This time he really is banned though.

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Mar 19, 2017 at 07:35PM EDT
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This time he really is banned though.
See anon? This is what happens when you keep doing the exact opposite of what people tell you to do.
Hopefully he actually gets therapy this time.
What happens when a Brit snitches someone for PMing absol lewds
If he's dead now does that mean he can finally go fuck himself?
If anyone's wondering why he got b&, he pm'd Pokemon porn to someone.
pm bitterbrit furry porn and I'll make you a mod
For the better. The guy had it coming, besides he's only a machine- just nuts and bolts.
lmao youre welcome
I didn't expect him to go out like that. Goes to show that the NSFW rules extend to more than just media.
It's not 2018 yet so I'm good with reusing this.
I didn’t expect him to go out like that. Goes to show that the NSFW rules extend to more than just media.
Do not upload adult content to the website or post it to any area of the site.
I made ShiJo proud. I only wish he were still alive to see this. I can still hear his voice… it's telling me, "stop fucking around". Oh how I miss him.
The day KYM was saved.
Morale Lesson for Today: If you're gonna send porn, make sure it's the good shit.
get better taste in furry porn folks
it could save your meme account
And like that, he's gone.
Das vidaniya, comrade. May you find greener pastures.
au revoir fuckboy…
But…where will I get my RWBY guro now?
I never knew him but I will miss him.
Unlike everyone else here.
And no value was lost.
almost got me into a twisted fetish
but hey he's kinda cool right?
I mean, he was told to stop many times but he didn't so I guess this is somewhat justified.
Mom Rivers wrote:
I didn’t expect him to go out like that. Goes to show that the NSFW rules extend to more than just media.
Do not upload adult content to the website or post it to any area of the site.
I made ShiJo proud. I only wish he were still alive to see this. I can still hear his voice… it's telling me, "stop fucking around". Oh how I miss him.
Daily reminder that the rules were written by sjw cucks.
Did not know them now i never will
We have made some developments:
Antibot wrote:
We have made some developments:
- Nebu didn't just send the picture to BitterBrit
- He sent it to Brit, Inferno, the one Penny rp-er, KnowYourLover, and RandomMan
- It's not pokeporn, its from a game called Rimworld… the subject of the image (called Thrumbos) is apparently for murdering and selling
To be more specific, porn of THIS THING:
Antibot wrote:
We have made some developments:
- Nebu didn't just send the picture to BitterBrit
- He sent it to Brit, Inferno, the one Penny rp-er, KnowYourLover, and RandomMan
- It's not pokeporn, its from a game called Rimworld… the subject of the image (called Thrumbos) is apparently for murdering and selling
Why would somebody look for/make porn of this
Rule 34 has struck again!
Antibot wrote:
We have made some developments:
- Nebu didn't just send the picture to BitterBrit
- He sent it to Brit, Inferno, the one Penny rp-er, KnowYourLover, and RandomMan
- It's not pokeporn, its from a game called Rimworld… the subject of the image (called Thrumbos) is apparently for murdering and selling
What the fuck.
I was busy so didn't check my inbox yet, this post knew about the PM before I did.
Why would he send a mod yiff. Just ask me to ban you if you want to be banned, that's much more fun.
RandomMan wrote:
What the fuck.
I was busy so didn't check my inbox yet, this post knew about the PM before I did.
Why would he send a mod yiff. Just ask me to ban you if you want to be banned, that's much more fun.
We came to the usual conclusion that Nebu was nucking futs.
And if you're wondering how we know, Infie has Nebu friended on Steam (for some reason), and Nebu being Nebu, the madman said he was doing it.
Antibot wrote:
We came to the usual conclusion that Nebu was nucking futs.
And if you're wondering how we know, Infie has Nebu friended on Steam (for some reason), and Nebu being Nebu, the madman said he was doing it.
Can Infie ask Nebu what was going through his head and screencap the results.
PatrickBateman96 wrote:
Daily reminder that the rules were written by sjw cucks.
>uses le SJW cuck boogeyman
>le dragon from le pone show av
Oh wow. The mad man really did it. It's a shame but he brought this on himself. He was a good rp-er however. Maybe now he can unhook himself from the net a bit more and get some real help he needs.
I'm just wondering why he got away with posting guro of ruby rose's eyeballs being torn out in a public gallery but then got banned for pming shitty furry porn
Snickerway wrote:
I'm just wondering why he got away with posting guro of ruby rose's eyeballs being torn out in a public gallery but then got banned for pming shitty furry porn
Pretty sure he had been suspended for his behaviour in the rwby gallery, but it's rare to get full-on banned for the first offence.
Snickerway wrote:
I'm just wondering why he got away with posting guro of ruby rose's eyeballs being torn out in a public gallery but then got banned for pming shitty furry porn
Is it still in the gallery i just wanna know
King soundwave wrote:
Is it still in the gallery i just wanna know
Nebu NSFWed a lot of his pics. That might have been cover enough I guess.
King soundwave wrote:
Is it still in the gallery i just wanna know
RandomMan wrote:
What the fuck.
I was busy so didn't check my inbox yet, this post knew about the PM before I did.
Why would he send a mod yiff. Just ask me to ban you if you want to be banned, that's much more fun.
Welp… what to say… I got kinda disgusted….
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