is it happening for anyone else?
replies are missing and so are comments in general ie it will show 5 replies and when clicked only two are visible

Last posted
Jun 16, 2022 at 11:35AM EDT.
Jun 10, 2022 at 04:55AM EDT
4 posts
4 users
is it happening for anyone else?
replies are missing and so are comments in general ie it will show 5 replies and when clicked only two are visible
I don't know if shadow banning is the proper term, but YouTube auto-removes comments for certain criteria (and sometimes drama dipshits conclude that creators are deleting them) and I guess the counter doesn't always account for it. I've seen this happen for comments/replies on other sites too.
Same. What's even worse that often those hidden comments have nothing wrong with them. Meanwhile, lots of comments from bot farms are still visible.
Evilthing wrote:
Same. What's even worse that often those hidden comments have nothing wrong with them. Meanwhile, lots of comments from bot farms are still visible.
Imagine if YouTube actually gave a rat's ass about bot control instead of removing good features for literally no reason.
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