i'm sorry, starting to hate reddit?

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Jul 29, 2024 at 04:14AM EDT.
Jan 11, 2017 at 12:22PM EST
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i'm sorry, starting to hate reddit?
Maybe one day…
The age of malal has ended (Sucks for me) we have officially entere the Slaanesh era, everyone is gonna be cooming and talking about porn for a while now.
I'm the last post, Where's my prize? :)
I'll reward myself
Penguin wrote:
I'll reward myself
Excuse me? No fake trophies for people who didn't earn them.
Kids these days, I goddamn swear.
Penguin wrote:
I'm the last post, Where's my prize? :)
You silly billy, the only way to win in this thread is to not post
you've already lost, you're already a prisoner of this hellscape
I wanna get off Mr. Bone's wild ride
If you ever feel lonely remember:
I will find you
Thanks, Boogeyman…
jimmy conga
I am already outside your house
No!! wrote:
I am already outside your house
No, you're not. That implies you're touching grass, and nobody here is doing that anytime soon.
Syllogistic reasoning wins again, fools!
Squibblyskadew wrote:
No, you're not. That implies you're touching grass, and nobody here is doing that anytime soon.
Syllogistic reasoning wins again, fools!
have loving sex with mods, mate-press mods
Sure your oshi can sing, but can they SCREAM?
I thought so.
Squibblyskadew wrote:
Sure your oshi can sing, but can they SCREAM?
I thought so.
no, that's why i own 65535 furbies
so i understand in my soul what hell truly is, and be prepared for my inevitable arrival
WAY too much self pitying in reddit, the constant pity parties are becoming unbearable for even me.
I've been stuck on this website for 14 years.
Add cum to your coffee
No!! wrote:
Add cum to your coffee
Not kink shaming, but WTF?
No!! wrote:
Add cum to your coffee
now that’s what i call getting your morning wood
No!! wrote:
Add cum to your coffee
leave the site and never return
what can I say? we are in an age of cum
Dear god is Batman a god among men, Superwimp could NEVER
No!! wrote:
Add cum to your coffee
Is the coffee in a chalice?
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Is the coffee in a chalice?
olors64 wrote:
Now consume it.
Right now!
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Now consume it.
Right now!
Never forget this complete banger of a video, total masterpiece:
olors64 wrote:
For actually doing so, you win a fun fact.Â
An extremely popular Vtuber did voice acting for Yandere Sim.
whait why is there a cum cup?
my fucking weird ass roommate
Raul Satisacro wrote:
You know how else adds cum to their coffee?
This page needs to be wiped from existence
Sir Snakeboat wrote:
This page needs to be wiped from existence
Once we reach page 82, let’s all agree to forget page 81.
I feel like I said something like this before, but I successfully forgot where.
Father Of Lies,
Cum in disguise,
Your cum won’t last.
Just like that… my boy Bettel was on top of the world and lost it all in 2 minutes.
Man, pro wrestling is such a rush.
(Image source is DasDokter btw)
He's the entire circus.
He must be cursed or something
Squibblyskadew wrote:
I think he does it as well. That's why he's green.
If you ever have to choose between being stuck with me or a bear in the forest alone, choose the bear, trust me.
that sounded less rapey in my head, I meant I would non-sexu ally consume you
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