Dr Pepperfan requested a thread like this, so let's try it out! Don't know the name of a meme? Ask here.

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Dr Pepperfan requested a thread like this, so let's try it out! Don't know the name of a meme? Ask here.
IIRC it was called Hero Face or something? Been a while since I've seen it with the original text.
Sav is correct! I just saw it here under "determined": http://ragecomics.memebase.com/rage-builder/
It's also in the unknown section of the rage face origins Reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/comments/d38tq/im_bored_at_work_and_i_want_to_make_an/
What about the one in the third panel?
Fridge wrote:
What about the one in the third panel?
The face on the left in the third panel is 'Herp derp' according to membase's rage builder, haha.
I don't know, Derpy. It seems to be used more in Rage comics to describe something ugly, etc. Something that would facilitate a Poker Face or an Oh Sweet Jesus Face. It certainly fits derpiness, though.
Okay, I've looked really hard and came up with, absolutely nothing. I've searched through countless numbers of websites, looked at all the Deadpool memes (uughh), asked bros, and came up with nothing (not even the pic posted above including the Derpy version). This is going to haunt me until i find this rogue meme! I might ask the person that posted it and see if its OC (Which i highly doubt). Get back to you if i find anything at all.
How is called this meme?
Do you see the animated gif of Brock I posted still too?
Hypercat-Z wrote:
How is called this meme?
That's called X Doesn't Change Facial Expressions
One of those is in a suit. It could be Brock Obama.
Does anyone know the name of that girl?
That's Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:
Does anyone know the name of that girl?
Thanks Tonberry!
Of course it is!
Tom you beautiful genius, I would kiss you if you weren't some random bloke off the internet.
:D No problem.
Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:
hanks 8D the mystery is sooolved
Ii have noticed several photoshopped variants of this pic, if this is the original.
How is called this meme anyway?
It's called It's Goofy Time :l
Thanks! I feel kinda chunky by now.
I have noticed several pictures drawn in a medieval style and using an ancient slang to made memes. Like this one in your site:
Or one of the ones here (if the link does work. At the moment it doesn't)
Is it a meme itself? How is it called?
Hypercat-Z wrote:
I have noticed several pictures drawn in a medieval style and using an ancient slang to made memes. Like this one in your site:
Or one of the ones here (if the link does work. At the moment it doesn't)
Is it a meme itself? How is it called?
This meme is called Medieval Macros / Bayeux Tapestry.
I find these hilarious.
Tanks! Now if you could find a mirror site that does work, I would be grate!
what is this meme called?
@foobarbaz, that's Facebombing.
@Olivia thanks a lot!
LizardAID wrote:
What's the stick figure in this rage comic? I tried to check the rage builder on Memebase but it won't load on my computer.
He is one of many Computer Reaction Faces although he doesn't have a name of his own from what I've seen. He just is used to show that the person in the comic is thinking really hard about something on the computer.
What are these memes called?
The bottom one is an Obama Hope Poster Parody.
I have no idea what the top one is.
What is that girl in the corner? And can I get an exploitable of it?
ShadowDialga wrote:
What is that girl in the corner? And can I get an exploitable of it?
That would be the Chubby Bubbles Girl ShadowDialga.
Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:
That would be the Chubby Bubbles Girl ShadowDialga.
Wah thenk yoo
"..And PUSH it somewhere else!"
Guess witch one is that. :P
Seen this a lot on 4chan, but I don't know what the name is.
Ignore the filename, I just gave it that because it makes sense.
(Also, if someone has a copy of it with better resolution, can you post it here?)
What the one with people in a pimp-kind of car all bobbing their heads with the camera around the hood?
What is Love ShadowDialga
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