Sadly this is a real thing.

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Jul 11, 2018 at 08:11PM EDT.
Jul 09, 2018 at 11:14AM EDT
9 posts
7 users
Sadly this is a real thing.
Well… this isn't the first time a rather very adult setting with very dark themes was made friendlier for kids.
Jurassic Park, for example, came from a rather graphic book with a scene like this (that and the book begins with a woman finding little dinosaurs eating a baby's face)
However… the Warhammer series, both 40k and fantasy… I am not sure if you can get something in terms of Batman the Animated series which ran the gambit of all emotions that both kids, teens and adults liked or like say, Jurassic Park.
Although to be honest, it is likely going to be better than most of C.S.Goto's 40k work or Matt Ward's few attempts at codices. Still not sure if it is a good idea since the Warhammer settings are very, very different to typical settings with being extremely dark and from the art style of the Adventures, it doesn't seem like this can strike a balance like the Batman the Animated or Avatar the Last Airbender series did when being lighthearted enough for kids and dark enough for adults and teens.
How do you explain the god/goddess of sex, drugs and general excess to kids
How will they explain the dark eldar or the virus bomb.
Davian Thule the USS Reno wrote:
How do you explain the god/goddess of sex, drugs and general excess to kids
Well from what I've seen of Fulgrim book, you can explore what it means to give into your desires for perfection (although it does get dark like space marines eating people, but nothing really that sexual).
Like Space Marines aren't sexual by nature nor heavy drug users, but in Fulgrim they're preyed upon through their pride, desire for improvement and other things involving artistic or personal improvement. That and there is sensations like hearing, smelling and eating.
I can see it being avoided (like the 40K don't exactly go human centipede or really sexually graphic with Slannesh even though most people joke or imagine how nasty it would be (or even really ever bring up rape) or be made tame yet dark enough warning about giving into things like your pride, losing yourself in your pursuit of something, as well as a warning against drugs… shit, that's almost like those old 80s cartoon PSA.
Although I do have more issues with some of the characters' traits like Zalia not liking weaponry or at least seems to hint at not wanting to ever use one (Galactic explorer family who digs up ancient alien artefacts and studies alien tech isn't really that lore breaking since Rogue Traders are a thing who can legally be allowed to do it or else get permission from any authorities).
Like I think these videos from folks are pretty levelheaded about it the most.
Personally, I'd wait and see until it actually comes out, even if some parts do raise some concerns.
In other news, it looks like they are planning to do a series of books focused on the horror aspects of the Warhammer universe, both 40k, fantasy (old world) and possibly Age of Sigmar as well. This line will simply be called 'Warhammer Horror'.
John Mirra wrote:
Personally, I'd wait and see until it actually comes out, even if some parts do raise some concerns.
In other news, it looks like they are planning to do a series of books focused on the horror aspects of the Warhammer universe, both 40k, fantasy (old world) and possibly Age of Sigmar as well. This line will simply be called 'Warhammer Horror'.
Huh, seems like Games Workshop isn't going to let any opportunities to gain a bigger audience for their franchises to slip through their fingers. And given what I've read of many Warhammer books, Warhammer Horror sounds like it can be a hit if they get the landings right with the first few books.
I wanna know how they’ll explain the depravity of the Dark Eldar, the fact that the Tyranids exist or any of the chaos gods or not going into the warp?
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