Location: My Holy Royal Palace
Joined Dec 16, 2017 at 12:02AM EST
- About
I'm an artistically-challenged artist who enjoys drawing and digital painting as well as a hobbyist writer who loves the blend of historical fiction, fantasy and maybe a touch of sci-fi. I have some armchair military historian wannabe tendencies. Most importantly, I am an Empress by divine right.
I enjoy video games, particularly the RPG genre but dabble in most other genres. JRPGs are my favorites, I love the anime aesthetic, though I rarely watch anime or read manga. I'm also a yuri fangirl and enjoy the shipping and fan art.
I originally came here for the funny cat memes and stayed for the time-honored and productive pastime of arguing with strangers on a meme site, so please excuse the frequent sarcasm and occasional grumpiness. It's all in good fun. Usually.
[Insert funny here]
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