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Why is the website censoring the names of people?
Last posted
Mar 13, 2024 at 05:21AM EDT.
Jan 30, 2024 at 11:04PM EST
12 posts
9 users
And yes, Dick is an actual name .
Because the site censors make no distinguishing on context whatsoever. Gotta appease the advertisers lest they get a heart attack and explode over a (maybe) bad word.
i believe its a wordfilter
Ahh, the Scunthorpe problem strikes again.
Raul Satisacro wrote:
This is happening, not only with actual curse words, but with words that are not cursing words.
This is pretty s-----.
If I'm being honest, I find some instances of censorship more amusing than bothersome.
Such as the image being discussed here.
To me it's so dumb I can't help but laugh. 'Course, the title censoring as a whole is still bad and makes me think this place has become more and more babyfied over the years.
Toasty wrote:
Ahh, the Scunthorpe problem strikes again.
Thanks for the rabbit hole.
"Schoolgirls" is censored now.
Actually, I'll do you one better: "School Girls" is censored now.
What in the actual shit?
I think the word "Fart" is also censored in titles, I remember seeing an image post that had it censored and some people on here pointed it out.
And now, with uploads like those:
We now know that the word Homo (as in Ecce Homo or – God forbid – Homo sapiens) is apparently too sensible for some of our sponsors. Who in their honest minds thought this was a good idea?
Steven The Pirate wrote:
I think the word "Fart" is also censored in titles, I remember seeing an image post that had it censored and some people on here pointed it out.