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Updated Aug 13, 2019 at 04:09AM EDT by RandomMan.

Added Mar 29, 2019 at 08:41AM EDT by RandomMan.

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Rantsona, a portmanteau of "Rant" and "Persona," is a slang term given to online personas used in YouTube reaction videos featuring rants or controversial topics. After a couple of screenshots from reaction videos with furry personas went viral on Twitter in March 2019, the type of videos quickly gained more attention.


It is unknown where specifically the term "rantsona" originated from, although the context of the term has been consistent since the start. The earliest found examples in a Twitter post by @minkyew[1] on September 12th, 2018 and Redditor[2] operativehog on October 30th, 2018.


On March 24th, 2019, Twitter user @SeanRMoorhead[5] posted a screenshot of a furry YouTube channel Esoteric The Free taking a controversial stance on the 2019 Christchurch Shootings (shown below). In the next 5 days, the tweet managed to gather over 1,000 retweets and 5,300 likes. Replies to the tweet also feature screenshots of the channel reacting to the controversy the tweet sparked.

The Truth About the Christchurch Shooting .1K views 116 10 Share Download Save Esoteric The Free 2.7K subscribers D SUBSCRIBE

On March 26th, 2019, Twitter user @homomilkkk[3] posted a tweet reading "the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse". The tweet was accompianed by 3 more screenshots with fursonas commentating on yiff, pedophilia and forced diversity (shown below). In the following 3 days, the tweet managed to gather over 3,400 retweets and 11,800 likes. The same four images were also posted to Twitter by user @verysillymarisa[4] a few hours later, which gathered over 1,800 retweets and 6,000 likes with the question on how to nickname the screenshots.

Good vs Bad Yiff 35K views 766 492 Share Download Save Genesius Wolf 11K subscribers SUBSCRIBE 816/6 51 In Defense Of Pedophiles 57,972 views Kothorix Published on Jarl 12, 2017 SUBSCRIBE 34K Well. This is prabably the one that makes me a despised cretin of the internet D Someone just painted out I said the sun revalves around the earth. Oops. 0:22/18:14 The Problem With Forced Diversity 363,862 views 19K1.6K SHARE.. The Dishonoured Wolf Published on Mar 23, 2018 SUBSCRIBE 101K

In the days after, various photoshops and tweets were made using the above 4 YouTube channels and other related channels. On March 27th, Twitter user @smurfdanceparty posted a photoshop featuring the above personas together in a room (shown below, left), gathering over 1,750 retweets and 8,800 likes. Later that day, Twitter user @Abraham0Link did the same with an additional fursona (shown below, right), gathering over 1,000 retweets and 3,800 likes.

Various Examples

EVERYBODY GANGSTA イ 6 TILL THE/COMMENTATOR'S ANIMATEDYOUTUBE AVATAR CROSSES HIS ARMS Filthy Heretic @FilthyHeretic Follow The last sight of many a commie 10:17 PM - 9 Feb 2018 5 Retweets 21 Likes TONIGHT..) YIFF IN HELL! -05:50 ▶ 09:07 15 The Truth About Yiff 420K views 16K 2.3K Share Save Report Tutorial: How to Pla.. YouTube girls last tour Up next 1. Good forfires 2. cannot he eaten 3. NO PICTURESI!pa 4. Onlyvirgins read 3:42 50+ "Ugoku,U 4:23 In defense of book burning (response to Chi) 1,078,798 views 1. 8.3K -1171 .+SAVE 5:02 SHARE natural harmonia gropius @Chainbody Follow a valid point mr. Shapiro. However, pik @bikwin5 Seguir just finished my youtuber rant persona, what do you all think Traducir Tweet

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External References

[1] Twitter – @minkyew

[2] Reddit – r/videogamedunkey

[3] Twitter – @homomilkkk

[4] Twitter – @verysillymarisa

[5] Twitter – @SeanRMoorhead

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