Announcement of Discontinuation of Online Services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software
If you got any unfinished business with either console, now's the time. If you excuse me, I'm gonna do nothing but wonder trading.

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Mar 06, 2024 at 12:55PM EST.
Jan 24, 2024 at 11:53AM EST
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Announcement of Discontinuation of Online Services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software
If you got any unfinished business with either console, now's the time. If you excuse me, I'm gonna do nothing but wonder trading.
Gotta see if I can buy online 3ds games while I still can and download them
No!! wrote:
Gotta see if I can buy online 3ds games while I still can and download them
The 3DS (and Wii U) eShop went offline on March 27th, 2023. If you want to get the digital games you want, you're going to have to sail the seven seas for that. You're gonna have to mod your 3DS for that one.
Time for me to start learning about those emulators, then.
Citra is easy to grasp. Not sure about Cemu, haven't tried it yet. Definitely look up online tutorials and guides.
Reminder that it is easier than ever to hack your 3ds
Recently jailbroke mine so I could digitally back up a game that broke down.
I made a countdown for y'all
Excitebot theLEGO wrote:
Time for me to start learning about those emulators, then.
A bit of a late reply, but I recommend checking out Cemu for Wii U emulation and Citra for 3DS emulation. While Cemu is still getting updates, Citra was unfortunately taken down along with Yuzu so whatever is the latest build will be the last build.
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