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[Riff-Raff] This site needs Reality

Last posted Oct 13, 2016 at 06:51PM EDT. Added Oct 10, 2016 at 10:59PM EDT
56 posts from 32 users

It's a private website people can stop you from being a dick if they want this is kid's site for memes get over yourself. You can go 3 seconds without insulting people fundamentally. And by making a show of this you become the whiny bitch you're trying to criticize.

Slutty Sam wrote:

It's a private website people can stop you from being a dick if they want this is kid's site for memes get over yourself. You can go 3 seconds without insulting people fundamentally. And by making a show of this you become the whiny bitch you're trying to criticize.

Complete unjerk you’ve been a pain in the ass to deal with for months and that’s probably why you think he's insufferable, we’re just sick of dealing with your shit. Your ego’s gone through the fucking roof and you keep going after everyone for doing what they want (calling people whiny bitches, defending nima, being a straight up basic ass fuckboy). ppl are only acting like that in return cos you’re fucking asking for it. I don’t really give a damn about your opinion of me and I’m sure you don’t give a damn about mine but HOLY SHIT you need to take a step back and realize there’s other real fucking people behind the screen and in the end you’re getting a massive ego over shitty memes

inb4 copypasta because you're a bunch of children


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RandomMan wrote:

Notice the intentional lack of context with the PM in question being a reply, meaning OP send a PM to a mod first.

Sir soundwave removed this I posted stating "What happens in Riff-Raff stays in Riff-Raff"

I directly messaged him back stating that I thought this rule only meant the forums.

8. What happens in Riff Raff stays in Riff Raff. Riff Raff promotes shitposts and making fun of each other, but that doesn’t mean you can spill it out into the other boards. Keep the other boards on topic and don’t chase users around the forums mocking them. The regular rules apply out there and you’ll get in deep doo-doo.

At no point does it say not to post about on the rest of the site.
Then he replied with the pm I posted.

Actually I don't think Bateman has ever wronged me directly I only ever see it directed at others people have straight up linked me Bateman comments in the past. And it's more his attitude honestly I see him complaining about SJW mods more than I even see him attacking anyone. And he's the one who's basically at the forefront of the "admins want to destroy Trump" conspiracy. And like Shijo pointed out everything he does is usually basically the other side of the same coin of actual SJWs. But I don't hate Bateman he's a cool guy and a memer overall flaws are flaws.

And I'm willing to accept that I have flaws too but I don't see you pointing out any saying I'm egotistical (this one's probably true though lmao) and trash because I argued with you one time doesn't seem like much evidence. I forgot about that even I don't have a vendetta against you jeez. I usually ignore most drama anyways since I'm not a part of any of it not being on the irc which is the source of 99%.

Like seriously I want to improve I've been in an ego hole before tell me what I'm doing wrong I don't want to go down this path but it seems like so far you're the only one with this problem because I made you mad once. I don't see this "for months" thing. Usually all I end up doing is shitty meme. And saying defending nima is an ego-y asshole thing is pretty shaky from my perspective she was doing not much wrong but again, I don't know the intricacies of the meme drama. Also from my perspective in that thread it looked like you had a bloated-ass ego.

But this is getting really tangential like I honestly don't care you haven't wronged me I'm just typing for its own sake now I'm really bored and I just woke up. Does this prove I have an ego? I dunno. I eat ass.

PatrickBateman96 wrote:

Sir soundwave removed this I posted stating "What happens in Riff-Raff stays in Riff-Raff"

I directly messaged him back stating that I thought this rule only meant the forums.

8. What happens in Riff Raff stays in Riff Raff. Riff Raff promotes shitposts and making fun of each other, but that doesn’t mean you can spill it out into the other boards. Keep the other boards on topic and don’t chase users around the forums mocking them. The regular rules apply out there and you’ll get in deep doo-doo.

At no point does it say not to post about on the rest of the site.
Then he replied with the pm I posted.

why did you even make that image its pretty fucking terible

Slutty Witch Bitch wrote:

Also from my perspective in that thread it looked like you had a bloated-ass ego.

t. Sith lord

I will do what I must

Last edited Oct 11, 2016 at 01:37PM EDT

Hello my name is PatrickBateman97. I have a few things to say.

Firstly, Donald Trump is our lord and saviour and is literally perfect and can do no wrong. He is a humble man who comes from NOTHING, his father was only a millionaire when he was born, it has not been easy for him. He murdered my family and burnt down my house and stole my dog but it's OK. He's Donald Trump, it just did it for AMERICA!

Secondly, I want to address the SJW bias on this site. You see when I constantly insult, belittle or harass people, I should not face any repercussions. If i am punished in any way it just means that you are all SJWs who want a 1984 style site where you can only be a leftist CUCK. Safe space = THE DEATH OF THREEDUMB.

Lastly I am also a fucking barneyfag.

Last edited Oct 11, 2016 at 01:42PM EDT

I was just going to post a single reaction image and leave but some dude on the irc gave a request to make this
Enjoy Bateman

Slutty Sam wrote:

I was gonna continue but realized how fuckin weird ironic star wars 3 rp on riff raff was. Regardless:

Sam don't do it I have the high ground

Told ya

Last edited Oct 11, 2016 at 01:54PM EDT

Bateman I generally like your posts, which probably puts me in the minority here, but wtf are you trying to accomplish in this thread beyond sharing your Twitter account and/or getting banned?

Here's some advice offered in good faith:

-Let the Epyc Wynn hate go. It's over. Continuing to shitpost about Poster X only winds up turning Poster Y into Poster X 2.0. If you and Epyc are still communicating on Twitter or whatever, the forums doesn't need to know, and as this thread demonstrates, doesn't care.

-Put the mouse and keyboard down for a week. Go apple picking. Go pumpkin picking. Buy a MAGA hat and take a walk around your local college campus. Whatever you choose to do, keep it KYM free.

-Let this thread die the horrible death it deserves.

Last edited Oct 11, 2016 at 05:50PM EDT

Fresh off the boat from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It’s survival of the fittest and you ain’t gonna survive long on Knowyourmeme by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don’t upboat. You don’t downboat. This ain’t reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don’t think you’re all that familiar with. You don’t like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don’t tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I’m a judge.. this place…. this place has a lot to offer… heh you’ll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it..

Last edited Oct 11, 2016 at 06:25PM EDT

You're complaining on the side of KYM dedicated to just joking around and shitposting. And based on your current track record you seem to come across as a Negative Nancy with a raging hate boner for Epyc, a raging Trump boner and a long list of many other things.

So I suggest you just stop and try to turn over a new leaf. It's better than being the sites next Pachirisu.

This is really getting old, OP. Epyc Wyn can't use the forums anymore. Leave him at peace for once. And from the looks of it, you have one hell of an ego. That image you created is rather ironic considering your track record.

Tell you what, you take a little break and perhaps you won't be receiving this much heat in the future. Maybe then you won't be such a Trump-loving SJW-hating joke.

Cold Hard Crash wrote:

This is really getting old, OP. Epyc Wyn can't use the forums anymore. Leave him at peace for once. And from the looks of it, you have one hell of an ego. That image you created is rather ironic considering your track record.

Tell you what, you take a little break and perhaps you won't be receiving this much heat in the future. Maybe then you won't be such a Trump-loving SJW-hating joke.

Wow, I can't believe you questioned ME! PatrickBateman97, about my politics you fucking CUCK. By the way, Epyc Wyn was annoying because he idolized someone in the presidential race, but I'm not.

Anyway what's more disheartening is the fact you don't see Trump as some sort of infallible American hero. He's very trustworthy, i'd believe anything that comes out of his mouth. If he told me his opponents flew to the space station to beat up the nerds up there, i would believe him no question. Plus Trump has this immunity to criticism no one else has, for example if someone related to Shilarry Killary McDemon is just accused of something wrong, she's accountable, but say if Trumps son hunted animals consider threatened in terms of numbers, he wouldn't be.

Particle Mare wrote:

Complete unjerk you’ve been a pain in the ass to deal with for months and that’s probably why you think he's insufferable, we’re just sick of dealing with your shit. Your ego’s gone through the fucking roof and you keep going after everyone for doing what they want (calling people whiny bitches, defending nima, being a straight up basic ass fuckboy). ppl are only acting like that in return cos you’re fucking asking for it. I don’t really give a damn about your opinion of me and I’m sure you don’t give a damn about mine but HOLY SHIT you need to take a step back and realize there’s other real fucking people behind the screen and in the end you’re getting a massive ego over shitty memes

inb4 copypasta because you're a bunch of children


Ever wanted to see a post from someone with no self awareness with a bit of spicy hypocrisy, just look right here.

By the way, if we copypasta'd everything stupid you said, there wouldn't be enough space for this thread, but nicely done insulting people who take the piss out of your hilarious bad criticism before they do it.

inb4 someone disagree with me, the fucking children, so immature, god stop. Please stop disagreeing, it's silly now c'mon.


season 2 of bbk started with a strong opener last week i strongly recommend it if u like mech shows with a bit of wacky hijinx on the side

As Epyc Wyn sits on his chair looking out the window, PatrickBateman96 along with Pollux, Chowzburgerz, and MScratch approach him from behind. Epyc hears them approach and turns around

Epyc Wyn: Patrick Bateman! I take that my other alts have been compromised. …I must say that you’re here sooner than expected.

PatrickBateman96: In the name of the KYM website, (PatrickBateman96, Pollux, Chowzburgerz, and MScratch draw their lightsabers) you are being banned, editor.

Epyc Wyn: Are you threatening me, lowly scrapbooker?

PatrickBatemak96: The userbase will decide your fate.

Epyc Wyn: (angrily) I am the userbase!

PatrickBateman96: Not yet.

Epyc Wyn: (Epyc rises from his chair and reveals his lightsaber) It’s abuse then…

(Epyc ignites his lightsaber and Egocoptors towards Batman and company. He easily bans Pollux, Chowzburgerz, and MScratch, but Bateman holds firm. When they reach an open window, Epyc’s lightsaber is knocked out of it by Bateman, who moves in to kill Epyc. Epyc cowardly crawls back towards the wall when suddenly PEPSI MAN walks in)

PatrickBatman96: You are being banned, Mr. “High Ranked Editor.”

Epyc Wyn: Pepsi Man, I told you it would come to this. I was right, the mods are encouraging bullying!!

PatrickBateman96: The shitposts of liberal SJW cucks will never return; You have lost!

Epyc Wyn: No… No, no YOU WILL DIE! (Epyc blasts Bateman with a wave Bernie Sanders and Transhumanism memes) He’s a traitor!

PatrickBateman96: He is the traitor, AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! (Bateman tries to reflect the memes with his lightsaber)

Epyc Wyn: I have the power to save the soda you love! You must… choose!

PatrickBateman96: Don’t listen to him Pepsi Man, AH! *(Bateman gains control and focuses the reflected memes onto Epyc’s face)

Epyc Wyn: Don’t let him kill me! (Epyc’s face begins to disfigure) I can’t hold it any longer.. I-I-uh, I can’t, I-I’m, uh, too weak… Pepsi Man, help me! HELP ME! (The flow of memes stops, and Bateman points his lightsaber to towards Epyc, who weakly pleads to PEPSI MAN) Ah-uh, I-I-I, can’t, hold on any longer…

PatrickBateman96: I am going to end this faggotry, once and for all!

PEPSI MAN: You can’t… he hasn’t broken any rules.

PatrickBateman96: He has influence on the admins and has evaded bans before. He’s to cancerous to let him walk away freely!

Epyc Wyn: I’m too weak… ah, don’t kill me. Please.

PEPSI MAN: It’s not the moderator way. He must live.

(Bateman ignores him and prepares to kill Epyc. Realizing this, Epyc pleas with him even more)

Epyc Wyn: …please don’t

PEPSI MAN: I need him! (Without hesitation, Bateman swing his lightsaber to kill Epyc)

Epyc Wyn: Please, DON’T!

PEPSI MAN: NO!!! (PEPSI MAN ignites his lightsaber and cuts off Bateman’s arm before he could strike Epyc)

PatrickBateman96: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! *(As Bateman screams in agony, a grin developes on Epyc’s face)

Epyc Wyn: POWERRRRRRRRR! (Epyc Wyn shoots a stronger wave of Bernie Sanders and Transhumanism memes at Bateman) Unllllllimit-hed POWERRRRRRRRR!!!!!! (The stronger wave pushes Bateman out the window and Bateman falls to his death.) Aaaaah………….. power~

Last edited Oct 12, 2016 at 05:25PM EDT

Particle Mare wrote:

Complete unjerk you’ve been a pain in the ass to deal with for months and that’s probably why you think he's insufferable, we’re just sick of dealing with your shit. Your ego’s gone through the fucking roof and you keep going after everyone for doing what they want (calling people whiny bitches, defending nima, being a straight up basic ass fuckboy). ppl are only acting like that in return cos you’re fucking asking for it. I don’t really give a damn about your opinion of me and I’m sure you don’t give a damn about mine but HOLY SHIT you need to take a step back and realize there’s other real fucking people behind the screen and in the end you’re getting a massive ego over shitty memes

inb4 copypasta because you're a bunch of children




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