I don't like it.

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Apr 11, 2024 at 08:41PM EDT
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I don't like it.
Second, comments are stupidly broke
my alt text on images, what have they done with my alt text on images
how do they keep ruining the site layout??
I'm flabbergasted, this is like their second or third attempt and they still haven't gotten a good one out yet.
What part of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" do some people not understand?
Probably mandated by some suit completely divorced from anything to do with the running of the site.
Also, probably because Youtube did the same shit on the same day and I was somewhat miffed, but I've lurked for like a decade and this change was bad enough that I finally made an account to see if I could opt out…
so is this only for some users or what, because i'm not seeing anything different on my end
It briefly changed for me yesterday, but I came back an hour later and it was back to its original design. Not a big fan of how it eliminates a bunch of stuff on the right side of the site.
It seems to have gone back to normal for me, too.
Maybe they were just testing it out? Nevertheless, I didn't like it.
welp, I thought I was going on wrong site when I see new layout.
This layout is horrible. Who approved of it?
For a moment I thought I had somehow loaded a mobile version of the site.
Came here to ask "what the hell?" because half the old functionality is missing. No more previews, no more which gallery plus who uploaded it at a glance, no more popular images or galleries… Makes no sense.
i made this acc just to say, "what the hell were they thinking???"
this is a dogshit layout, the last one was perfect, this one is TERRIBLE
i'd say whoever made this should lobotomize themself, yet they've clearly done so
i've lurked for years, but unless this changes, i'm outta here all together, its almost completely unusable now
this is one of the worse UI designs ive ever seen, on par with youtube right now
fuck whoever decided this was a good idea, seriously
there is NOONE in their right mind that thought this was a good idea
please revert back to the old UI, this is cancer on the eyes, it took everything i wanted from the site, and removed it
Update: it's happening again for me, and I can't edit or delete my previous post to say so.
The forums are still the original UI at least. Hopefully it'll go back to normal in a few days like it always does.
I'm guessing this is another one of those "it's better for mobile!" changes every site goes through. Problem is, it makes so much harder to browse the stuff I want to see, the latest is buried and trending images is shown in an ugly banner. It's cliche to threaten to stop going to a site after things like this, but this legitimately hurts the reason I check the site so often.
DLD493v2 wrote:
I don't like it.
me neither. it is, and i don't use this term lightly, complete ass. I really hope they switch it back or give an option to turn it off or something.
Görktürks are furries wrote:
me neither. it is, and i don't use this term lightly, complete ass. I really hope they switch it back or give an option to turn it off or something.
Wait, there isn't even an option to change layout? Are you kidding me?
Spacewaste11 wrote:
Wait, there isn't even an option to change layout? Are you kidding me?
not as far as i'm aware. There might be something, but if there is, it's hidden deep in the website.
I threw up
Great, another site adapts a mobile style layout.
The wasted white space on the sides becomes even more annoying.
It's been a few days now. Funny, on pc the layout is mobile while on my phone, the layout is pc.
GeneHunt wrote:
Great, another site adapts a mobile style layout.
The wasted white space on the sides becomes even more annoying.
Whiter than a Klan rally.
I haven't gotten it yet on my end but as much as I want the site to run better on my phone, if it's as bad you all are saying, then I can wait for another attempt.
I knew the "well let you use the old UI" from the last horrible UI update was too good to last.
This is also shockingly bad from a money standpoint. There's no top or side banner or anything now. How are people supposed to stay on the site and move from one twitter controversy, Trump news story, or softcore porn image to the next if there's nothing there? Retention rates are going to drop off a cliff.
made an account just to say this new UI sucks shit
GeneHunt wrote:
Great, another site adapts a mobile style layout.
The wasted white space on the sides becomes even more annoying.
Why every site has to become like this?
The enshittification of KYM continues.
The old layout made sense. You took a look at the timeline and you could immediately tell what order articles were posted in, what was trending, etc.
This new layout is horrendous and inane.
Mobile web layouts are a cancer upon the internet.
Any page with the new layout takes literally 10 seconds to load according to my network tab, and when it loads it's hard to find articles (because the trending bar is gone and news/latest articles sections are halfway down the front page) and the font is hard on the eyes. Image browsing feels like it's barely been updated (and tbh it's the only thing that needed to be updated) except to have ads every 2 rows of 5 images instead of every 8 rows of 4.
I'm going to assume the suits don't care about the comments section but it's very broken too and repeats stuff all over the place.
Congratulations on sinking into the sludge of AI-generated wordpress slop, though at least most of those don't have a 10 second load time and have an appropriate font for articles.
It's not even consistent with the enshitification; the forums and profiles are still in the old theme, for me at least
Still, on the Discord Dom said that there's ongoing meetings regarding the layout, so hold your breath for it to be reverted
Thanks to everyone who has been sharing constructive feedback on this. We are doing a limited release for only a small percentage of the traffic right now for testing purposes. We are actively making lots of changes to this and reviewing all the feedback you are sharing.
A number of things are currently being worked on, including bug fixes and design changes. We are collecting the feedback from this thread and from the #redesign-issues Discord channel. Some of you have made some mockups and given some good direction on what could be done to improve this. It's very helpful and appreciated.
We will have a v2 of this coming soon and welcome additional comments on it as well. Again, I want to stress that this is not the final design, just something we wanted to push to a small percentage of traffic to see how things performed and what parts need fixes and improvements.
Please continue adding constructive feedback here. It's very, very helpful for getting this dialed in.
A lot of disliked layouts have two broad things in common.
1. They make reading difficult, often with cluttered, overlarge text presented in such a fashion that induces eye strain and requires excessive scrolling to view. This is common on a lot of news sites.
2. They are hard to navigate. I know minimalism is so in right now, but the pursuit of it has normalized straight up hiding shit from people and placing essential functions behind cryptic graphics. Getting to any one place should not require more than one or two clicks, and a newcomer should be able to reckon where something is at after only a few moments of looking at the screen.
Mobile layouts are the grandest offenders on both fronts.
| || || |_ wrote:
Any page with the new layout takes literally 10 seconds to load according to my network tab, and when it loads it's hard to find articles (because the trending bar is gone and news/latest articles sections are halfway down the front page) and the font is hard on the eyes. Image browsing feels like it's barely been updated (and tbh it's the only thing that needed to be updated) except to have ads every 2 rows of 5 images instead of every 8 rows of 4.
I'm going to assume the suits don't care about the comments section but it's very broken too and repeats stuff all over the place.
Congratulations on sinking into the sludge of AI-generated wordpress slop, though at least most of those don't have a 10 second load time and have an appropriate font for articles.
I definitely care and hope we can bring back the things that made desktop great as soon as possible so that hopefully instead of this new attempt at a desktop layout being a pain point we can make it even better than the old. I'll see what I can do 🙂
Hello, this new layout is so broken, i have found so many errors that by now it would be very difficult to list each of them here
Btw I'm still trying to find the buttons to edit the images (I'm a scrapbooker) and i can't find them, anybody knows where i can find these?
Pomni wrote:
Hello, this new layout is so broken, i have found so many errors that by now it would be very difficult to list each of them here
Btw I'm still trying to find the buttons to edit the images (I'm a scrapbooker) and i can't find them, anybody knows where i can find these?
For now if you are looking to add a photo to an entry, you might need to click on an existing photo to see the add image icon on the top of that page. Thank you for bringing this up!
We have updated this at least reducing 1 click for now. More simply the same icon can now be seen after clicking just "View All" within the recent videos and recent images sections. I'll keep this post updated if we make additional changes around this.
If it's not the final design, can we get the old design rolled back until you have something actually decent to show?
Site is way slower, comments keep being repeated, like and dislike being the same color is stupid, trending images are terribly cropped, everything's in the middle of the scrren like it's for phones, pages too big and I don't see a way to add images anymore.
Hey, staff. Can you please not force your ugly ass re-designs for mobile to the users who didn't ask for it?
Could you at least give us the option to opt out of it? thanks.
Quiet_boi wrote:
Hey, staff. Can you please not force your ugly ass re-designs for mobile to the users who didn't ask for it?
Could you at least give us the option to opt out of it? thanks.
Funny about that. My dinosaur of a PC is so unreliable that I only use it in emergencies, I'm working 8-5 and sometimes nights, and I'm on my feet too much to use the office computer for anything but essentials. Therefore, over the last two years I've interacted with this site over almost nothing but a mobile device, often between tasks.
As a matter of practicality I use the desktop version of the site on my mobile device simply because that's the version that works best on mobile. I would not describe the alternatives as being for mobile users, as they are in fact not for anyone.
Quiet_boi wrote:
Hey, staff. Can you please not force your ugly ass re-designs for mobile to the users who didn't ask for it?
Could you at least give us the option to opt out of it? thanks.
If you are having any issues with this test you will have to go back in time 😉
This is not just a link to this meme page, this should be giving you the original site. Please let me know if you have any issues opting out.
There is also a link now if you tap on the hamburger button on the top right for easy access.
LiterallyAustin wrote:
If you are having any issues with this test you will have to go back in time 😉
This is not just a link to this meme page, this should be giving you the original site. Please let me know if you have any issues opting out.https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hey-ive-seen-this-one
There is also a link now if you tap on the hamburger button on the top right for easy access.
Does the "OLD DESIGN" button seriously just take you to that meme page? Is this some belated April Fools' joke?
This is very unprofessional, this would get you fired on any other company.
You are NOT in the position to joke with your users like this, you are hurting the little good faith we had on you, emphasis on "HAD"
Quiet_boi wrote:
This is very unprofessional, this would get you fired on any other company.
You are NOT in the position to joke with your users like this, you are hurting the little good faith we had on you, emphasis on "HAD"
My apologize if this came across as a joke, no the link should be giving you the complete old experience. You should be able to get the full original site after visiting the above link.
LiterallyAustin wrote:
My apologize if this came across as a joke, no the link should be giving you the complete old experience. You should be able to get the full original site after visiting the above link.
I've tried it, it doesn't. ngl, you guys really broke the site this time.
Görktürks are furries wrote:
I've tried it, it doesn't. ngl, you guys really broke the site this time.
Damn, that sucks. Oh well, no ill will from trying to help us Austin. Good luck with actually fixing whatever happened.
Görktürks are furries wrote:
I've tried it, it doesn't. ngl, you guys really broke the site this time.
Sorry to hear this, we have had multi team members try to reproduce this and so far we have not been able to reproduce this so far. I was hoping to not give such a general/technical answer but one thing you could potentially try is clearing your site data for know your meme on your browser and you will have a high probability of getting back to the original site, it's unlikely but you may be randomly selected again so this is not a guaranteed fix.
New layout is horrid for aformentioned reasons. Slow running, harder to read and harder to navigate. Will avoid using the site until the old layout comes back.
The new layout is flat out not good, everything takes longer to load and significantly make everything harder to read. I tried out the old design button and it only works for the specific page it redirect to, it isn't site wide. I usually turn off ad block on this site because I like knowyourmeme and want to support it but this new update make it unusable, it takes so long to load that the server often times out. Please at least add a proper way to revert back to the old design.
Deli Mage wrote:
The new layout is flat out not good, everything takes longer to load and significantly make everything harder to read. I tried out the old design button and it only works for the specific page it redirect to, it isn't site wide. I usually turn off ad block on this site because I like knowyourmeme and want to support it but this new update make it unusable, it takes so long to load that the server often times out. Please at least add a proper way to revert back to the old design.
It's apparently just a cookie. Clear your site data or open the site in incognito mode. That worked for me.
Not that the average person is going to figure that out, they're just going to leave and not come back.
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