Hey, people! _" I go by Wolfie on the interwebs. My avatar would like to thank you for giving her a cocktail, despite her being underage.

233,720 total conversations in 7,806 threads
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Jul 29, 2024 at 04:18PM EDT.
Aug 20, 2010 at 11:28AM EDT
1515 posts
1266 users
Hey, people! _" I go by Wolfie on the interwebs. My avatar would like to thank you for giving her a cocktail, despite her being underage.
Hi, Im Natsuru. You can find my real name if you dig far enough.
I have been on KYM for a few months now but I just started useing the forums.
I'm not new. I just haven't been here in forever. I really miss you guys.
I am announcing my triumphant return.
I'm not new. I just haven't been here in forever. I really miss you guys.
I am announcing my triumphant return.
Pterodactyl wrote:
I'm not new. I just haven't been here in forever. I really miss you guys.
I am announcing my triumphant return.
YAY! hugs
So, if you haven't met me, I'm just as old as Taryn, and I'm the resident politician.
It's nice to meet you people.
hi, im new. just puttin it out there….zip okay im done.
This is conmuzik, and I am new here.
I made what I hope to be a new line of memes.
Look on my page… they are called "She can".
I have also been posted on theChive with these photos.
Enjoy and spread the word.
Bonjour 8D
I'm Jade and I only just joined last weekend
'Ello, I'm LightBrights. You can call me Brights, Lights or LB :) I've been on KYM for about a month. I love chatting on forums. If you know any other good forums just add me :3
Greetings mortals. I'm experienced enough in the magicks of memes and trolling, so hopefully I'll get involved in the community pretty easily and quickly.
I'm Tsundere
I'm swedish
I'm annoying
Hej dĂĄ
Hi there. I am a superhero who is also an elephant, which is awkward because I'm so fat. My powers include farting on people, shitting on buildings from high distances and flying.
I didn't know we had to classify our traits powers and such.
Nevertheless. My name is Jayh,
Filipino, born in vancouver canada.
And an Counter-Trollerist (only against nub trolls on chat rooms)
I'm Brian,
I like yams.
I jkle cxwe. Opdlm neszx, khljcv. HZ! Klwoh.
Hi I'm xcyanidekissesx
I am new to this, I love forums and blogging .
I am ben.
You shouldn't have done that…
I am ThatNorwegianDude
I am Norwegian
and I am a dude….
I slap hoes.
That is all.
I'm RazzleDazzle. Unlike the rest of the newfags, I will not insert my knowledge of memes into my introduction, nor will I try to look all cool by saying "Im that dude" or "I'm so cool". I would include a haiku into my introduction, but that would require skill and knowledge of literary techniques, which are not my talents, so I will just say, "Hello".
TomtOm wrote:
Hi guys im tom!
Oh hi Tom!
Jostin Asuncion wrote:
Hi, my name is Jostin and I'm an alcoholic.
Oh wait, wrong kind of meeting. Let me try that again.
Hi, my name is Jostin and I'm a Canadian; that meaning, I'm immediately badass by default.
Don't Canadians and alcoholics go hand in hand so well?
tryandcontainme wrote:
Don't Canadians and alcoholics go hand in hand so well?
IDk every country has its form of alcoholism, and usually it means sitting in a bar forever alone.
Sweatie Killer wrote:
IDk every country has its form of alcoholism, and usually it means sitting in a bar forever alone.
But America's Plymouth colony was founded in modern-day Massachusetts as opposed to New York because of booze.
Nothing can beat that.
Oh, hello! I'm new. I joined yesterday. Happy Researching.
im newish,
been on the site alot just signed up today :D
i like to RawR
Im new :D
i like memes, they so funny,
haiii haii :3 I'm da skoda masteer :D
I love memez btw,
Afskráð 2010 :(
RIP. IC-312, 1986 – 2010.
I also own liek 2 Skodas :3 105 L '88 and 120 L '89
Hello! I've visited this site a lot but just joined a few days ago.I lurk mostly.
Hi, I'm Souseiseki and I'm bi-curious and when I spam I spam desu.
I am That Guy. My genericness knows no bounds.
Aloha everyone,
I'm new…ish
I've visited this site a bunch, but I finally got an account.
Yahootie! :D
…I'm Misha and…I am a meme enthusiast.
Hello, I once dreamed I was a meme
Hello, i am Sushi, and i don't watch anime for a whole day.
Where i am? Is this a visual novel game?
I hope so.
Bumping thread so its easier to find.
I am the legendary Troll King. I do not come here in search of trolling, I merely come here to relax from trolling and ruling the underworld. Although I do have an entire website for discussing trolling, I do not wish to speak of that now. For now I simply wish to say hello. I hope that none of you are fearing that I will troll here, for I can assure you that is not the case. So, again, I bid good day to fellow citizens of Memeville!
Hello, I am I_pwn, and I would like to say hello to all of you fellow meme lovers! I would also like to say I pwn you to any meme haters(gonna hate).
I'm Bill. I make funny.
Hello there, I am Sparty McFly, who has duly travelled back… or forwards… through time to get here. Really, I forget which.
hello i am ROBOTMASK and i wear a mask that resembles a robot…………………sue me!1
Why hello there!
Im Leroy, I'm a stuntman / pro wrestler / filmmaker
I run www.nomercyvideo.com and enjoy the shit outta some memes…
hey im addi kaye…
and i came to meme
hi :)
well i lurked a lot before creating this account so i'm not really new to kym
feel free to come by to my profile and post some lulz on my wall
I'm not really new but I didn't see the forum button until today, so hi.
new to site
new to memes
(mostly) new to forums
I am also Bryan
But with a "Y"
hi, i'm jonny d.
i'm new here. i like funny shit.
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