Know Your Meme Editorials
News, research, and dispatches from our editorial staff.
Filed under "Collections"
14 'Star Wars' Memes From Your Favorite Trilogy
The original trilogy is one of the most beloved things in the Star Wars universe, so here are a couple of memes that commemorate this wonderful trilogy.
These People Definitely Regret These 24 Tattoos
Tattoos that will make you think twice before getting inked.
14 Clever Comebacks That Definitely Stung
A clever comeback is one of the most brutal ways to go down in an argument.
15 Nerdy Memes For All The Science Lovers Out There
There are plenty of nerdy people on the internet, here's a collection dedicated to all our fellow nerds.
24 Insane Posts Taken From Your Favorite Social Media Site
Facebook is a breeding ground for the most insane people, here are some examples.
25 Incredibly Wholesome Memes To Make The Day A Lot Better
Memes are supposed to make your day a lot better, here are a couple of memes that are guaranteed to do just that.
15 Memes Made For All The Readers
For all the people out there who love to read, but have a stack of unread books.
25 Modern 'SpongeBob' Memes Taken From 'Bikini Bottom Twitter'
'SpongeBob' is a treasure trove of memes and hilarious scenes. Here are a couple of modern memes from the classic show.
23 Uncomfortable Dating App Encounters
Strange and uncomfortable encounters from the wonderful world of dating apps.
25 Ancient Memes About People Who Are Totally Time Travelers
Are we sure these aren't modern paintings?