That everyone here hates Twitter except for me.

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Apr 18, 2024 at 08:47PM EDT
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That everyone here hates Twitter except for me.
Only thing Twitter is good for IMO is checking out certain artists. As a social media site? Fucking awful. I made the mistake of actually logging on to my Twitter account today to check the posts of a trans YouTuber I like and good lord the responses she got to making a joke reply to one of those cringe “End Wokeness” account “memes” was just full of so many blue check marks saying nasty shit and using cringe AI images (seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?).
Even outside of the tumor that is blue check marks, the fucking site also put a cap on how much I’m allowed to see in one day.
Mistress Fortune wrote:
Only thing Twitter is good for IMO is checking out certain artists. As a social media site? Fucking awful. I made the mistake of actually logging on to my Twitter account today to check the posts of a trans YouTuber I like and good lord the responses she got to making a joke reply to one of those cringe “End Wokeness” account “memes” was just full of so many blue check marks saying nasty shit and using cringe AI images (seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?).
Even outside of the tumor that is blue check marks, the fucking site also put a cap on how much I’m allowed to see in one day.
I'd rather have an awful social media site than everyone here hating on Twitter all the time. Also by "artists", I guess you're not a true Twitter user.
"I made the mistake of actually logging on to my Twitter account today to check the posts of a trans YouTuber I like and good lord the responses she got to making a joke reply to one of those cringe “End Wokeness” account “memes” was just full of so many blue check marks saying nasty shit and using cringe AI images (seriously why has AI images become something people on the far right suddenly love to use?)."
That's your own fault for sticking with the wrong crowd, not mine.
"Even outside of the tumor that is blue check marks, the fucking site also put a cap on how much I’m allowed to see in one day."
Bcs you don't even install shit like OldTwitter. Again, your fault, not mine.
Nobody's attacking you; why are you trying to defend yourself?
Sugary Salt wrote:
Nobody's attacking you; why are you trying to defend yourself?
I guess I grew tired of people on this site hating Twitter for no reason so in a way, I'm defending both myself and Twitter.
>Post expressing being upset at seeing a Twitter user someone liked being actively harassed on Twitter for making a joke
>"That's your own fault for sticking with the wrong crowd, not mine."
>Uses site as the site is presented and complains about the issues the site has
>"Bcs you don't even install shit like OldTwitter. Again, your fault, not mine."
Are you going to next suggest that if some has issues with a video game, it's their own fault for not installing the right mods and finding the right people to play it with?
There are some things I did like about it, but overall, I can't really say that anything I would want to use it for it is all that great for compared to other sites. It isn't terrible for art, but most would say a dedicated art site is far better and easier for people to navigate and find things. Political discourse is mostly people yelling, even if community notes has helped a bit. Sharing videos is generally better on dedicated video sites.
Jill wrote:
>Post expressing being upset at seeing a Twitter user someone liked being actively harassed on Twitter for making a joke
>"That's your own fault for sticking with the wrong crowd, not mine.">Uses site as the site is presented and complains about the issues the site has
>"Bcs you don't even install shit like OldTwitter. Again, your fault, not mine."Are you going to next suggest that if some has issues with a video game, it's their own fault for not installing the right mods and finding the right people to play it with?
There are some things I did like about it, but overall, I can't really say that anything I would want to use it for it is all that great for compared to other sites. It isn't terrible for art, but most would say a dedicated art site is far better and easier for people to navigate and find things. Political discourse is mostly people yelling, even if community notes has helped a bit. Sharing videos is generally better on dedicated video sites.
Okay, I definitely shouldn't have done that. At the same time, it felt that too many people on KYM have been hating on Twitter these last 2 years or so.
L Boy wrote:
Okay, I definitely shouldn't have done that. At the same time, it felt that too many people on KYM have been hating on Twitter these last 2 years or so.
Oh only the last two years?
But for me I avoid all that crap on twitter and just use it to follow some artists, musicians, and game devs. Pretty sure I only have 1-2 normal posts on it ever in all 8 or so years Ive had it.
I use Twitter myself, mainly for art things; I don't feel the want to stop using it, but I do get how terrible it is.
Specifically, the "For You" tab; my theory is that debates and controversies with threads upon threads of arguments are simply more active and thus spread-worthy to the algorithm than something like, say, a cute picture of a bird with people commenting "OMG SO CUUUUTE". As an example, there's something I noticed recently: I've been liking fanarts of this one Blazblue character, so I guess the algorithm picked up that I must like Blazblue; but either the system doesn't have the ability to recognise that one character nor that I only liked fanart, or it simply doesn't care, because my For You tab was then filled with people arguing over the idea of female Blazblue characters being too sexualised; and I don't care about that.
In times like this, I go back to my Following tab and everything becomes much more palatable. Cute fan art of/and big tiddy anime girls all around.
To be fair, I do understand a bit. I have issues in how people sometimes complain about Twitter. Complaints about how the actual user interface works, and most of the changes that have occurred after it was purchased (save for the media view feature) are more understandable.
I have a bigger issue with how people seem to treat "Twitter" as a monolith. Someone sees a few people with questionable ideas, maybe even them just talking as a thought experiment or a joke, and then people suddenly act like all of Twitter thinks this:
Even Poochyena complained about this happening when he was on the site. Essentially, this generalization makes as much sense as saying the site supported [REDACTED] because Poochyena thought it had some merit. Even if a deeper look would show that most people don't think this way, that won't stop some from painting all with the same broad brush.
This is probably the strangest hill to die on.
martinprince12345 wrote:
This is probably the strangest hill to die on.
I'm just gonna leave this.
Hey, I'm neutral towards Twitter. –I hate X though–
At the end of the day, if you curate your following page carefully and ignore the shit boosted by the algorithm, it's alright.
I agree with Jill- having to do so much extra shit to make something usable means it wasn't good to begin with, and also people make generalizations about the users too much.
Personally, I think people unnecessarily hate on Tumblr (or, for the wrong reasons at least)
L Boy wrote:
I'm just gonna leave this.
Oh, i guess i misunderstood then, i thought the "i shouldn't have done that" referred to your specific comments towards Mistress Fortune, but you're referring about the whole thread itself.
solstice258 wrote:
Hey, I'm neutral towards Twitter. –I hate X though–
At the end of the day, if you curate your following page carefully and ignore the shit boosted by the algorithm, it's alright.
I agree with Jill- having to do so much extra shit to make something usable means it wasn't good to begin with, and also people make generalizations about the users too much.Personally, I think people unnecessarily hate on Tumblr (or, for the wrong reasons at least)
I think the Tumblr hate is a remnant of the times when Tumblr was full of the kind of people that bully and doxx others for drawing fat fictional characters with thin bodies. Remember the whole Rose Quartz thing? I think after Tumblr banned porn, those annoying douchebags flocked to Twitter and that's why it started getting more and more hate. Now Twitter is still hated but for completely different reasons ever since it was taken over by Musk and the right wingers.
My personal most hated social media isn't Tumblr nor Twitter though, that spot is firmly reserved for Tiktok these days. Not only because it's a showcase of the literal worst traits of Zoomers ("challenges" that can be summed up as "being a fuckhead on camera"? pretending to be a holocaust survivor for clout? Really, assholes?) but also because i'm convinced it was created by people with bad faith and evil intentions specifically to sow divisiveness and strife in ways Twitter wasn't even capable of considering.
martinprince12345 wrote:
I think the Tumblr hate is a remnant of the times when Tumblr was full of the kind of people that bully and doxx others for drawing fat fictional characters with thin bodies. Remember the whole Rose Quartz thing? I think after Tumblr banned porn, those annoying douchebags flocked to Twitter and that's why it started getting more and more hate. Now Twitter is still hated but for completely different reasons ever since it was taken over by Musk and the right wingers.
My personal most hated social media isn't Tumblr nor Twitter though, that spot is firmly reserved for Tiktok these days. Not only because it's a showcase of the literal worst traits of Zoomers ("challenges" that can be summed up as "being a fuckhead on camera"? pretending to be a holocaust survivor for clout? Really, assholes?) but also because i'm convinced it was created by people with bad faith and evil intentions specifically to sow divisiveness and strife in ways Twitter wasn't even capable of considering.
Also why does every divisive website have a name that begins with the letter T??
martinprince12345 wrote:
Also why does every divisive website have a name that begins with the letter T??
I'm just sick of the whole unfair hate due to how Twitter and Tumblr users ruining everything even for Mistress Fortune. I have never let even the Rose Quartz incident ruin Tumblr for me.
>Also why does every divisive website have a name that begins with the letter T??
By now Idc if any site has the letter "T" even with Twitter and Tumblr, the letter "T" is everywhere.
solstice258 wrote:
Hey, I'm neutral towards Twitter. –I hate X though–
At the end of the day, if you curate your following page carefully and ignore the shit boosted by the algorithm, it's alright.
I agree with Jill- having to do so much extra shit to make something usable means it wasn't good to begin with, and also people make generalizations about the users too much.Personally, I think people unnecessarily hate on Tumblr (or, for the wrong reasons at least)
This but also with Twitter, X, idc what it's even called. I'm sick of the unfair hate due to Muskrat's bull.
Never used it and never will.
BravelyDefect wrote:
Never used it and never will.
Finally, a rare respectful opinion of Twitter. All that's left is to see similar ones for the next 2 years and I'll feel a lot better.
martinprince12345 wrote:
This is probably the strangest hill to die on.
Based on the activity we're seeing outside this thread, I'm beginning to fear we may be looking at an actual mental health episode.
Nox Lucis wrote:
Based on the activity we're seeing outside this thread, I'm beginning to fear we may be looking at an actual mental health episode.
Yeah and all bcs I just want people to stop hating Twitter (X) even for Muskrat's crap. I'm willing to support it just out of spite.
L Boy wrote:
Yeah and all bcs I just want people to stop hating Twitter (X) even for Muskrat's crap. I'm willing to support it just out of spite.
Why though? There is no use in defending a website with millions of active users. As a matter of fact complaining when one of these services makes a change that negatively effects the user experience is something that should happen more. Just look at what's happening on this very site at this moment with people protesting the unnecessary UI change.
It has happened time and again with websites with Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, etc, as once they reach the ceiling of their natural growth they begin making increasing irrational decisions in search of new revenue sources and user complacency allows them to get away with it.
BravelyDefect wrote:
Why though? There is no use in defending a website with millions of active users. As a matter of fact complaining when one of these services makes a change that negatively effects the user experience is something that should happen more. Just look at what's happening on this very site at this moment with people protesting the unnecessary UI change.
It has happened time and again with websites with Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, etc, as once they reach the ceiling of their natural growth they begin making increasing irrational decisions in search of new revenue sources and user complacency allows them to get away with it.
I got nothing except for this, forgive the copypasting of the link.
Nox Lucis wrote:
Based on the activity we're seeing outside this thread, I'm beginning to fear we may be looking at an actual mental health episode.
Its just missing the Satellites, then i think it can legally be consider a Mental Health Episode
Is this a young person thing? I cannot imagine why anyone would form an emotion dependency on a website. You have to remember that these websites are services first and foremost and they see each user as consumer, customer, and product. I am reminded of how TikTok tried to coerce its userbase into appealing the looming U.S. ban. I find that very manipulative and such tactics rely on the users having some emotional connection to the service.
L Boy wrote:
Yeah and all bcs I just want people to stop hating Twitter (X) even for Muskrat's crap. I'm willing to support it just out of spite.
You are starting to sound like that one user who was having a meltdown because they saw the meme Distracted Boyfriend on the front page and was blaming the site because of it.
L Boy wrote:
That everyone here hates Twitter except for me.
You should've posted this in the unpopular opinions thread, you would've won the thing
Fignewton1 wrote:
You are starting to sound like that one user who was having a meltdown because they saw the meme Distracted Boyfriend on the front page and was blaming the site because of it.
Okay I definitely deserve that. … I wonder how that user has been since then.
SaturnSL1 wrote:
Its just missing the Satellites, then i think it can legally be consider a Mental Health Episode
Yeah, pretty much.
Jill wrote:
>Post expressing being upset at seeing a Twitter user someone liked being actively harassed on Twitter for making a joke
>"That's your own fault for sticking with the wrong crowd, not mine.">Uses site as the site is presented and complains about the issues the site has
>"Bcs you don't even install shit like OldTwitter. Again, your fault, not mine."Are you going to next suggest that if some has issues with a video game, it's their own fault for not installing the right mods and finding the right people to play it with?
There are some things I did like about it, but overall, I can't really say that anything I would want to use it for it is all that great for compared to other sites. It isn't terrible for art, but most would say a dedicated art site is far better and easier for people to navigate and find things. Political discourse is mostly people yelling, even if community notes has helped a bit. Sharing videos is generally better on dedicated video sites.
Community notes doesnt not help at all lmao; it gets literally weaponized all the time
Sugary Salt wrote:
I use Twitter myself, mainly for art things; I don't feel the want to stop using it, but I do get how terrible it is.
Specifically, the "For You" tab; my theory is that debates and controversies with threads upon threads of arguments are simply more active and thus spread-worthy to the algorithm than something like, say, a cute picture of a bird with people commenting "OMG SO CUUUUTE". As an example, there's something I noticed recently: I've been liking fanarts of this one Blazblue character, so I guess the algorithm picked up that I must like Blazblue; but either the system doesn't have the ability to recognise that one character nor that I only liked fanart, or it simply doesn't care, because my For You tab was then filled with people arguing over the idea of female Blazblue characters being too sexualised; and I don't care about that.
In times like this, I go back to my Following tab and everything becomes much more palatable. Cute fan art of/and big tiddy anime girls all around.
I've had this exact issue but with Blue Archive and Vtuber art. I go on Twitter solely to seek out art of a very small handful of characters so I can share it on Discord. After a while, a large chunk of my For You tab became tweets about fandom controversies for things I didn't care about whatsoever.
The only reason I still go to that tab is because once in a blue moon it'll recommend actually good artists I would've otherwise have never seen.
Here is how I feel about twitter: It was only ever good for getting news (hence why this platform has so many political activists). It was mediocre at everything else. I don't hate websites because hating on websites like Reddit, Tumblr, and Twitter is so old hat now it's ancient, it is also silly to be going around telling people I hate a website at my age.
I can tell you the people on this website that hate twitter do it because they formed their opinion of twitter ten whole years ago during gamergate and haven't grown at all since then. Literally no one on KYM gave shit about twitter until GG. They convinced themselves that twitter was run by a secret left wing cabal and that only people with "the right politics" were able to get verified. They also attached whatever preconceived notions they had of Tumblr onto twitter like it was a watered down version of the former, until the Tumblr porn ban, then every KYM commentator convinced themselves that all of tumblrs political blogs switched over to twitter because of a… porn ban? (Don't think to hard about it, it doesn't really make sense) So KYM entirely forgot about how they felt about Tumblr and never spoke of them again, because they had a new scapegoat boogeyman in the form of Twitter, and so began the YEARS of WHINING about lefty twitter is and how bad the website is by people who no doubt spent more time on Twitter or reading twitter posts than the average person. The thing I've learned about twitter over the years is, nobody uses Twitter more than the people who complain about Twitter
Hey you have it very easy, I use REDDIT
The real kicker is when Elon Musk came around. So many people on this website were CHEERING for this dude to take the website over and were pretending that now Twitter was going to finally "allow free speech". They were so excited for him to "expose" twitter's management and flip the website to be right wing. They said the website couldn't get any worse, too.
Elon delivered everything they asked for; he turned it into a right wing shithole, and they still hate Twitter. Granted, a lot of the things KYM users believed to be true about Twitter before Elon took over turned out to be completely false (like blue checks only going to leave wing users), so a lot of what Elon did was a solution in search of a problem. That's how you know KYM's twitter hate isn't based on anything rational, they got what they wanted, and they are still pissy. Maybe It's because they don't like confronting the fact that a lot of opinions they hold are the same opinions being laundered by "Blue Ticks", but only now is the verification system a sign of low intelligence and bad opinions, instead of what they believed twitter to be like before Elon took over.
No!! wrote:
Hey you have it very easy, I use REDDIT
Reddit isn't so bad, but it has one glaring flaw: it's full of redditors.
Steve wrote:
The real kicker is when Elon Musk came around. So many people on this website were CHEERING for this dude to take the website over and were pretending that now Twitter was going to finally "allow free speech". They were so excited for him to "expose" twitter's management and flip the website to be right wing. They said the website couldn't get any worse, too.
Elon delivered everything they asked for; he turned it into a right wing shithole, and they still hate Twitter. Granted, a lot of the things KYM users believed to be true about Twitter before Elon took over turned out to be completely false (like blue checks only going to leave wing users), so a lot of what Elon did was a solution in search of a problem. That's how you know KYM's twitter hate isn't based on anything rational, they got what they wanted, and they are still pissy. Maybe It's because they don't like confronting the fact that a lot of opinions they hold are the same opinions being laundered by "Blue Ticks", but only now is the verification system a sign of low intelligence and bad opinions, instead of what they believed twitter to be like before Elon took over.
One disagreement i have with what you said is that i'm pretty sure there isn't a monolithic and unified group of people that is flop-flopping about twitter, it's that the people that love twitter now are the same ones who hated it earlier and viceversa. It's just two groups of people doing a complete 180 when Musk showed up. The blue checkmark was always seen as a sign of bad opinions, difference being the rightwingers were the ones claiming it before, while the leftwingers are the ones claiming it now. Now the conservatives are smug about being blue checked as much as leftists were smug about it before, let's not pretend it wasn't about "owning the chuds" then as much as it is about "owning the libs" now.
Also i still believe that a lot of annoying people from Tumblr emigrated to Twitter after the Tumblr porn ban. Not the political tumblrites, but the ones posting art, including NSFW art. I'm convinced they're the same ones that later made stuff like "where are her organs" trend on Twitter: annoying and smug artists trying to tell us we should feel bad about enjoying women depicted as having unreasonable/traditional beauty standards.
I kinda sorta get what your saying, tho only a little. Trying to """dunk on""" it at this point is like stabbing a dead elephant. Somehow most people (not even just here) have failed to realize that the maggots have managed to dig their way INTO the exposed bones.
Granted I'm not entirely guilt-free, but some folk make it look like a job.
martinprince12345 wrote:
One disagreement i have with what you said is that i'm pretty sure there isn't a monolithic and unified group of people that is flop-flopping about twitter, it's that the people that love twitter now are the same ones who hated it earlier and viceversa. It's just two groups of people doing a complete 180 when Musk showed up. The blue checkmark was always seen as a sign of bad opinions, difference being the rightwingers were the ones claiming it before, while the leftwingers are the ones claiming it now. Now the conservatives are smug about being blue checked as much as leftists were smug about it before, let's not pretend it wasn't about "owning the chuds" then as much as it is about "owning the libs" now.
Also i still believe that a lot of annoying people from Tumblr emigrated to Twitter after the Tumblr porn ban. Not the political tumblrites, but the ones posting art, including NSFW art. I'm convinced they're the same ones that later made stuff like "where are her organs" trend on Twitter: annoying and smug artists trying to tell us we should feel bad about enjoying women depicted as having unreasonable/traditional beauty standards.
"One disagreement I have with what you said is that I'm pretty sure there isn't a monolithic and unified group of people that is flop-flopping about twitter"
No one's flip-flopping, I literally said they always hated it from a point in time and still do. Lefties also have always hated twitter too, except they weren't ever under the notion that the website was actively working to suppress, and their complaints were actually legitimate. Also, the idea that lefty's hate because it's in vogue falls pretty flat when you take into account the website is, truly; objectively worse than it was before.
"The blue checkmark was always seen as a sign of bad opinions. Difference being the right-wingers were the ones claiming it before, while the left-wingers are the ones claiming it now"
Literally "blue check=bad opinion" was generally a thing only right-wingers believed until the Musk takeover, literally as part of their beliefs about twitter and how it was this secret left wing cabal that only gave lefties verification and only punished them with suspensions. To a normal person, it literally just meant that the person you @'ed verified to be the real person behind that account, a blue check Mark Ruffalo only meant that account belonged to the real Mark Ruffalo, not that he was a liberal. Now both the right and left both agree the Twitter blue checks are for people with bad opinions because blue checks are an $8 engagement boost
And there are A LOT of differences between Twitter then and Twitter now. The first real difference is that the Twitter they thought existed, never actually did. Twitter right now is literally the closest thing they have to twitter as they thought it was run before.
The other differences? The website's owner actively launders with white supremacist content, constantly engages with hard right Twitter accounts and stop's them from getting banned, unbanned accounts that were previously banned for things like hateful conduct (see Babylon bee). The word "Cis" is considered a slur on the website solely due to Elon's transphobia and is the only word that gets your twitter posts automatically hid; no actual slurs get posts hidden. In matter of fact, you can now be as racist, homophobic, and transphobic as you like! You can openly be a Nazi on Twitter now and not catch a suspension on Elon Musk's twitter! Because he shares their views, unironically, like believing in "the great replacement". Now every schmuck can pay Elon 8 dollars to get "verified" and force their tweets to the top of every thread, rendering the whole thing pointless as a verification system, and also causing the change in nature of blue checks; because now, nobody wants to be verified and be seen as the guy paying 8 dollars to boost their engagement like a petty bitch for one! No one on the left wants to give Elon their money, so no on the left subscribes to twitter blue, and then right-wingers love grifters so they eager to give their money to someone who wanted to buy the website to own the libs in the first place; that's at least partially the reason why twitter blue has that rep now. You also have the fact that idiots with dog shit opinions don't understand why they have such low engagement (the reason being is that no one likes their opinions), so the boost to the top of every thread is the most appealing to them. This also makes twitter blue appeal to scammer's and grifters for the same reason, and all these groups tend to overlap with the right wing.
"Now the conservatives are smug about being blue checked as much as leftists were smug about it before, let's not pretend it wasn't about "owning the chuds" then as much as it is about "owning the libs" now"
Again, the notion that being blue checked was a thing only leftists got was never real or some special status symbol lefties wafted over right wing peasants, and, believe or not; it has always been about owning the libs, and it will never stop being only about owning the libs. As for "owning the chuds", get real, this isn't trump era twitter anymore, and people on the left have actual real grievances to be upset about. You are thinking the two groups are the same, but they never were and never will be. I'm just frankly so tired of hearing it this false dichotomy, especially when only one group is cheering on people's rights being taken away
Steve wrote:
The other differences? The website's owner actively launders with white supremacist content, constantly engages with hard right Twitter accounts and stop's them from getting banned, unbanned accounts that were previously banned for things like hateful conduct (see Babylon bee). The word "Cis" is considered a slur on the website solely due to Elon's transphobia and is the only word that gets your twitter posts automatically hid; no actual slurs get posts hidden. In matter of fact, you can now be as racist, homophobic, and transphobic as you like! You can openly be a Nazi on Twitter now and not catch a suspension on Elon Musk's twitter! Because he shares their views, unironically, like believing in "the great replacement". Now every schmuck can pay Elon 8 dollars to get "verified" and force their tweets to the top of every thread, rendering the whole thing pointless as a verification system, and also causing the change in nature of blue checks; because now, nobody wants to be verified and be seen as the guy paying 8 dollars to boost their engagement like a petty bitch for one! No one on the left wants to give Elon their money, so no on the left subscribes to twitter blue, and then right-wingers love grifters so they eager to give their money to someone who wanted to buy the website to own the libs in the first place; that's at least partially the reason why twitter blue has that rep now. You also have the fact that idiots with dog shit opinions don't understand why they have such low engagement (the reason being is that no one likes their opinions), so the boost to the top of every thread is the most appealing to them. This also makes twitter blue appeal to scammer's and grifters for the same reason, and all these groups tend to overlap with the right wing.
"Now the conservatives are smug about being blue checked as much as leftists were smug about it before, let's not pretend it wasn't about "owning the chuds" then as much as it is about "owning the libs" now"
Again, the notion that being blue checked was a thing only leftists got was never real or some special status symbol lefties wafted over right wing peasants, and, believe or not; it has always been about owning the libs, and it will never stop being only about owning the libs. As for "owning the chuds", get real, this isn't trump era twitter anymore, and people on the left have actual real grievances to be upset about. You are thinking the two groups are the same, but they never were and never will be. I'm just frankly so tired of hearing it this false dichotomy, especially when only one group is cheering on people's rights being taken away
Buddy, you created a larger heap of straw than anything I've seen up to this site at this point, like seriously? "blue checkmark= bad opinion" only believed by right wingers? only hated twitter because of gamergate? thinks it's a secret left wing cable? Bringing up random "leftists also hate it but for legit reasons" arguments? Where are you even getting all of this from?
You need some time outside talking to real people because judging by your behaviors from comments such as This, Makes me worried.
Jazz Wizard wrote:
Oh only the last two years?
But for me I avoid all that crap on twitter and just use it to follow some artists, musicians, and game devs. Pretty sure I only have 1-2 normal posts on it ever in all 8 or so years Ive had it.
I think the last time I used twitter to make a post is when I uploaded a usb assisted post in splatoon 2 for art before Nintendo created their subscription service. The need to have a social media to make a post in game was kinda dumb anyways. The only use I have for my Twitter account now is the manditory requirement to even browse art on the website.
I disagree with those who compare old twitter to new twitter/'X', or who otherwise play it down.
Fucking hell.
When the community is even more extreme than Alex Jones, than something has gone dreadfully wrong. I've seen vatniks pop up over there and the intermingling between that group, internet culture and 'western' far-right. Here we see the end-result of that.
I'm probably biased because I don't like Musk, with how he immediately bows down to hybrid regimes and even outright autocracies while fighting tooth and nail against democracies (or outright sabotaging them with his nonsense with Ukraine).
But even ignoring all the above and other scandals or issues, even before him Twitter seems designed to create the worst takes. What's the value proposition of the site?
It's probably better if one keeps a distance from the insanity and sticks to the art, but some of the artists are moving their stuff to other sites (less censorship) and there's better videos elsewhere.
lol when Alex Jones is the voice of reason things have gone too far
Back to topic, I never use twitter, before or after Moscow Musk bought it. I have zero attachment or strong feelings about the site. As far as I'm concerned, it's a nebulous stream of shitty opinions of the terminally online, muckrakers, and impartial artists wading through said shit to post their work. Literally the only reason I visit the place is for the latter if given no alternative.
Twitter really went to shit didnt it?
No!! wrote:
Twitter really went to shit didnt it?
Nah, it was always shit, the shit's just a different color now
wared wrote:
Buddy, you created a larger heap of straw than anything I've seen up to this site at this point, like seriously? "blue checkmark= bad opinion" only believed by right wingers? only hated twitter because of gamergate? thinks it's a secret left wing cable? Bringing up random "leftists also hate it but for legit reasons" arguments? Where are you even getting all of this from?
You need some time outside talking to real people because judging by your behaviors from comments such as This, Makes me worried.
Wow, you stalked my profile all the way back 7 months to show a comment i made that point out the twitter bio of that user, where they were admitting they were pedophile ? What do did you think you did there by linking that? Show that kym would rather support a pedophile than stop being transphobic ?
as for straw allegations, nothing i said was wrong.
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
Nah, it was always shit, the shit's just a different color now
Shit's gotten worse. Before it was obnoxious politicians, slimy corporations and cancel culture mobs.
Now you still have those and crypto-nazis, if the above isn't enough proof, there are likely more examples. Maybe if you had Pol Pot communists there before, but ironically, I think there's more reported tankies active there now with Elon than before. Bit of a false equivalence, I'd say.
Personally, I think a lot of places (including this forum) had a problem of hyper-cynical users saying "it can't get any worse", so when it did there's not much to fall back on. Cynicism can be just as lazy as optimism.
TLDR: You can hit rock bottom multiple times.
Gilan wrote:
Shit's gotten worse. Before it was obnoxious politicians, slimy corporations and cancel culture mobs.
Now you still have those and crypto-nazis, if the above isn't enough proof, there are likely more examples. Maybe if you had Pol Pot communists there before, but ironically, I think there's more reported tankies active there now with Elon than before. Bit of a false equivalence, I'd say.
Personally, I think a lot of places (including this forum) had a problem of hyper-cynical users saying "it can't get any worse", so when it did there's not much to fall back on. Cynicism can be just as lazy as optimism.
TLDR: You can hit rock bottom multiple times.
i will admit that i am one of those hyper-cynical people, i feel like twitter is just beyond salvation
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