Hello Just a Nobody
English isn't My Native Language
After Years Lurking in The Site I had decided to make and account

233,720 total conversations in 7,806 threads
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Jul 29, 2024 at 04:18PM EDT.
Aug 20, 2010 at 11:28AM EDT
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1266 users
Hello Just a Nobody
English isn't My Native Language
After Years Lurking in The Site I had decided to make and account
Hello im Ducker! Im just an island ducker just trying to make it!
Hey everyone
Casual lurker and full-time Pokefan here
You are not sigma.I AM.
Hi everyone, I'm here because on the internet memes are kings.
No, my name isn't really Martin Prince. But i decided to create an account after so many years of lurking without being able to reply, because at some point the option to post comments through Facebook got disabled (i was one of the frequent Facebook commenters a long time ago, back when Lisa Lombardo still posted comments…)
Hi, I’m Terriermon!
I’m definitely a totally new member and not someone who’s been here years ago who deactivated their account and has now made a brand new one under a different name because I feel like it’s less awkward that way! Why would you think something crazy like that?
Hi it's that time where I come out of hiding to do the same dumb joke.
Oh shit this exists?
Well you can see my name on the left so you know what to call me. I was a lurker for a bunch of years until I felt the need to make an account to ask about the new site layout.
Oh shit this exists?
Well you can see my name on the left so you know what to call me. I was a lurker for a bunch of years until I felt the need to make an account to ask about the new site layout.
hello guys
I'm a weird "funnyman" who has the most broken and stupidest sense of humor imagniable.
Hi. I am alextron700. I would like to contribute some new memes to this site ( I'm quite sure it isn't on here)
Hi. I am alextron700. I would like to contribute some new memes to this site ( I'm quite sure it isn't on here)
hi. long time reader of KYM. YouTube has become very very very very very obnoxious to recommend videos. to find anything amusing and related to what I want, I have to sift through a ton of shit I don't really care about for a strenuous amount of time, so much that I decided to create an account here to preserve my findings inside video galleries of memes. I also think brazillian memes are under-reported, maybe I can help with this. it is sad to see YouTube becoming unusable, despite being an unreplaceable and unparalleled repository of videos. I hope KYM doesn't follow the same path.
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