It's basically just a animation of Baldi saying "Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject: Math!" but the word math is replaced with a meme sound effect, such as

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Mar 21, 2024 at 07:38PM EDT.
Mar 20, 2024 at 04:35PM EDT
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2 users
It's basically just a animation of Baldi saying "Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject: Math!" but the word math is replaced with a meme sound effect, such as
If you've noticed this format spreading as a meme, it may be worth creating a page for it yourself. The mods and staff are usually plenty willing to help clean up a page to site standards, so don't be too concerned if your best attempt doesn't look very good.
If it's just the one video that has your interest, you are at liberty to add it to our Baldi's Basics video gallery.
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