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Obey me Vhagar, for real this time! | /r/FreeFolk

Still better than actually having to fight him | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
this happens everytime | /r/memes

Who needs air conditioning if you have cardboard beds | /r/memes

She is meant to be fought by a lvl 1 party. She has a 11 to hit, and in pathfinder if you exceed their AC by 10, you crit. Lvl 1 PCs often have AC as low as 14, so if she rolls a 13 or higher she does double damage, up to 40 total damage if she rolls max

Dungeons and Dragons
Tyrannosaurus buck

Jurassic Park
Put a shirt on! | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
"gene stealers aren't real" | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
Security in King's landing | /r/FreeFolk

I'm gonna tell my kids this is Otto Hightower | /r/FreeFolk

TFW the only two Targ bastards with backstory scenes end up being The Chosen Ones | /r/FreeFolk

Anon can't put his finger on it | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
After draining your bank account for groceries, this is almost feels like an insult. | /r/PrequelMemes

Prequel Memes
Lol! This true? | /r/wholesomememes

Wholesome Memes
Screw HOAs | /r/dankmemes

Nigel marven in Jurassic park

Godzilla 1962

Godzilla vs. Kong
King Kong 1962

Godzilla vs. Kong
Salty Spitoon.jpg

Filename Threads
Fan Screaming at Madison Beer Performance (BeReal)
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