Adam, you call yourself KYM's Universal Champion, but really you were handed that title on a silver platter by Triple Don himself. You didn't earn that title, you didn't compete for it. Meanwhile other KYM users are supposed to work their way up the card and hope, HOPE, to get a title shot opportunity. No no no no no, here's the thing… Adam. YOU don't deserve that title. YOU didn't work for it. If anyone is deserving of that title, it shouldn't be some two-faced smark who came straight from listening to Jim Cornette or Dave Meltzer! No… if ANYONE is more deserving of the KYM Universal Championship, it's ME! AFTER ALL THAT I'VE DONE FOR THIS SITE, CARRYING ITS WEIGHT ON MY BACK. I DESERVE THAT TITLE, AND UNLIKE YOU, I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO HELP ME GET THAT TITLE! BUT IF I HAVE TO SLITHER AND CRAWL JUST TO RIP THAT DAMN TITLE AWAY FROM YOU, SO BE IT. AND AT THIS SUNDAY'S SUPERSLAM, I'M COMING FOR THAT TITLE!!