so you finally decide to shower for once, and guess what now youve soft locked yourself (pun intended), its like u need to make a choice, why does life have to be this way? why cant you have both?

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Dec 07, 2023 at 02:28PM EST.
Nov 19, 2023 at 08:55AM EST
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8 users
so you finally decide to shower for once, and guess what now youve soft locked yourself (pun intended), its like u need to make a choice, why does life have to be this way? why cant you have both?
I am bored
Sir this is a Rainforest Cafe
I can't jack off without a computer. I have to watch um…whatever porn site I'm the mood for. Don't worry it's not fetish stuff. Actually there might be one. Or two. Or three.
If I ever die, I hope I die jerking off in a mcdonalds bathroom
PatrickBateman96 wrote:
I can't jack off without a computer. I have to watch um…whatever porn site I'm the mood for. Don't worry it's not fetish stuff. Actually there might be one. Or two. Or three.
Sounds like you need to apply some exercises in visualization!
Picture an apple. Think about the different sides of the apple and how color, shape and texture might vary over its different regions. Practice rotating the apples in various cycles, familiarizing yourself with the totality of its form. Toss it in the air and catch it. Think about its mass and how it feels landing against your hand.
Now fuck the apple.
Whoever downvoted me
I will masturbate in your bathroom
That’s why you jerk off first THEN take a shower.
Max Overdrive wrote:
That’s why you jerk off first THEN take a shower.
true, but sometimes…ur just…horny..yknow
This is why you don't want to do it in the shower:
Nox Lucis wrote:
Sounds like you need to apply some exercises in visualization!
Picture an apple. Think about the different sides of the apple and how color, shape and texture might vary over its different regions. Practice rotating the apples in various cycles, familiarizing yourself with the totality of its form. Toss it in the air and catch it. Think about its mass and how it feels landing against your hand.
Now fuck the apple.
That just makes it worse. The apple recommendation is just encouraging to watch MORE porn of lolis in video games I never have and never will play.
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