"you should just shut up"
"Chill bro"

Fluoride bad. Fluoride fries and calcifies your brain. Nazi's literally put that stuff in the drinking water of the people to make them more compliant, for gods sake. And you've probably heard of the fluoride stare, and I think there's an online equivalent to that. When you bring up a point or a fact and you're met with people insulting you but not directly at you. Like "Wow, it's so typical a person who believes such-n-such also thinks this-n-that. He's so dumb and he's mad right now. I bet he believes in fairy tales tooooooo, doesn't surprise me."
Even though I'm pro-gun, gun rights should be taken away. The hell with it. If the people don't want gun rights then maybe we shouldn't have them. And when the state takes over, people are going to learn the hard way why we needed them. I think it's necessary. And when WWIII breaks out we're initiating Operation Meat-Shield. Guess where you're going to be when that happens. Spoiler alert: The front lines.
Art depicting younger individuals in a exposing manner (you know what I'm referring to I'm not going to say it) isn't necessarily bad in and of itself or even joking about in some instances. Like I believe nudity, in general, inherently isn't sexual just on the grounds it's nudity, nor do I believe people who draw that type of stuff or like drug dealers or anything like that. But I think there's been one issue that should be brought up. The main issue is porn addiction and people becoming desensitized from over indulging in it, they don't get that same mental high anymore from the regular stuff and their mind seeks out more taboo things, even things worse than what I'm referring to. The addiction part is the real problem, like our lord and savior Ye has always said.
And there's a little bit more I wanna say about the vaccine. sigh….so, I'm currently the only person in all my friends and family who isn't vaccinated (#pureblood, POTTAH). I know of 4 people of are potentially vaccine injured, but I've been hearing stories of friends of friends of people they know died suddenly of a heart attack or they found those fibrous clots in their lungs. There's always been a part of me a bit hateful, like glad, in a way, that some people who got the vaccine did get it. Like anyone wishing death upon anyone who's unvaccinated or anyone who participated in r/hermaincainaward. Even after the release of Died Suddenly the documentary (highly recommend), their responses to that was "It's psuedoscience, It's lies, Oop, it's been debunked. No debate. I win." Like it's an equivalent to Dunkey's "You're nitpicking and biased. I win. Bye bye."
What's r/hermaincainaward? Well, Hermain Cain was a politician who ran for President, he was anti-vax and died from covid, so they named that subreddit after him. If you're anti-vax and you die of covid (or the reason was given as covid) your face, your name, your family (including their children), everything is posted on the subreddit upvoted to the top of r/all for the world to see with comments along the lines of "hahaha we told ya so". But in their minds it's ok. Everything in our own minds is always ok, because it's our mind that justify it and it's us the ones that are doing it. And personally, I can't say I'm for that ideology.