Know Your Meme Editorials
News, research, and dispatches from our editorial staff.
Filed under "Interviews"
Me Gusta’s Creator Reveals The Untold Origin Story Of The Iconic Rage Face And How Her Identity Was Stolen By An NFT Scammer Trying To Profit Off Her Meme
We sit down with May Oswald, the original creator of Me Gusta, to hear more about her Rage Face, how it truly went viral, and how an impersonator recently tried to scam the crypto art world with a fake NFT of her meme.
Bradeazy, The ‘CEO Of Trade Offers,’ Sits Down To Discuss How He Became One Of 2021’s Most Viral Memes And What’s Next For His Content
We caught up with Bradeazy from the Trade Offer meme to see how it all came together, what he thinks of having his face in memes all around the internet, as well as more about who he is and what he’s planning next.
Allison Harvard Of The ‘Creepy Chan’ Meme Explains How She Went From ‘Queen Of 4chan’ To ‘America’s Next Top Model’
Artist and model Allison Harvard revisits the days of Creepy Chan 16 years later as we explore how the meme affected her life and career, as well as what she’s been up to since.
Laney Griner, Mother Of ‘Success Kid,’ Recaps How Her Photo Became A Viral Sensation 14 Years Later
Laney and Sam Griner from the Success Kid meme travel back to 2007 when the image was originally captured, what they've been up to since, and everything in-between.
Nathan Allebach Behind The Legendary Steak-umm Twitter Reveals How The Brand Immersed Itself In Internet Culture And Avoided Becoming ‘How Do You Do Fellow Kids?’
While the vast majority of brands on social media who post memes find themselves mercilessly ridiculed, Steak-umm has managed to succeed against all odds. We spoke with Allebach, who runs the Steak-umm Twitter, to figure out exactly how they managed to pull it off.
Adele Morse, Taxidermist Who Created The ‘Stoned Fox’ Meme, Shares The Tale Of Her Creation And How She Almost Became A Russian Fugitive
Back in 2012, Morse received a dead fox and decided to give it a new take on life, thus inadvertently creating the Stoned Fox. Her creation sent her on a whirlwind journey of insane events, so we caught up with her to dig into the full backstory of the meme.
Silvia Bottini Recaps Becoming The 'First World Problems' Meme, Her Struggles With Losing Control Over The Image And What She’s Been Up To A Decade Later
In 2011, a stock photo of Bottini crying rapidly spread online and became one of the most well-known Advice Animals of the 2010s. For her first-ever video interview discussing the meme, Bottini joined us to recap her story, how she’s dealt with it and what she’s been up to a decade since.
Leviathan Explains How He Created His Viral Song ‘Chug Jug With You’ And What’s Next For The YouTuber After His ‘Fortnite’ Parodies Swept The Internet
We catch up with Leviathan to find out how he created "Chug Jug With You," where the inspiration came from, and how he’s been handling the influx of attention online since it swept the internet in recent weeks.
Blake Boston Revisits Becoming ‘Scumbag Steve’ As We Catch Up With Him For The Meme’s 10-Year Anniversary And Upcoming NFT Auction
As Scumbag Steve turns 10, we revisit the classic meme with Boston himself to retrace the origins of the infamous photo and what he’s been up to over the last decade since.
Preeminent Digital Artist Beeple Recaps His Career, The Recent NFT Craze And His Historic $69 Million Crypto Art Sale With Christie’s Auction House
Earlier this week, we sat down with Mike "Beeple" Winkelmann for an exclusive interview to dig deeper into his career as a digital artist and what he makes of the recent NFT hype.