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KYM Guide To Textile

Last posted Apr 09, 2020 at 09:44AM EDT. Added Nov 07, 2011 at 03:27PM EST
280 posts from 151 users

RandomMan wrote:

  • Youtube videos:

First I'll post this image:

The text surrounded by the red is what you need to copy+paste to post a video. You don't need to check "Include Related Videos". The Youtube code has updated over time, so you'll get a different code now. For example this one:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Changing Size:
    The "width" and "height" you see can be used to change the size of the video. Youtube also does this for you by changing the numbers in the custom section. For entries, KYM uses a width of 425 for stand-alone vids, and 300 for vids placed next to each other or in tables. So the following code:

<iframe width="300" height="233" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Will change into:

  • Editing certain features:

You can give you video certain features like autoplay or replay. To do this, place a questionmark (?) behind the Url in the embed code and follow that by one of the following codes.

  • Autoplay: To make your video have autoplay, add autoplay=1 behind the questionmark. Autoplay is only allowed on your profile wall! Nowhere else!
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Start at certain point: To let the videos start from a certain point, add start=X behind the questionmark. With X being the start of the video in seconds. So to start the video at 30 seconds, use:
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Loop: Some videos already loop themselves, but in case they don't you have to add loop=1 behind the questionmark. This creates:
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

These features can also be combined. To do this, you have to put a "&" between each code feature. So for example:

<iframe width="500" height="500" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Will create a 500 by 500 video in autoplay starting at 40 seconds.

  • WEBMs and SWFs:

The code for embedding WEBMs and SWFs is as follows:
<embed src="URL" height="300" width="300">
Height and width can be adjusted the same way as Youtube videos.
Note that WEBMs and SWFs autoplay automatically, so please cover them with a spoiler of some sort if they contain sound.

Not everything you'd like to know might be added here. If you want to know more about textile, feel free to ask. You'll be answered as fast as possible.

Also be aware that some codes may not work on the forums, but do work on entries, and visa versa.


I noticed we didn't have a few other things in here. So…

If you want to create a 2 column list, you can use:

To get:

  • Some Stuff
  • Other Stuff

This is typically used for the sources on entries, but can be used in the forums as well.

[1] some link

[2] some link

If you want to create a divider line like I just did above, you have to include a new line, a series of underscores (However many you feel like "_________"), and then another new line before your next paragraph.

If you want to make the text of your paragraph very small, just include a space before your first letter. This is more or less a glitch that you can take advantage of, but nonetheless it works.

Want to play DDR? Need to use arrows? gives you:

↑ ↓ ← →

Need to erase something? Want to strike through a sentence? Just put minus signs ("-") on both sides of the sentence.

Also note that for most textile features like (bq.) or any strikethroughs, starting a new paragraph will end/ignore the textile, so in some instances it becomes necessary to use the HTML versions.

Last edited Dec 09, 2014 at 01:52PM EST

quick question : ive been trying to post a comment mutiple lines of text in colors but everytime i do so , it only shows the only last one when i post it.

ive been doing it this way (no space inbetween each %)

% {color:red}exemple %
% {color:red}some other words n stuff %
% {color:red}thank you in advance %

and than some other words without any colors. Any idea on what i am doing wrong? thank you in advance!

A reminder to everyone here using this thread to test textile:

Delete your post afterwards

We don’t want this thread spammed full of “test test test test”. Thank you. I’ll take the liberty of cleaning some of those posts up

@Scout leader

It's a special font called Zalgo, try using this zalgo font generator.

Last edited Jan 10, 2015 at 10:21AM EST


Whenever I do "h2. Spread" without the quotation marks, it always shows up as small text but all the other text, formatted and not formatted, are just the right size. Is there a solution to this or is my computer messing up again?

ANGERY Sonic wrote:


Whenever I do "h2. Spread" without the quotation marks, it always shows up as small text but all the other text, formatted and not formatted, are just the right size. Is there a solution to this or is my computer messing up again?

you don't have put as h2.spread you put like h1. Spread and later put h2. text sample

So, say I have a video on my profile page hidden inside a spoiler button. I want to make it so that it autoplays only when the spoiler button is pressed. Is there any way to do that?

Last edited Feb 15, 2015 at 11:21AM EST

Just remember to delete your post after you're done testing

A reminder to everyone here using this thread to test textile:
Delete your post afterwards
We don’t want this thread spammed full of “test test test test”. Thank you. I’ll take the liberty of cleaning some of those posts up
Last edited Mar 31, 2015 at 06:37PM EDT

Daretobestupid wrote:

This topic is an absolutely brilliant guide, but I do have one question; how do you upload tumblr posts to the Tumblr image gallery?

You have to screenshot the tumblr post, then upload it.


Please remember to delete test posts.

Last edited May 10, 2015 at 09:14PM EDT

Daretobestupid wrote:

This topic is an absolutely brilliant guide, but I do have one question; how do you upload tumblr posts to the Tumblr image gallery?

You screencap them and then edit them, or use an online tool like Puush to do that at the same time.

If you mean GIF posts, tools like Gifcam can work.

↑ You want to use the location of the image and not the page of the image.


and not

Alternatively you can just use the provided code:

Last edited May 18, 2015 at 05:06PM EDT

I found out that you can upload .webm files to KYM by changing it from .webm to .gif

change this

to this

It also works in the forums change to .gif and add ! before and after link like normal

Last edited Jun 06, 2015 at 12:18AM EDT

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but my question is: let's say that one user has written two or three or four paragraphs and you only want to quote just a specific part of it. How do you do it?

Why is it that the "Name of the Link": Url thing only works if it's linked to other KYM pages? Like, it won't work if I link it to a tumblr post but it'll work if I link it to a KYM user profile.

Zaccharine wrote:

Why is it that the "Name of the Link": Url thing only works if it's linked to other KYM pages? Like, it won't work if I link it to a tumblr post but it'll work if I link it to a KYM user profile.

You need to include http:// or https:// otherwise you need to use the full html hyperlink. Textile will accept intra-site links that are shortened to /forums/link or /memes/link, but anything else on the outside web needs the http://.


Last edited Sep 30, 2015 at 09:51AM EDT

Figured I'd add this since it was talked about a while ago.

Twitter will no longer center if you just use the < center > tags. It's preferred that you upload a screenshot of the tweet to the gallery and use that in the article instead. This allows you to freely edit the parameters and protects the article incase the tweet gets deleted, but if you feel really lazy…

You should be able to change: (← not on kym though)

< blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" >


< blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center" lang="en" >


< blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" align="center" >

and these work off-site, but for some reason kym's css for blockquote overrides the alignment. (I have my suspicions about a mysterious link in the header info, but I can't read javascript, so I doubt that's it.) Right now the way to get around it is to add a < div > tag between the < center > and the < blockquote > tags. You have to use an absolute width though as the percentage doesn't work. Thus you should wind up with something along the lines of:

< center >< div width="500" >< blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" align="center" >

Don't forget to close your tags!

Also, Vines will center, but unless you make a couple of small changes, they will only allow one per row and will all be stacked on top of eachother. There are two different methods to fix this.

Method 1. Choose the "Postcard" embed code and use center tags.

This is the simplest way and all it does is take the iframe src element and change the link from


Method 2. When copying the embed code, remove the script part.

I haven't really found any way around this one yet. Removing the script part stops the auto-play (which is actually kind of a good thing) but I don't know if that will mess anything else up down the road. Anyways, if you do decide to go this route you have to delete the script from each vine! If you have one Vine at a different point in the article where you left the script and it's centered alone, by the time you scroll down to the other vines, they will still load the script. Remember, you're looking to kill this guy:

< script async src="//" charset="utf-8" >< /script >

Last edited Oct 05, 2015 at 03:25AM EDT

You have to use an absolute width though as the percentage doesn’t work. Thus you should wind up with something along the lines of:
< center >< div width=“500” >< blockquote class=“twitter-tweet” lang=“en” align=“center” >
Don’t forget to close your tags!

The absolute width doesn't need to be present, really just div does the trick.

<div><center><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" blablabla></center></div> is already enough to center a tweet.

<li> put bullet points here </li>

  • Wow, it works!
  • If you're feeling lazy, just type a bullet point with alt+8 if you're on a mac. (Don't know what it is for windows).

    Last edited Oct 23, 2015 at 07:12PM EDT

    Muffinlicious wrote:

    <li> put bullet points here </li>

  • Wow, it works!
  • If you're feeling lazy, just type a bullet point with alt+8 if you're on a mac. (Don't know what it is for windows).

  • Thanks.
  • Last edited Oct 23, 2015 at 07:14PM EDT

    Particle Mare wrote:

    Alternatively, begin a new line with a * followed by a space, and then whatever you want to say in that bulletpoint.


    • this
    • test


    superjumpman wrote:

    Is there a quick and easy way to screencap?

    You mean on your computer? From a PC.

    1. When you find something to screencap, hit the 'PRINT SCREEN' or 'PRNTSC' button on your keyboard.

    2. Go to paint, CTRL+V, save.

    3. Hit START or the Microsoft button on the bottom left corner, and go to pictures.

    4. Right click, Open With > , Windows Photo Gallery.

    5. In Windows Photo Gallery, go to Fix, click on Crop Picture, then adjust the cropping and hit the crop button.

    6. Go to any website that allows pictures, click on the website's picture button and your pictures should open up. Click on the pic you cropped and you're set.

    I also know if you use Firefox, and you want to copy a pic: right click on the picture, copy image location, and paste wherever there's a URL option.

    I also recommend subscribing to this thread so you can come back to it.

    Last edited Oct 24, 2015 at 11:40PM EDT

    I was asked by a user on the IRC for help on external references, so I'll just list out what I've used here, for users that need help with that. Simply Copying it from another entry you have editorship on works too.

    You start External References with < div class =" references " > (don't use spaces)

    From there, you start every source you want to enter with fn(number of sources you currently have). So it would be fn1. or fn4. or fn15. etc etc.

    When you're writing out your source, you start out with the article you're using (so Huffington Post, Reddit, Archive.Moe, whatever it is). You use a hyphen, then in quotation marks, copy paste the title of the page you're using as a source. You then use a colon, then link the page

    So far, you're external reference looks something like this. (once again, no spaces)

    fn1 . Reddit – " /r/Agario " :

    You continue to use how many sources as you need, and then when you're done, you finish you're sources with (no spaces)

    < / div >

    and there you have the gist of how to use external references

    Last edited Oct 30, 2015 at 11:27PM EDT

    The quoted post has been deleted.

    You'd need to upload it somewhere first, since the textile only takes URLs. You can upload it to your profile here or upload it to imgur.

    Or you can be a huge pleb and use puush. I've never used it myself, so I can't vouch for it, but I've heard people say it's useful.


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