Ann Hiro
Brand New Member
Location: The Afterlife
Joined Jan 07, 2010 at 04:10PM EST
- About
The Irony that you guys can't take away my title, in it's place 5 more titles will appear, and if you replace it with blank, Only means I can meme about it more.
About Me
Just a veteran KYM user who visits daily, and is addicted to the internet.
My Sexual Orientation is Bisexual.
I do like Yaoi, and Futanari.
I watch anime, and read manga.
Competitive Fighting Games are harsh on the soul, so don’t enter without heeding that warning.
Psyche Izaya is best Vocaloid
Shikieiki is best Touhou
Naoi Ayato is the best
I am a:
Competitive Gamer
Wannabe Historian
Might as well put this here.
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