me when I'm the last post and win.

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Jul 29, 2024 at 04:14AM EDT.
Jan 11, 2017 at 12:22PM EST
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me when I'm the last post and win.
I really need to start a sex cult
Fact: 99% of people are fucking morons.
Guess what? I'm the 5%.
Checkmate fools.
holy shit someone posted here
Disney should just make an evil jedi faction or another evil lightside faction, they clearly WANT to just lack the balls to commit to it.
Well commit to it! Make the next Starwars sage Shin Megami Tensei in space! The new Jedi who after Rey took away the requirement of being stoic and not being allowed to fall in love started getting way too drunk with their own emotions and the more corrupted sides of the lightside (like faith) and now represent fanatical lawful evil and are oppressive in a collectivistic way the Sith who are back because Palpatine somehow returned yet again represent selfish chaotic evil and are oppressive in a social darwinian, selfish mob and/or fascistic power hungry way.
And the good guys are a gray-jedi faction standing for freedom for all.
Basically warhammer 40k but with only two chaos gods: light and darkness.
Like they are already veering in that direction with new star wars series might as well actually commit to it. Like not necesarily this just commit to making the Jedi capable of evil in some way if they are gonna be having stories where you are supposed to side with the murderous sith.
Disney should just make an evil jedi faction or another evil lightside faction, they clearly WANT to just lack the balls to commit to it.
Well commit to it! Make the next Starwars sage Shin Megami Tensei in space! The new Jedi who after Rey took away the requirement of being stoic and not being allowed to fall in love started getting way too drunk with their own emotions and the more corrupted sides of the lightside (like faith) and now represent fanatical lawful evil and are oppressive in a collectivistic way the Sith who are back because Palpatine somehow returned yet again represent selfish chaotic evil and are oppressive in a social darwinian, selfish mob and/or fascistic power hungry way.
And the good guys are a gray-jedi faction standing for freedom for all.
Basically warhammer 40k but with only two chaos gods: light and darkness.
Like they are already veering in that direction with new star wars series might as well actually commit to it. Like not necesarily this just commit to making the Jedi capable of evil in some way if they are gonna be having stories where you are supposed to side with the murderous sith.
Glitch Productions internal solidarity at work
Squibblyskadew wrote:
Glitch Productions internal solidarity at work
Let's see if she says the same for Lackadaisy or whatever comes next.
Sedaton is an evil minor chaos god of compassion that goes around forcefully injecting tons of random people with a dangerous combination of chaos infused heroin, potent sedatives and estrogen.
Her evil plan is to take over all humanity and usher a new dark age of peace and tranquility by spreading mass amounts of potent weed and estrogen clouds over all imperium planets. God help us all.
> "Gura talks about cereal for 40 minutes"
> video is only 17 minutes long
I've never felt so disappointed by a yt title
While I personally am not attracted to Garfield, I also really cant really blame people for being sexually attracted to Garfield.
Like yeah I get it.. I get why he is the current tumblr sexyman
No I am serious go check Tumblr everyone right now is talking about how much they want to fuck Garfield right now its the new trend there.
Was randomly recommended this on my yt feed for some reason.
Apparently decimal currency is a much newer concept than I would've ever thought.
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