rules of the website so I wouldn't recommend that method unless you know for sure the mod is not going to apply the rules in that case). This picture should be fine though, just mark it as NSFW.

Last edited Mar 15, 2017 at 07:12PM EDT

KnowYourLover wrote:

I'm pretty sure that should be fine, I've seen mods allowing gorier stuff in some galleries.
Anyway, the NC rules are the same for the forums than for the galleries so I would recommend you to ask mods directly through PM, Discord or IRC next time (and PMs are subject to the NC rules of the website so I wouldn't recommend that method unless you know for sure the mod is not going to apply the rules in that case). This picture should be fine though, just mark it as NSFW.

Thank you.

amanda b. wrote:

NC (not cool) content

Images, Videos, Forum Posts and Comments that should be removed from the site:

  • Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature.
  • Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature (example) or features a bodypaint-like clothing style (example) or tactical censoring.
  • Strong illustrated gore: Violent gore and shock images, censored or uncensored, real-life or fiction (example).
  • Unwarranted obscenity (racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic content) (ex: posting “blackface” image in MLP photo).
  • Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged.

HOWEVER, in the extreme case where it is absolutely necessary for documentation (ie: Daily Dose/Piccolo Dick), please contact an admin or moderator with the photo and we can decide the correct course of action. Please do not upload a NC-rated image without admin or moderator consultation. Censored versions of these images needed for documentation should be used if available.

*Clarification: Fur on creatures that normally have fur counts as clothing. Thus, a furry not wearing clothes is not NC unless genitalia, anuses, and/or female nipples are visible, or the subject is clearly sexualized.

NSFW (not safe for work) content

Images containing partial or censored nudity or miscellaneous shock content. Content that falls within these areas needs to be properly tagged in order for it to be allowed.

Examples of NSFW that is allowed:

  • Censored nudity explicitly relevant to entry subject (example / example #2)
  • Sufficiently obscured bulges not in a sensual context (example, example #2)
  • Sexually explicit language, gestures, expressions (example / example #2)
  • Mild illustrated gore (example)
  • Racist, sexist or homophobic content only if it is essential
  • Fetish, gross or shock imageries that aren’t porny, violent or gory (example)

When it comes to nudity, images are OK as long as it's something that can be seen on a Major Network Daytime TV or in PG-16 / Mature Games. Images that include bathing suits, side boob, cleavage, but would still be seen on major network TV channels are ok and just need a NSFW tag. This still means no genitals and no sexual activities.


These are images that, while NSFW in nature, are fine to upload without the tag. Regardless, it is adviced to maintain a mindset of rather safe than sorry; tag it NSFW when in doubt.

  • Both modern and classical art containing nudity and mild gore are allowed without a NSFW tag.
  • Classical art containing sexual activities or strong gore is okay, if it is tagged NSFW.
  • Modern art containing nudity or illustrated gore is okay, as long as it is tagged NSFW.
  • Milder examples for entries that are NSFW in nature (ex: Senran Kagura, Cat Keyhole Bra) or when the gallery itself is already marked NSFW (ex: Hentai Quotes) are fine to upload without a NSFW tag within their respective entries, but require the tag outside of it. Also if an image is more obscene, sexual, or violent than normal given the entry topic, it should still have a NSFW tag.
  • NC content taken out of context and/or edited to a point where its initial sexual content is no longer clearly visible (ex: Work-Safe or Subway Sandwich Porn).

The spirit of the law takes priority over the letter of the law. Finding loopholes in the wording when it’s known what is meant won’t be tolerated, and it won’t help you if you technically didn’t break any rules when it’s clear that what you posted should be against them.

In some cases, uploading NC content may be allowed if it entirely misses the reason the rule is there – for example, cropped porn images which are taken so wildly out of context and edited to the point where they are far more humorous than anything else.


Media Moderators can mark individual images as NSFW, and Entry Moderators have the ability to mark entire entry galleries as NSFW. When a gallery is marked NSFW, there will be no images and instead some text explaining that the gallery is considered NSFW and a button to view the gallery. The actual gallery page itself would remain the same and images would still need to be marked as NSFW individually when necessary.

- In cases where it applies to a select few images in a gallery, mark individually
- In cases where it applies to the majority in a gallery, an admin will mark gallery as NSFW
- In special cases, display ads will be removed from NSFW galleries & images.


Should a disagreement arise over NSFW marking of an image, it will be settled by the Know Your Meme Editor and Cheezburger's Community Manager.


Any questions can be directed here or to another admin or moderator via PM/email.

Can you show images with female nipples?
My english is terrible and I use google translate

Luis Eduardo wrote:

Can you show images with female nipples?
My english is terrible and I use google translate

No. It counts as NC content. Anything that is in a strong R rating for nudity is typically NC. It could come off as porn pretty easily for advertisers.

Hi that's me again,this may sound like a stupid question but I was wondering about the images with extreme violence like bodies ripped apart and blood but It's more comical than shocking:like Doom for example and mods like Brutal Doom.

I have a topic to talk about that needs addressing. I uploaded a picture a couple of days ago and it got deleted with no reason on telling me why. It was pretty NSFW so I checked the rules and I asked a Database Moderator (Rivers) to see what the problem was.


Now let's take a link to this image shall we?

I have come to decide that this is not violation of the guidelines for NSFW and I couldn't find it being a repost either. There is no nipples, areola or vagina, it's not rated R-18+ on Pixiv and while there is sex it isn't portrayed graphically. To delete a work I uploaded without telling me is VILE especially because it isn't actually against the rules. As for the lolicon side of things the characters look way older than they do in the anime.

I keep my ideals wrote:

I have a topic to talk about that needs addressing. I uploaded a picture a couple of days ago and it got deleted with no reason on telling me why. It was pretty NSFW so I checked the rules and I asked a Database Moderator (Rivers) to see what the problem was.


Now let's take a link to this image shall we?

I have come to decide that this is not violation of the guidelines for NSFW and I couldn't find it being a repost either. There is no nipples, areola or vagina, it's not rated R-18+ on Pixiv and while there is sex it isn't portrayed graphically. To delete a work I uploaded without telling me is VILE especially because it isn't actually against the rules. As for the lolicon side of things the characters look way older than they do in the anime.

Ok i was the one who hid that image and i'm pretty sure i send you a message. Now lets see the image "Two underage girls (Akko is 16) naked on a bed, while one of them sucks the other nipple and the other moans" I dunno but that sounds pretty NC to me.

Now the broken rule
- Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature.

This one not so much since they seem a bit aged up.
- Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged.

I suggest you to check your emails (or spam folder, i had a few emails from kym marked as promotions) since i'm sure i send you the reasson the image was hidden.

Last edited Jul 01, 2017 at 10:51AM EDT

Twist wrote:

Ok i was the one who hid that image and i'm pretty sure i send you a message. Now lets see the image "Two underage girls (Akko is 16) naked on a bed, while one of them sucks the other nipple and the other moans" I dunno but that sounds pretty NC to me.

Now the broken rule
- Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature.

This one not so much since they seem a bit aged up.
- Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged.

I suggest you to check your emails (or spam folder, i had a few emails from kym marked as promotions) since i'm sure i send you the reasson the image was hidden.

I don't see nipples on there. There's boobs but there's no nipples as they should be in a different colour. Either that or they're really hard to see and I myself didn't notice them so I didn't think it was that graphic at the time. I have really high standards as what counts as porn compared to the rest of the site apparently. As for the email well I don't look at my Gmail. I was expected it posted on the KYM email servers.

P.S. I generally don't want to sound like "MOD ABOOSE" right now because that's retarded. I'm just slightly angry.

Last edited Jul 01, 2017 at 12:56PM EDT

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