Just noticed there isn't a way to see what images or videos you've liked without actually going to that image/video. Would be nice to have a tab in the profile for that, just like favorite images/videos.

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Sep 01, 2022 at 05:58PM EDT.
Aug 30, 2022 at 04:47AM EDT
5 posts
3 users
Just noticed there isn't a way to see what images or videos you've liked without actually going to that image/video. Would be nice to have a tab in the profile for that, just like favorite images/videos.
Hmmm. That'd make that one time I accidentally fat-fingered the like button of something really anti-Semitic somewhat awkward.
Yeah. On the off chance Admins decide that this should jump the line for features that mods and users have wanted for… an actual decade at this point in some cases, please note Nox Lucis' post. If it were to be implemented, it must be something that only the user themselves can see. Having this public would potentially lead to some people with more time than sense brigading.
Jill wrote:
Yeah. On the off chance Admins decide that this should jump the line for features that mods and users have wanted for… an actual decade at this point in some cases, please note Nox Lucis' post. If it were to be implemented, it must be something that only the user themselves can see. Having this public would potentially lead to some people with more time than sense brigading.
Yeah. I'd be totally fine with it being user only. I just wanna see all the shit I've liked.
I guess the background information of my first post is something non-mods wouldn't be privy to.
There have been featured in the past that Don acted like could be implemented. These were things that mods were in favor of and the userbase would likely have liked as well. However, I would make a comment saying "just make sure that it also has this thing so it can be taken away in case it is abused/ so it is not abused". This was then followed up by Don saying this feature would not be implemented because of concerns about it being abused…
If you don't explicitly point out potential issues, sometimes we'll get promised things that are possible, only to have this future feature be backtracked because the site won't be able to deal with obvious potential issues that might arise.
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