Excitebot theLEGO
Researcher & Archivist & Pundit & Media Bus Boy
Location: The chosen holy land, known simply as Ohio
Joined Sep 23, 2018 at 04:27PM EDT
- About
Real name Vince. I'm a former stop motion animator.
It was fun till I got bored. I sort of just needed to shed that side of me, because the creating process (especially under the illusion of monetization) is draining. Nowadays, I just want to make funny pictures and videos, and enjoy doing it.And that's where this image comes in:
Fawful theLEGO was sort of a "brand" in my naive mind, if you can even humor that. My enjoyment of Excitebots, on the other hand, could always be kept as a hobby interest, and never beyond that.
Knowyourmeme is one of the few holy places where I don't have to worry about a reputation, any notion of a money-making prospect, or even clout-chasing for that matter. Excitebots, to me at least, represents that in a similar sense. I don't play because it's popular or other people rant and rave about it; if anything it's sort of been the other way around. If people like my stuff, then I appreciate it greatly; and if they don't, I shrug and move on with the next 15-30 minute edit on my mind.
I no longer use Twitter. Not publicly at least. In recent years, it's become so much of a cesspool to me, that i had to purge everything, save for meme accounts and artists i genuinely happen to like.
It's easier to find me on Discord anyway. It's just a good place for me to talk on DMs. I go by
LEGO_Vince#8897. Though let me know who you are beforehand.
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