What Is The 'Y'all When I Put On My Dad Fit' Meme? The Viral 'Pumpkin The Gentlemen' Face Memes Explained
Pumpkin the Gentlemen, a popular artist on TikTok and X, is being cancelled after some inappropriate online interactions with his young fans were brought to light. Now, people are taking two of his pieces of art and making memes out of them using the phrases "y'all when I put on my dad fit" and "You ok?" Here's why.
@anemonee Yall when I #yallwheniputonmydadfit #pumpkingentlemen #conteroversy #artlore #pumpkin #pumpkingentlemen #pumpkinggentlemen #animation #meme ♬ Yall when I put on my dad fit – L. Lyle
What Is The 'Y'all When I Put On My Dad Fit' Meme?
In July 2024, artist Pumpkin the Gentlemen, who has a significant fanbase on TikTok, was exposed for having some questionable interactions with young fans online. These include inappropriate comments on his X page and posting inappropriate art to his supposedly SFW art account. There was a lot of backlash and the artist responded by privatizing his pages.
Now, people are taking some of his arguably more cringeworthy pieces of art and comics and making memes out of them. In particular, they've taken two videos as the main sources of memes: one which features the caption "y'all when I put on my dad fit" that suggests fans simp over his "dad fit" and another where a character strikes a very specific annoyed expression under the caption, "You ok?"

How Is 'Y'all When I Put On My Dad Fit' Used In Memes?
The "y'all when I put on my dad fit" memes take both of these artworks and combine elements of them to tease Pumpkin the Gentlemen and his art. Most of the memes replace the face of another popular character or person with the face of the character featured in the "You ok?" art. Many of these memes use the phrase "y'all when I put on my dad fit" as a caption, title or otherwise in relation to the meme.
On TikTok, the memes have been taken a step further with an original sound in which someone repeats in an altered voice, "Y'all when I put on my dad fit." These memes show the process of replacing the face of a popular character with the "you ok" face.
@nik1_v1b33_..3 Don't forget hello kitty!! 🗣️ @{❔🍷} literally uraume!★ here #xyzbca #fyp #fy #hellokitty #yallwheniputonmydadfit #pumpkingentleman #lol #2024 #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #draw #follow #like #pls ♬ Yall when I put on my dad fit – L. Lyle
@dunnourmomm Yall when i put on my dad fit #artlore #art #pumpkingentlemen #artist #controversy #fyp #sans #sansundertale #undertale ♬ Yall when I put on my dad fit – L. Lyle

For the full history of y'all when I put on my dad fit, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.
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