the web designer is not really good for knowyourmeme
we no longer see comments or likes, it’s awful and there are bugs

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May 09, 2024 at 10:32PM EDT
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the web designer is not really good for knowyourmeme
we no longer see comments or likes, it’s awful and there are bugs
It's been going on for 7 days, when will they fix the bugs and the design of the site?
I just started seeing the new site layout, and geez Louise, I finally understand why people were complaining.
Comment voting doesn't work for me; I have to enter a gallery in order to upload images whereas before I could just upload from the main article; pages sometimes take a minute to load for seemingly no reason, whereas before they loaded quickly; the ability to search images by most or least upvoted is gone; when previewing an image, the number of comments and like/dislike ratio is also gone; plus the fact it looks like Facebook to me now just bugs me on a fundamental level.
This isn't even a case of me disliking change, this new layout just sucks.
Mods/Staff, is there a way to go back to the old layout, kinda like Reddit has the old. prefix to go back to OG Reddit?
the team manages the site which you do something to repair the site it's been 12 days since the site was buggy and fix the problems which are How to vote does not work, the pages sometimes take a minute to load for no apparent reason, I like/dislike" does not work under comments, and the pages do not load at all and the profile page comments on them does not work
thank god is gone is site ugly (new)
site bug, it came back but why did they do that?
who did this it's so stupid it's ugly and buggy
the site was buggy and fix the problems which are How to vote does not work, the pages sometimes take a minute to load for no apparent reason, I like/dislike" does not work under comments, and the pages do not load at all and the profile page comments on them does not work
I'm still on the old layout but if the awful new layout becomes a permanent change I'll probably delete my account and never come back because it is unbearable. Whoever is designing it clearly doesn't have the slightest clue of what they're doing.
months ago site works perfectly someone screwed up and the site works badly who does that I want to know, the web designer or someone who has the site as stupid as the moon. who! who! who! does that!!!!!!! the responsibility no one who screwed up
If you get the new layout there is a button you can find in the menus that says old site.
links to and then the new interface doesn't come up
Stop trying to make the new layout happen KYM. It's not going to happen.
Can you guys please change back to the old layout please?
Got the new layout, comments are failing to load and I can't see what was the most commented in the last day which were the main things I tended to look for.
3/10 fails at nearly everything.
Well, three days later and everything is back to normal. For now at any rate.
Congratulations on utterly destroying usability on your website. I actually can't use it. Clicking on images won't let me close them, there's random blank spaces all over the pages which I'm reasonably certain aren't caused by my ad blocker (no I will not disable it, fuck off), and overall KYM is functionally dead.
I really gotta find some new sites to trawl. All I've got left now is Youtube and it's no better.
Look, can you just make up your mind at this point? Because I've got the stupid, awful, new layout back. Either keep it up and deal with the user base leaving because of the terrible "upgrade" you forced onto everyone, or stick with the old system and just focus on maintaining/improving the back end.
Don't keep yanking my chain going back and forth.
Pathetic nonfunctional dogshit. No other way to describe this new layout. Definitely deleting my account if it's not changed back to the actual fucking functional layout.
Admiral Loadsamoney wrote:
Pathetic nonfunctional dogshit. No other way to describe this new layout. Definitely deleting my account if it's not changed back to the actual fucking functional layout.
As noted in the other thread, you can do it manually. However… yeah, even having the new UI as an option isn't great tbh.
For people complaining the new UI is back/ celebrating the new UI is gone: it seems to randomly choose for you to have it/not have it. Multiple people across multiple months have had the site assign people with it and then take them off. At least a few have had it come back a second time. This isn't someone on the site deciding now the UI should be implemented again or not from what I can tell. It's just random.
Jill wrote:
As noted in the other thread, you can do it manually. However… yeah, even having the new UI as an option isn't great tbh.
For people complaining the new UI is back/ celebrating the new UI is gone: it seems to randomly choose for you to have it/not have it. Multiple people across multiple months have had the site assign people with it and then take them off. At least a few have had it come back a second time. This isn't someone on the site deciding now the UI should be implemented again or not from what I can tell. It's just random.
It's good that they kept the old version in but I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they removed it outright and forced everyone onto the new version with no way to revert. The second they do that I'm gone.
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