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What do you do in your free time?
Last posted
Sep 09, 2022 at 06:43AM EDT.
Aug 11, 2022 at 08:30AM EDT
15 posts
14 users
Make terrible, terrible content for all of you.
Currently I've been making pro-ukraine stuff, but I've been told I'm not allowed to share it here under pain of death, so I've been a bit quiet lately.
And for that, Kaijin and his Shirleyists are eternally thankful.
videogames, youtube and online self destruction basically
sometimes I read and make 3d stuff/ try and fail to create stuff so there is that.
Tabletop games. A loooot of tabletop games. I gm 3 games weekly and am playing in… 3 or 4? I've been enjoying Foundry a lot and building out some crazy stuff I never thought possible 10 years ago. Although it gets weird because my biggest concern with the TABLETOP games I'm making are load times strangely enough… a cursed statement whenever I think about it.
I melt down DVD copies of Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas and inject the resulting liquid directly into my Pineal gland in order to ascend to a higher plane of consciousness and achieve Gnosis.
Other than that, I breathe a mixture of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide and various other gases in order to fuel cellular respiration maintain homeostasis. I also draw stuff every now and then and play vidya.
3D Puzzles. Gotta love them. In fact, I've built so many that I think I may have been an architect in another life. Alas, it is what it is.
I ban spambots
Why do you ask
Hohohoho! What an excellent thread!
Lake: Shadow Legends wrote:
I ban spambots
Why do you ask
Thank you for protecting and serving!
Besides playing games and watching a bunch of animated shows, I sometimes practice drawing by doing scribbles/sketches on paper. For some reason, I feel less stressed out when I do sketches on paper than on my drawing tablet. More so when I draw on line paper/sticky notes than actual sketch paper. If my sketches look good enough, I’ll take a photo on my phone, send it on my computer, and do additional adjustments/line art and maybe some flat coloring and shading during my longer breaks.
Playing games and watching streamers or vtubers is kinda all I do in my free time now that I'm in my 30s and work an office job. I have no desire to real date but yet still want affection sometimes, I've pretty much accepted I live a sad life.
Mistress Fortune wrote:
Playing games and watching streamers or vtubers is kinda all I do in my free time now that I'm in my 30s and work an office job. I have no desire to real date but yet still want affection sometimes, I've pretty much accepted I live a sad life.

If affection is what you crave, then let's skip the dating and get married. Then you'll forever have someone as obsessed over you as Miko is over Ame, my fair lady.
Done nothing but teleporting breads for three days and counting.
I'm on a really shitty laptop so my options are pretty limited sadly. Mostly watch vtubers, draw or play hearthstone. It takes about 5-8 minutes for hearthstone to start up.
Playing mostly old games, browsing around to learn more about history or cuisine, getting my daily dose of YouTube or smut and finding furry material or lizards to post on the Discord server of my fave artist that has a surprisingly large and active community.
Sometimes I RP with some good friends of mine and have a little karaoke/streaming party on the Discord chatrooms on weekends… or just work out a little to trim this lard ass of mine.
Just typical millennial age generally unproductive yet chill activities