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Chud is a slang term used online to refer to people who are considered far from socially normal and unpleasant to be around. The term, undergoing slight changes in its meaning over the decades, has maintained its usage as an offensive and negatively connotated word. Starting in 2020, the term spawned the Chudjak, Avatar Chud, and GigaChud memes as it was increasingly connected with the alt-right.
The word "chud" can originally be found as the name of a movie from 1984, called C.H.U.D., with the main plot of the creature feature being "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers" (or CHUD). The trailer for the movie was reuploaded to YouTube on June 27th, 2018, by the YouTube channel Grindhouse Movie Trailers,[1] with an emphasis being placed on how it's a group of monsters that live in the dark undergrounds rising up to civilization to attack (shown below).
On February 28th, 2003, the Urban Dictionary definition for chud was officially created by the user Suzi-G,[2] stating that a chud is "stupid and ugly and probably lives in a trailer park beside the dumpster," with many more definitions quickly following that cemented its use as an insult (shown below).

In late 2019, the word "chud" began to get attached to right-wing politics as an insult via political compass memes, with a notable example being posted on the /r/PoliticalCompassMemes subreddit on October 26th, 2019, by a now-deleted Redditor[3] (shown below).

Years later, the term then became synonymous with two distinct types of Wojak, the aptly named Chudjak and GigaChud, with the latter being an attempt to unironically enjoy the label given by the former.
On March 2nd, 2023, Twitter user @pilkpropaganda[4] tweeted a 4chan screenshot in which Chudjak is used to denote someone who is attempting to find a woman with traditional values, with the word "chud" adopting the meaning as a right-wing trad enjoyer (shown below).

Related Memes
Chudjak also known as Poljak, is another variation of the long-standing character Wojak, also known as "Feels Guy," but actually has its origin from the meme known as Le /pol/ Face or Le Pollack. The parent meme, which originated on 4chan, is meant to depict the cliché appearance of the average 4chan /pol/ user, incels, far-right public shooters and other similar characters. It was modeled to resemble Patrick Crusius, the shooter from the 2019 El Paso Shooting.

GigaChud (A portmanteau of GigaChad and Chud) is a Wojak character parodying the poljak archetype by combining the appearance of Big Lez from the The Big Lez Show animated series and Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and exhibiting behavior characteristic of chuds. The character is often used in combination with Poljak and Pink-haired Enbie and has a developed dynamic with both characters.

Avatar Chud
Avatar Chud refers to a minor soldier character in the 2022 film Avatar: The Way of Water. The character is a "recombinant," a Na'vi avatar implanted with a mind and memories of a dead human soldier, sporting a buzz cut and Oakley-type sunglasses. Due to the character's design matching a stereotypical appearance of a supporter of right-wing politics in the U.S., he became the subject of memes as an exploitable in which he was imagined as being a conservative following the movie's release in December 2022.

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External References
[1] YouTube – GrindhouseMovieTrailers
[2] Urban Dictionary – Suzi-G
[3] Reddit – Political Compass
[4] Twitter – PilkPropaganda
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