<iframe src='http://gifs.com/embed/J6qxQv' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='480px' height='270px' style='-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);'' >

3,281 total conversations in 496 threads
Last posted
Apr 09, 2020 at 09:44AM EDT.
Nov 07, 2011 at 03:27PM EST
280 posts
151 users
<iframe src='http://gifs.com/embed/J6qxQv' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='480px' height='270px' style='-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);'' >
<iframe src='http://gifs.com/embed/J6qxQv' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='480px' height='270px' style='-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);'' >
text in red
text in red
<#div style="color:#fff;background-color:#ee9600">School Bus<#/div>
I found a guide how to use HTML Embed the glossary of each type, try it
RandomMan wrote:
- Youtube videos:
First I'll post this image:
The text surrounded by the red is what you need to copy+paste to post a video. You don't need to check "Include Related Videos". The Youtube code has updated over time, so you'll get a different code now. For example this one:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Changing Size:
The "width" and "height" you see can be used to change the size of the video. Youtube also does this for you by changing the numbers in the custom section. For entries, KYM uses a width of 425 for stand-alone vids, and 300 for vids placed next to each other or in tables. So the following code:
<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Will change into:
- Editing certain features:
You can give you video certain features like autoplay or replay. To do this, place a questionmark (?) behind the Url in the embed code and follow that by one of the following codes.
- Autoplay: To make your video have autoplay, add autoplay=1 behind the questionmark. Autoplay is only allowed on your profile wall! Nowhere else!
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Start at certain point: To let the videos start from a certain point, add start=X behind the questionmark. With X being the start of the video in seconds. So to start the video at 30 seconds, use:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ?start=30" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Loop: Some videos already loop themselves, but in case they don't you have to add loop=1 behind the questionmark. This creates:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ?loop=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
These features can also be combined. To do this, you have to put a "&" between each code feature. So for example:
<iframe width="500" height="500" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ?start=40&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Will create a 500 by 500 video in autoplay starting at 40 seconds.
- WEBMs and SWFs:
The code for embedding WEBMs and SWFs is as follows:
<embed src="URL" height="300" width="300">
Height and width can be adjusted the same way as Youtube videos.
Note that WEBMs and SWFs autoplay automatically, so please cover them with a spoiler of some sort if they contain sound.
Not everything you'd like to know might be added here. If you want to know more about textile, feel free to ask. You'll be answered as fast as possible.
Also be aware that some codes may not work on the forums, but do work on entries, and visa versa.
But how do I post a video in the comments on mobile? (My PC is shit.)
Drossel von FlĂĽgel wrote:
But how do I post a video in the comments on mobile? (My PC is shit.)
First, go to the website (not the app) and click on the three dots. (The ones with the orange box around them)
Next, click on desktop.
Finally, click on share, then embed, and copy the link.
After that just post it in the comments.
Another tip, if you want to highlight some text Like This you can use this tag
<span style="background-color: #FFFF00">Text</span>
It's pretty cool
^For that colour it's #1a1a1a
Yep, that Spoiler tutorial didn't work for me. Tried both of them.
Tip! When writing an entry, if two images aren't aligned in height (one is shorter than the other), add style="padding:??px 0" (replace ?? with a custom number) to raise the image by the specified amount of pixels.
<img src="https://40.media.tumblr.com/a90466cb68e02c62c1354089fb62dea2/tumblr_o6k7lkFFks1tu0pgbo1_540.png" height="100" style="padding:35px 0">
As you can see, the image on the left is higher than the one on the right.
Lovecraft Femme!Nebu wrote:
Yep, that Spoiler tutorial didn't work for me. Tried both of them.
You used class="Hello" title="Testing". Try class="spoiler" title="Testing">Hello.</div for your spoiler. "class" refers to the actual code for adding in an element. There are lots of different classes for adding action type buttons (like "button red" for red hyperlink buttons), but Spoiler is the class you want to use.
@ using padding:
Generally if your images aren't aligned in height, you should force an equal height for all images in the row. For example: Entry spaces only have 600 pixels of width to work with. If you have a set of three images to work with, you want the total width to be about 600 pixels, but you don't want to divide that 3 ways and set the image width equal to 200 pixels < img src="example.com" width="200"> or else you wind up with something like this:
Instead of using padding, just change width to height and make adjustments to the uniform height:
< img src="example.com" height="200">
It takes some playing usually to get the height right, but luckily you can use the "preview" button to check it before publishing your edit. For the above example, my height was 185 pixels, and here's 235.
Don't forget your < center > and < br > tags before and after embedded images and videos!
So guys, it was a long time I was here. anyway, here I now show you how to fool people!
You are probably familiar with the show button in case of NSFW and Buried comments right? Now I tell you how to make one!
Typing < a class="small red button show-comment" >show< /a> (without the spaces of course) on a comment will create a show button!
You are welcome I guess!
%{color:red} testing
Testing the embedding of a tweet:
Thanks, Obama. pic.twitter.com/qL1JqkJHpX
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 5, 2016
EDIT: So it only works in an entry?
Yo how do you place already uploaded images on the site to a an entry gallery?
For example like this https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1115748-anime-manga
to this entry here, I tried simply just posting the url, but it uploads it again and says I uploaded it when I didn't upload it first.
Dallas Steel wrote:
Yo how do you place already uploaded images on the site to a an entry gallery?
For example like this https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1115748-anime-manga
to this entry here, I tried simply just posting the url, but it uploads it again and says I uploaded it when I didn't upload it first.
You can't. Only mods and Admins can do that.
So I dunno if this was posted so far but you can make the site ignore textile (and probably HTML) by typing bc with a dot at the end infront of the line.
%{color: red}This sample text isn't red%
You can do this to prevent the site from automatically converting anthing. But as you can see it still doing *that*, this will stay up until a block cancelling command isn't present which is a p with a dot
This sample text is red
You see now it's normal again, you also see the line is long cause the site ain't breaking it down to fit the box. can't do much against that, just don't make the line too long.
does anyone know how to type stuff like in this post???
That's zalgo text. AFAIK you have to copy-paste that from other places. There are zalgo text generators, it seems.
Mom Rivers wrote:
That's zalgo text. AFAIK you have to copy-paste that from other places. There are zalgo text generators, it seems.
thanks for the help
So I decided to rather ask it here than making a brand new thread for a minor issue.
Does the site support .ogg files? Apparently whatever I do I can't make an audio tag here, my browser is up to latest so it should work, yet when I use it, it says my browser does not support the audio tag while it works everywhere else.
Does anyone know how to mirror images? Or a vertical/horizontal flip code is another term for it
Ricenburg wrote:
Does anyone know how to mirror images? Or a vertical/horizontal flip code is another term for it
Technically this code should do it.
< div class="container">
< div class="vertical_flip">
< img class="front" src="Front Image URL">
< img class="back" src="Back Image URL">
< /div>
< /div>
But unsure if it works here too.
^ I looked it up a bit and while it's not a mirror I found this html code that let's you rotate images.
< img_src="path/imagename.jpg"style="image-orientation: 90deg;" / >
I added spaces and underscores so it actually shows up in this thread. You can rotate the image in 180deg, and 270deg also. Nothing happens when you try to put a value between those.
Curiously it works in entries (I can't picture an instance this code would be useful in entries), but alas, you can't rotate images at all in the comments or forums.
Does anyone know if it's possible to combine markup to change the color and size of text? When trying, I always end up with large of colorful broken markup.
I've been using these primarily.
%{color:green}colored text%
%{font-size:12pt}sample text%
text in red
So i have looked through the thread again and again, it has been asked once but it didn't get answered. So i'm going to ask it again.
how do i quote fragments from posts and from multiple posts at the same time?
I've seen tons of users doing it and i still don't know how :(
I am talking about that line that shows up on the left of the text everytime you quote a post, how do you create that? It's probably a textile thing but which code?
superjumpman wrote:
So i have looked through the thread again and again, it has been asked once but it didn't get answered. So i'm going to ask it again.
how do i quote fragments from posts and from multiple posts at the same time?
I've seen tons of users doing it and i still don't know how :(
I am talking about that line that shows up on the left of the text everytime you quote a post, how do you create that? It's probably a textile thing but which code?
X wrote (you put this part manually):
<blockquote> Here the copypaste of what X wrote </blockquote>
And then you use 2 spaces instead of one or else the next paragraph will have small text.
A wrote:
<blockquote> lol </blockquote>
Would become
A wrote:
superjumpman wrote:
Thank you very much.
It looks like the xD at the end of your example came out small despite your instructions.
Mod Edit: Don't post autoplaying videos outside the "about" section of your profile
Testing01. . .
Okay so recently I had an issue with posting videos, what's the proper way to deal with it? Changing size?
Same question. Every time I try to post a video it comes out like this.
Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:
Same question. Every time I try to post a video it comes out like this.
Here's a thread reporting the same problem
Try using a different browser, according to Doeoeod Safari should work fine.
KnowYourLover wrote:
Here's a thread reporting the same problem
Try using a different browser, according to Doeoeod Safari should work fine.
Safari? I am not using Macbook for god's sake! But I just found a solution.
So usually the new YT embed code looks like this:
< div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%">< iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mJE7mv5Tm1c?rel=0?ecver=2" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" allowfullscreen></ iframe>< /div>
You see it? A ton of use less shit! So just remove this and that… Aaaaand….
There! Now if your code looks like this:
< iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mJE7mv5Tm1c?" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></ iframe>
Then it will work as intended, therefore the issue is not exactly with the site but goddarn YT!
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