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Browsing 2,035 results for 'tags:("meme")'.

Instagram And The Curious Case Of Meme Identity
Of the major social media platforms, Instagram has the most nebulous identity when it comes to its meme culture. Arguably, that’s by design.

Monthly Review: September 2011
In this month's issue: Whale emoticons invades iPhones and Tumblr; Jersey Shore's Sammi gets ridiculed for her accent; California's taxidermist Chuck Testa storms through Reddit and the rest of the Internets. Check inside for more!

Monthly Review: November 2011
In this month's issue: Pizza is a Vegetable, Neil deGrasse Tyson Reaction, Sexy Sweaters, American Censorship Day and Pepper Spray Guy and more!

What Is A Meme, Really? Reconsidering The Richard Dawkins Definition In 2022
An opinion editorial from a past issue of Meme Insider

11 Memes Highlighting The Best Of 'STONKS'
S T O N K S.

Meme Of The Month: July 2020
It's time to find out who won the Meme of the Month.

Meme Of The Month: September 2020
It's time to find out who won!

The Best Memes That Made It Past Our Weekly "Meme Checkpoint" Facebook Challenge
Some of the funniest memes we received from our fans on Facebook.

Announcing The 2021 Know Your Meme Database Restoration Project
Here's why you're seeing ancient memes on the front page.

15 Jokes Taken Straight From The Comedy Graveyard
These posts were not made ironically, each one of them was 'supposed' to be funny… but arent.