Fellas, I'm cringe.

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Jul 29, 2024 at 04:14AM EDT.
Jan 11, 2017 at 12:22PM EST
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Fellas, I'm cringe.
The internet would be a perfect place if there were no people in it.
I approve of ai taking over the internet.
Chat-gpt is the image of the ultimate perfect human.
No!! wrote:
The internet would be a perfect place if there were no people in it.
I approve of ai taking over the internet.
Who does ai learn from?
olors64 wrote:
Who does ai learn from?
ah shit you are right lol
Mio Honda canonically owns a gun.
No!! wrote:
Mio Honda canonically owns a gun.
Well, you can't commit war crimes unless you own a good gun.
What would happen if Sgt. Hartman and Arch Dornan ever met one another?
Nightwing is so hilariously lame
Oh look Robin grew up into a twink and now he is just like his father Batman! And his own superhero! Except you know…without almost everything that allows Batman to be strong…and he still has no powers like his dad..and no guns like his dad….but unlike his dad also no money…..and almost no gadgets..almost no/to no inventions of his own…almost nothing to give him an edge over other superheroes .and has to get by on stun-sticks and some motorcycle he found at a garage sale on the most part
Lmao lame….put that robin suit back on buddy
Edgar Weebling wrote:
What would happen if Sgt. Hartman and Arch Dornan ever met one another?
i'm pretty sure they would band together and outlaw eardrums
Some guy just made an accout for the sole purpose to tell me to kill myself and nothing else……
Thjs is awesome! People are starting to hate me directly! I am a micro-celebrity of sorts!
He even called himself kysssssssssss and its his only comment….. I am so proud of myself right now
No!! wrote:
He even called himself kysssssssssss and its his only comment….. I am so proud of myself right now
So you are saying you were noticed by Low Tier God? Is that what you're saying?
Edgar Weebling wrote:
So you are saying you were noticed by Low Tier God? Is that what you're saying?
yes, yes I am.
He called me a particular racial slur too.
Thought you had posted porn before I opened the tag lmao
YouTube recomendation algorithm deadass be doxxing a certain indonesian vtuber's past life.
Squibblyskadew wrote:
YouTube recomendation algorithm deadass be doxxing a certain indonesian vtuber's past life.
That has been thrown by Youtube in my direction for a long time now, and I've been trying my best to ignore it.
Professor Lando is interested in soon becoming a vtuber.
I want to hideaway in the woods with no access to human contact
No!! wrote:
I want to hideaway in the woods with no access to human contact
Fellers, I've come to make an announcement.
I am fighting a war in my bathroom against a colony of ants, and they keep winning!
In terms of uploads I've landed on the number of the beast.
Quickly, praise Satan for 1 free unusual in tf2 before the pious christian mods find out.
I'm contributing!
cartridge88 wrote:
I'm contributing!
Malal will never be real :(
Dont you hate it when your online girl turns out to be chat-gpt powered?
While I enjoy grimdark I am a bit tired of space fascism (though it definetly makes for cool stories) I kind of want somehing like a dystopian dysfunctional genocidal space communism for a change of pace, there could a libertarian and free space capitalism as their rival empire…but in a suversion they turn out to love slavery, corruption and are somehow even worse than the space soviet union (even with their moments of starvaton) and by a decent margin.
something like that, wanted to post this on the world-building thread but I got the fully formed idea one month too late heh.
No!! wrote:
While I enjoy grimdark I am a bit tired of space fascism (though it definetly makes for cool stories) I kind of want somehing like a dystopian dysfunctional genocidal space communism for a change of pace, there could a libertarian and free space capitalism as their rival empire…but in a suversion they turn out to love slavery, corruption and are somehow even worse than the space soviet union (even with their moments of starvaton) and by a decent margin.
something like that, wanted to post this on the world-building thread but I got the fully formed idea one month too late heh.
Some ideas I have:
- space colonization succeeds, but many of them lose the technology to travel through space so they're stuck on the other world, their challenge being the ability to sustain the colonies they seeded.
1. advances in bio-engineering make transhumanism a reality, allowing people to modify themselves with cybernetic enhancements, increasing their abilities.
2. transhumanism is successful, but they are not satisfied. Their next big push is to remove aging, the goal being lifespans of a few centuries.
3. they remove aging. Next is perfecting the human immune system, so disease becomes a non-issue.
4. the psychological consequences of the immortality project is realized. They live to experience horrors beyond comprehension. The next generation is repulsed by life-extension, and don't use it.
1. Earth experiences the next mass-extinction event. The colonies are flourishing, and try to restore the Earth to its former glory.
2. At this point, Earth has experienced numerous mass-extinction events, the ecosystem becoming unrecognizable compared to today.
3. The Sun becomes a red giant and the Earth's oceans boil away. At this point it's more costly than beneficial to keep the Earth hospitable to life, so people put the resources to use supporting the current available planets.
1. The night sky ceases to be reliable as stars travel through their galaxy. People have to rely on other methods of location, such as pulsar signals.
2. The universe loses cohesion as stars stop being born in planetary nebulae, and galaxies start ejecting stars. Some stars collide into new stars and neutron star collisions become a valuable source for rare elements.
3. White dwarfs fade into brown dwarfs, so humanity seeks new stars to live around.
4. The Age of Black Holes begins. Galaxies worth of stars are swallowed up by these monstrosities. Many decide to enter the nearest black hole, in hopes of finding a fresh universe, with beautiful night skies and planets teeming with life. For them, the story of the universe has ended since they moved on to brighter skies and greener pastures.
5. For the rest of humanity, they live around black holes, harvesting the hawking radiation as their energy source, powering the servers hosting the Last Post Wins thread.
olors64 wrote:
Some ideas I have:
- space colonization succeeds, but many of them lose the technology to travel through space so they're stuck on the other world, their challenge being the ability to sustain the colonies they seeded.
1. advances in bio-engineering make transhumanism a reality, allowing people to modify themselves with cybernetic enhancements, increasing their abilities.
2. transhumanism is successful, but they are not satisfied. Their next big push is to remove aging, the goal being lifespans of a few centuries.
3. they remove aging. Next is perfecting the human immune system, so disease becomes a non-issue.
4. the psychological consequences of the immortality project is realized. They live to experience horrors beyond comprehension. The next generation is repulsed by life-extension, and don't use it.
1. Earth experiences the next mass-extinction event. The colonies are flourishing, and try to restore the Earth to its former glory.
2. At this point, Earth has experienced numerous mass-extinction events, the ecosystem becoming unrecognizable compared to today.
3. The Sun becomes a red giant and the Earth's oceans boil away. At this point it's more costly than beneficial to keep the Earth hospitable to life, so people put the resources to use supporting the current available planets.
The Universe Dies:
1. The night sky ceases to be reliable as stars travel through their galaxy. People have to rely on other methods of location, such as pulsar signals.
2. The universe loses cohesion as stars stop being born in planetary nebulae, and galaxies start ejecting stars. Some stars collide into new stars and neutron star collisions become a valuable source for rare elements.
3. White dwarfs fade into brown dwarfs, so humanity seeks new stars to live around.
4. The Age of Black Holes begins. Galaxies worth of stars are swallowed up by these monstrosities. Many decide to enter the nearest black hole, in hopes of finding a fresh universe, with beautiful night skies and planets teeming with life. For them, the story of the universe has ended since they moved on to brighter skies and greener pastures.
5. For the rest of humanity, they live around black holes, harvesting the hawking radiation as their energy source, powering the servers hosting the Last Post Wins thread.
I like it, this is good, with the addition of my factions its like a dark grimdark version of star trek.
There can be an authright faction that highly resembles the imperium of man made of mutants….but they are the counterpart to the tyranids and want to potentially eat all of humanity…which is quite disturbing…cause they at least used to be human.
The twist is that somehow Space Stalin is the "heroic messiah"….somehow…..
I like the idea that transhumanism is just the standard and technically everyone is like immortal there isnt even too much prejudice against the augmented or the nonaugmented cause its just seen like technology, augmentations are about as standard as a cellphone …but that doesnt mean the future isnt only war cause it is.
… …win?
there are no winners in the last post wins
only survivors
Butterscotch soda
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Did you think you could win?
Finally found it
The one fictional character
No women wants to fuck
>insinuating that there is a character in the history of characters that no one wants to fuck
Come on!
We gotta make "You got watter-bottled!" into a meme!
I love that scene where the Emperor managed to get Nurgle to turn against the forces of chaos by showing him the power and beauty of friendship
Scene of a man that dared to talk back at a woman
I am starting to hate reddit
Honestly i dont even know why I go online, there is almost hardly community I actually like lmao
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